Topic: The Gaming industry - live online

We play games. One way or another, all of us do. Many of us also play computer games. Well, most of us. Some of us are geeks, entertainment fains, art fans, some just plain old basement rats.

We've gotten to love and hate entire series, companies, people because of them. All faceless, all somewhere away, in they're own cubicle, typing line of code, after line of code...

Today, ladies, gentlemen and basement rats, we get the chance to be a little bit more personal with at least a couple of them. Here are some links that I hope we'll give a little bit of an insight into an industry that is oh so young, and yet full of shit. … er-things/

Regarding the background stories, the post themselves are mostly self explanatory. Don't forget to check the comments (at least some), as they are more than revealing!

P.S.: I know most of this, some will say, is self understood, obvious (that it happens and always will), but the fact that it's accepted/confronted so directly makes it a bit more pertinent. Like many people said in their comments of the respective blogs, this is a lesson for everybody who wants to go into this domain, especially in a big company. Oh, and please don't post (too many) replies saying this is not true (etc.). This is meant as a discussion starter. I actually post it here because we sometimes see bits of idiocy in our beloved Magic the Gathering also, and I hope that you'll share the thoughts on that also.