Topic: Innistrad?

I'm sure this is coming but was curious when the innistrad cards will be released? Tappedout has the spoilers up and you can add them to decks.

Also, deckbox is simply amazing; I had been looking for a place to track my collection for quite some time and when I found deckbox, I was so excited. The UI is absolutely amazing and I recommend it to everyone.

Keep up the great work.

Re: Innistrad?

We get the information from gatherer, who usually is updated with new sets a few days before the prerelease.

As we are off on holiday the next couple of weeks, the new set data will most probably be imported on sunday the 25th of september.

Re: Innistrad?

Ohhh ok, thanks for the info. big_smile

Re: Innistrad?

looking forward to it!