Topic: Sugestão para Fantasy Flight

Postei no forum de WarHammer: Invasion da Fantasy Flight Games

"For now,  capitals of all facctions are equals for game effects.

Are Fantasy Flight Games planning to create capitals with special abilities, in a expansion edition or anything else?

Something like that:

"Capital of Empire: kingdom with just two power, but with the ability:  Action: After a Suppot card enters in play, you 1 resource." or

"Capital of Dwarf: You can put two developments each your turn."

" Capital of High Elf: kingdon with five power, Quest with three Power, but zone with 5 Life Points (no 8 points)".

"Neutral Capital"...

thanks for attention,


Agora ficamos na torcida da Fantasy Flight gostar da idéia de promover Capitais com habilidades especiais e deixar uma jogabilidade mais variada.