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releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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Name Mana Rarity $
# 1 Animate Dead
# 2 Bad Moon
# 3 Black Knight
# 4 Bog Wraith
# 5 Contract from Below
# 6 Cursed Land
# 7 Dark Ritual
# 8 Darkpact
# 9 Deathgrip
# 10 Deathlace
# 11 Demonic Attorney
# 12 Demonic Hordes
# 13 Demonic Tutor
# 14 Drain Life
# 15 Drudge Skeletons
# 16 Evil Presence
# 17 Fear
# 18 Frozen Shade
# 19 Gloom
# 20 Howl from Beyond
# 21 Hypnotic Specter
# 22 Lich
# 23 Lord of the Pit
# 24 Mind Twist
# 25 Nether Shadow
# 26 Nettling Imp
# 27 Nightmare
# 28 Paralyze
# 29 Pestilence
# 30 Plague Rats
# 31 Raise Dead
# 32 Royal Assassin
# 33 Sacrifice
# 34 Scathe Zombies
# 35 Scavenging Ghoul
# 36 Sengir Vampire
# 37 Simulacrum
# 38 Sinkhole
# 39 Terror
# 40 Unholy Strength
# 41 Wall of Bone
# 42 Warp Artifact
# 43 Weakness
# 44 Will-o'-the-Wisp
# 45 Word of Command
# 46 Zombie Master
# 47 Air Elemental
# 48 Ancestral Recall
# 49 Animate Artifact
# 50 Blue Elemental Blast
# 51 Braingeyser
# 52 Clone
# 53 Control Magic
# 54 Copy Artifact
# 55 Counterspell
# 56 Creature Bond
# 57 Drain Power
# 58 Feedback
# 59 Flight
# 60 Invisibility
# 61 Jump
# 62 Lifetap
# 63 Lord of Atlantis
# 64 Magical Hack
# 65 Mahamoti Djinn
# 66 Mana Short
# 67 Merfolk of the Pearl Trident
# 68 Phantasmal Forces
# 69 Phantasmal Terrain
# 70 Phantom Monster
# 71 Pirate Ship
# 72 Power Leak
# 73 Power Sink
# 74 Prodigal Sorcerer
# 75 Psionic Blast
# 76 Psychic Venom
# 77 Sea Serpent
# 78 Siren's Call
# 79 Sleight of Mind
# 80 Spell Blast
# 81 Stasis
# 82 Steal Artifact
# 83 Thoughtlace
# 84 Time Walk
# 85 Timetwister
# 86 Twiddle
# 87 Unsummon
# 88 Vesuvan Doppelganger
# 89 Volcanic Eruption
# 90 Wall of Air
# 91 Wall of Water
# 92 Water Elemental
# 93 Aspect of Wolf
# 94 Berserk
# 95 Birds of Paradise
# 96 Camouflage
# 97 Channel
# 98 Cockatrice
# 99 Craw Wurm
# 100 Elvish Archers
# 101 Fastbond
# 102 Fog
# 103 Force of Nature
# 104 Fungusaur
# 105 Gaea's Liege
# 106 Giant Growth
# 107 Giant Spider
# 108 Grizzly Bears
# 109 Hurricane
# 110 Ice Storm
# 111 Instill Energy
# 112 Ironroot Treefolk
# 113 Kudzu
# 114 Ley Druid
# 115 Lifeforce
# 116 Lifelace
# 117 Living Artifact
# 118 Living Lands
# 119 Llanowar Elves
# 120 Lure
# 121 Natural Selection
# 122 Regeneration
# 123 Regrowth
# 124 Scryb Sprites
# 125 Shanodin Dryads
# 126 Stream of Life
# 127 Thicket Basilisk
# 128 Timber Wolves
# 129 Tranquility
# 130 Tsunami
# 131 Verduran Enchantress
# 132 Wall of Brambles
# 133 Wall of Ice
# 134 Wall of Wood
# 135 Wanderlust
# 136 War Mammoth
# 137 Web
# 138 Wild Growth
# 139 Badlands
# 140 Burrowing
# 141 Chaoslace
# 142 Disintegrate
# 143 Dragon Whelp
# 144 Dwarven Demolition Team
# 145 Dwarven Warriors
# 146 Earth Elemental
# 147 Earthbind
# 148 Earthquake
# 149 False Orders
# 150 Fire Elemental
# 151 Fireball
# 152 Firebreathing
# 153 Flashfires
# 154 Fork
# 155 Goblin Balloon Brigade
# 156 Goblin King
# 157 Granite Gargoyle
# 158 Gray Ogre
# 159 Hill Giant
# 160 Hurloon Minotaur
# 161 Ironclaw Orcs
# 162 Keldon Warlord
# 163 Lightning Bolt
# 164 Mana Flare
# 165 Manabarbs
# 166 Mons's Goblin Raiders
# 167 Orcish Artillery
# 168 Orcish Oriflamme
# 169 Power Surge
# 170 Raging River
# 171 Red Elemental Blast
# 172 Roc of Kher Ridges
# 173 Rock Hydra
# 174 Sedge Troll
# 175 Shatter
# 176 Shivan Dragon
# 177 Smoke
# 178 Stone Giant
# 179 Stone Rain
# 180 Tunnel
# 181 Two-Headed Giant of Foriys
# 182 Uthden Troll
# 183 Wall of Fire
# 184 Wall of Stone
# 185 Wheel of Fortune
# 186 Animate Wall
# 187 Armageddon
# 188 Balance
# 189 Benalish Hero
# 190 Black Ward
# 191 Blaze of Glory
# 192 Blessing
# 193 Blue Ward
# 194 Castle
# 195 Circle of Protection: Black
# 196 Circle of Protection: Blue
# 197 Circle of Protection: Green
# 198 Circle of Protection: Red
# 199 Circle of Protection: White
# 200 Consecrate Land
# 201 Conversion
# 202 Crusade
# 203 Death Ward
# 204 Disenchant
# 205 Farmstead
# 206 Green Ward
# 207 Guardian Angel
# 208 Healing Salve
# 209 Holy Armor
# 210 Holy Strength
# 211 Island Sanctuary
# 212 Karma
# 213 Lance
# 214 Mesa Pegasus
# 215 Northern Paladin
# 216 Pearled Unicorn
# 217 Personal Incarnation
# 218 Purelace
# 219 Red Ward
# 220 Resurrection
# 221 Reverse Damage
# 222 Righteousness
# 223 Samite Healer
# 224 Savannah Lions
# 225 Serra Angel
# 226 Swords to Plowshares
# 227 Veteran Bodyguard
# 228 Wall of Swords
# 229 White Knight
# 230 White Ward
# 231 Wrath of God
# 232 Ankh of Mishra
# 233 Basalt Monolith
# 234 Black Lotus
# 235 Black Vise
# 236 Celestial Prism
# 237 Chaos Orb
# 238 Clockwork Beast
# 239 Conservator
# 240 Copper Tablet
# 241 Crystal Rod
# 242 Cyclopean Tomb
# 243 Dingus Egg
# 244 Disrupting Scepter
# 245 Forcefield
# 246 Gauntlet of Might
# 247 Glasses of Urza
# 248 Helm of Chatzuk
# 249 Howling Mine
# 250 Icy Manipulator
# 251 Illusionary Mask
# 252 Iron Star
# 253 Ivory Cup
# 254 Jade Monolith
# 255 Jade Statue
# 256 Jayemdae Tome
# 257 Juggernaut
# 258 Kormus Bell
# 259 Library of Leng
# 260 Living Wall
# 261 Mana Vault
# 262 Meekstone
# 263 Mox Emerald
# 264 Mox Jet
# 265 Mox Pearl
# 266 Mox Ruby
# 267 Mox Sapphire
# 268 Nevinyrral's Disk
# 269 Obsianus Golem
# 270 Rod of Ruin
# 271 Sol Ring
# 272 Soul Net
# 273 Sunglasses of Urza
# 274 The Hive
# 275 Throne of Bone
# 276 Time Vault
# 277 Winter Orb
# 278 Wooden Sphere
# 279 Bayou
# 280 Forest
# 281 Forest
# 282 Forest
# 283 Island
# 284 Island
# 285 Island
# 286 Mountain
# 287 Mountain
# 288 Mountain
# 289 Plains
# 290 Plains
# 291 Plains
# 292 Plateau
# 293 Savannah
# 294 Scrubland
# 295 Swamp
# 296 Swamp
# 297 Swamp
# 298 Taiga
# 299 Tropical Island
# 300 Tundra
# 301 Underground Sea
# 302 Volcanic Island