12,241 A few new cards in my tradelist.

by srrogers1985

12,242 Jace, the Mind Sculptor needed.

by oldschool08096

12,245 looking for invoke prejudice

by jakehash

12,246 Need a few cards.

by srrogers1985

12,247 Have a thundermaw for trade

by jakehash

12,249 W: Unhinged Lands

by shogan21

12,250 I need 2 Bonfires!

by Nildayan

12,251 H: Wasteland/L3D W: FoW

by HellHammer

12,253 MTGO Tickets for Sale

by smilligan2

12,256 Looking for 2 restoration angel

by imsully2

12,257 need cavern of souls!!!!!!

by cmcmaster0714

12,258 Jezzail Team/Protective Sprites

by RedDwarf

12,259 [...]

by mattwestfall

12,260 Want Restoration Angels

by GoldSoundz

12,261 Ajanis and Bonfires

by Coyote1023

12,262 H: Taiga, W: JTMS

by Nighthawk

12,263 H: Foil Griselbrand W: 2 Noble Hierarch

by Velocizachtor

12,267 For Trade: FOIL Ajani

by parkerb

12,268 Looking for a Academy Ruins

by Asuran

12,269 H: Taiga, W: JTMS

by Nighthawk

12,270 Streamlining new trades

by HikingStick