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Name User Races Updated 
Count simodal 17-Dec-2024 10:44
Anethra simodal 17-Dec-2024 10:05
UNDEAD v1 Rodzyniasty 10-May-2024 14:41
Undead + Necromantik mazor 21-Apr-2024 10:01
Chaos Vampires mazor 20-Apr-2024 18:24
Count Vlad von Carstein mazor 20-Apr-2024 18:20
Undead Gor mazor 20-Apr-2024 18:04
Undead mazor 20-Apr-2024 18:00
Count Vlad von Carstein Nicholas Payne 20-Feb-2024 19:38
Undead Belial313 29-Oct-2023 18:29
*VC Vampire Counts 1 morvael 03-Oct-2023 12:51
Immolatio Jose Javier Fernández Ripa 25-Aug-2023 10:39
Undead + Necromantik Jose Javier Fernández Ripa 24-Aug-2023 12:39
Undead without restriction Alur aka. Salin 16-Jul-2023 05:31
Undead Gor 4ndrew 16-Feb-2022 17:06
Copy of Chaos Vampires youqueue 11-Jun-2020 12:31
Copy of Chaos Vampires oLiv 28-Apr-2020 17:35
Copy of Undead Gor oLiv 28-Apr-2020 15:14
Chaos Vampires tadek_kam 20-Oct-2019 11:08
Vampire Pumpkin_and_Honeybunny 15-Oct-2019 00:42
Chaos Vampires (2) tadek_kam 13-Oct-2019 21:05
Undead Gor tadek_kam 09-Oct-2019 10:04
Chaos Vampires mikolajl 15-May-2019 11:01
Undead Gor mikolajl 15-May-2019 10:38
Reanimator Pumpkin_and_Honeybunny 25-Sep-2018 19:05
Wampiry Bartosza Erimei 07-Sep-2018 20:27
Undead Discard 1 Silent_Storm 25-Jul-2018 12:41
Copy of Undead [Balanced Legacy Lists] lukciocz 21-Jun-2018 09:34
10. RISE! terrakhan 14-Apr-2018 19:46
(x)Chaos Vampires Nikita Fadeev 09-Apr-2018 17:25
(Не Собрана)Undead Gor Nikita Fadeev 22-Mar-2018 22:25
Undead [Balanced Legacy Lists] 2 perthling 21-Jul-2017 13:35
Copy of Chaos Vampires Antiochos_Epiphanes 29-Jun-2017 14:54
Copy of Undead Gor Antiochos_Epiphanes 29-Jun-2017 14:47
Chaos Vampires Gray_DP 21-Feb-2017 07:33
Chaos Vampires Gray_DP 21-Feb-2017 07:13
Undead Gor Gray_DP 05-Jan-2017 13:24
Copy of Undead Gor BasilStagHare 14-Dec-2016 17:18
Variante Undead Maikh 26 fabienM 23-Oct-2016 19:29
Copy of Chaos Vampires fabienM 23-Oct-2016 19:02
10. undead destroyer terrakhan 08-Oct-2016 14:48
Vlad's Abyssal Terror Julukki 06-Oct-2016 20:09
Only Undies Julukki 06-Oct-2016 19:33
neutral undead terrakhan 23-Sep-2016 21:55
Copy of Undead Combo Matthew Webb 23-Aug-2016 05:12
Chaos Vampires MaikH 18-Jul-2016 20:44
Undead Dead & Walking Major_Rawne 16-Jul-2015 19:25
Undead Long Blade Major_Rawne 16-Jul-2015 19:24
Undead Dead & Buried Major_Rawne 16-Jul-2015 19:24
You Again!? 6 Ryan Jones 08-May-2015 00:02
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