(535 replies, posted in Taverna)

Eu tocmai mi-am dat seama ca Esper e the dubstep deck. WUB anyone?


(10 replies, posted in Administrativ)

singerete wrote:

Eu propun un borcan la intrare in shop in care fiecare poate dona pentru Cupa GF si Poty aia 1 leu de care zici (sau poate chiar mai mult).


Si pentru punctaj cred ca e ok sistemul de anul trecut


(1 replies, posted in Taverna)

Merge cineva la Mures saptamana asta sau viitoare sau vine cineva de la Mures catre Cluj?


(1,473 replies, posted in GameFlux)

deci jucam acelasi lucru?


(1,473 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Zgarbas wrote:


Si eu vreau bonfire, what extra stuff do ya' need tongue


(1,473 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Zgarbas wrote:

Caut si eu 3 Boros Elites pt sambata (sau vineri, daca se mai tine).

Am boros elites de dat, vreeei?

Netea fac un awesomely gay naya


(1,473 replies, posted in GameFlux)


3 Stomping Ground
1 Sacred Foundry
1 Boros Charm
1 Aurelia's Fury
2 Bonfire of the Damned
1 Sunpetal Grove
2 Loxodon Smiter

Trade sau imprumut

Zgarbas wrote:

Decat sa recitesc atatea tampenii mai bine fac seppuku.

Have you shamed yourself so much? Did you lose honor by siding with the devil?

Zgarbas wrote:

Lol, de parca se apuca cineva de magic si nu stie ca-i scump.

Care 13 lei benczi?

Io serios, as vrea sa vad unde a zis cineva de la RG ca ramane 30 de lei taxa permanenta. Ca pana atunci pareti doar niste self-entitled brats care proiecteaza chestii de dragul de a fi victimele capitalismului.

Ce zice un noob cand afla ca trebuie sa aiba deck de 500lei+ ca sa si castige un meci smile?

500+ euro please wink

cat despre restul, never mind, ai inteles totul aiurea, step back, chill, take a deep breath, si reciteste la rece totul dinnou

benczi wrote:
Zgarbas wrote:

Auzi, io mai am o singura intrebare.
Cine detine "monopolul", care "scade preturile"? Un booster e 17 lei si la Bucuresti, si la Mures, nu?
Sau boicotam intreaga tara acuma ca are monopol (lol)

Io serios ca daca as fi ala de la RG si as citi forumul asta as refuza sa mai am vreo treaba cu comunitatea. Serios. Mai bine pierd bani decat sa am asa clienti. Ca oricum suntem gata sa fugim in ailalta directie pentru 10 lei.

13 lei / eveniment!!!! Cand o persoana iubeste mtg si planuieste sa se duca la evenimentele organizate, sa zicem in medie de 10 ori pe luna, acei 13 lei se aduna, si se aduna repede. sunt uni dintre noi, care vor sa joace magic mai mult de o data / luna, mai mult de 3-4 ori pe an.

SI ceea ce despre inca nu a discutat nimeni (ca suntem niste egoisti ai draculu), e ce vede un noob, care vine prima data la magic: tre sa cumpar 1 produs sa pot joca + trebe sa dau 30 de lei taxa casa pot juca (un noob nu se uita la prizepool, ca oricum nu are sanse), alti dau numai 10 lei sa joace board games, de ce sa platesc de 3 ori mai mult, pentru ce?


pai e aceeasi discutie ca inainte de red goblin, aia care a fost sidetracked ca dracu', si adi de aia se distreaza


(242 replies, posted in Noutăți)

Buy all the boxes si aduci toata familia sa faca asta atunci tongue


(242 replies, posted in Noutăți)

But what does it do!

But I am being repressed tongue

Si zic si eu ca s-ar putea sa fie mai bine (and that's a bit of wonderland dreaming), problema e, Ioana, ca s-a discutat deja de cateva ori, si de fiecare data s-a propus frumos, s-a zis ca da pare ok asa, ca deh, ne-am gandit si noi sa nu cerem eventuri gratis cu 1 display premiu la winner. Si aici a aparut problema, una s-a discutat cu noi si alta s-a facut. Exemplu cu display-ul in chineza de care stiu ca Sergiu a vorbit sa fie pentru un pod de 8 oameni si restul sa fie pusi la premii, momentul doi podul a devenit de 12 oameni. Deci stilul bucurestean se aplica din plin, si mie ca ardelean care is mai molcom mi se pare aiurea, mai ales ca am suportat chestia aia un an cat am lucrat in bucale.

Daca ar veni si ar zice, rulz iz rulz si astea sunt regulile si asa facem nimeni n-ar mai zice car, ar veni cand ar veni si s-ar lasa dupa o vreme sau n-ar mai veni asa des.

singerete wrote:

Eu unul prefer sa merg intr-un shop unde e mai scump cu premii mai putine dar sa am conditii bune, sa nu fiu dat afara, schimbat de la o masa la alta, sa nu am lumina sau sa-mi anulez evenimentele pentru ca altii cu chef de baute au venit in bar.

Dar daca o sa fii singurul care ramane sa joace magic la red goblin, poate impreuna cu niste casuals care nu stiu ca este comunitate, ai mai merge?

singerete wrote:

Pre-release-ul si la noi e tot pe acolo, 25 euro iar premiile tot 2 boostere/persoana, aici n-avem ce comenta.

la pre nimeni n-a comentat, ca asa a fost si inainte, ok i get it, i don't care about that, dar cu ce incentive vine pentru restul eventurilor. de acum mergem la prerelease acolo si atata daca asa se pune problema

Silviu wrote:
TehAuthor wrote:
Silviu wrote:

Well no shit...ofc we're taken for retards. It's funny, now that prices are up people are somewhat more interested...my mind is so full of f--- right now...
oh..and all of a sudden playing in a bar has a huge appeal...The shop owner knows our previous problems and is taking us for granted because of it...this is bulls---

Language young man! Let's go drink something sit on it, chill, talk to the man again and if that fails take our shit some place else. I bet there's plenty of bars/basements/parks/grottos/caverns or other crap we could go.

Let things settle for a while, he's going to realise that he's gonna' lose a part of the market if this goes on and magic will become something that won't be played at red goblin anymore.

The problem is that he came with the mentality that it's like Bucharest where only casuals play at RG, but the thing that has to be taken into consideration is that we're not casuals and make the necessary calculations for it to work both ways. We'll be there every friday/saturday/sunday(until the league is finished) and that's some dough we need to cough up and him cash, it has to be decent or some won't be able to come as much or not at all.

I got carried away back there, but I feel we should take a more active approach to this problem. It's been twice now that he's acted differently from what was agreed upon( both times acting towards his own benefit, disregarding us as a community); this gives me no reason to actually trust him, so from this point of view I don't see how this "partnership" is not doomed to failure unless we stick our foot in the door to figure things out. Hopefully before he actually sucks some money off of us. I just don't see how this is a period of adjustment for him, it certainly doesn't feel like it.

Ask your lawyer friend, benefit of the doubt, benefit of the doubt. We'll just have to talk to the man. tongue

Silviu wrote:
TudorGrigoroaia wrote:

Daca stau bine sa ma gandesc, putem plati 10 lei fiecare sa jucam in local, luam fiecare cate un booster cu 17 lei pt prize pool si iesim la 27 lei in loc de 30. Deci iar platim mai mult decat ar trebui la 30 lei/1 booster de pers. Nu au niciun sens tarifele astea.
Daca e sa fie vreo reducere de orice fel, cred ca 25 lei/1 booster de participant sau 15 lei/0.5 e mult mai ok. Asa, parca ceva nu-i ok.

p.s.: Ioana, banii care ii dam in plus la standard nu se duc la GF cup. Doar cei de la Liga.

Deci dupa cum ziceam, cu 27 lei iese aceeasi chestie si include si taxa de local de care ziceau cei de la red goblin (10 lei/pers). Am impresia ca la unele calcule suntem luati de fraieri sad

E weird ca pana si amicul nostru polonez spune ca's tarife mari. Sigur si la el exista un shop si tariful e mai convenabil.

Well no shit...ofc we're taken for retards. It's funny, now that prices are up people are somewhat more interested...my mind is so full of f--- right now...
oh..and all of a sudden playing in a bar has a huge appeal...The shop owner knows our previous problems and is taking us for granted because of it...this is bulls---

Language young man! Let's go drink something sit on it, chill, talk to the man again and if that fails take our shit some place else. I bet there's plenty of bars/basements/parks/grottos/caverns or other crap we could go.

Let things settle for a while, he's going to realise that he's gonna' lose a part of the market if this goes on and magic will become something that won't be played at red goblin anymore.

The problem is that he came with the mentality that it's like Bucharest where only casuals play at RG, but the thing that has to be taken into consideration is that we're not casuals and make the necessary calculations for it to work both ways. We'll be there every friday/saturday/sunday(until the league is finished) and that's some dough we need to cough up and him cash, it has to be decent or some won't be able to come as much or not at all.

singerete wrote:

Hai acuma Liviule, ca asta nu e ceva ce se va intampla tot timpul (sper). Adica acum la inceput totul e mai intunecat, dar aceste lucruri se vor remedia cand se va intra intr-o normalitate. De exemplu eu tocmai vroiam sa postez si aici eventul mentionat de tine.

I know, i know, doar daca nu ridici problemele nu se rezolva smile asa ca mai bine zici ce ai pe suflet si muncesti sa se rezolve.

Si stiu si ca Tudor incearca sa rezolve un plugin la site-ul lor care sa si posteze automat eventul pe deckbox in momentul in care il creeaza intern. So it's ok in principiu, doar ca pana atunci... smile

Aia nu e chiar asa mare problema, mi se pare mai ciudat ca nu e anuntata comunitatea, oamenii care ar trebui sa vina sa dea bani si sa joace.

De exemplu stiati ca duminica incepe liga?

http://redgoblin.ro/shop/#!Event=MTG_La … 1013474250

TudorGrigoroaia wrote:

da sa stii ca mai bine decat aa platim 20 lei pt 0.5 boostere/pers e sa platim 10 lei sa sta. in local si sa cumparam boostere la 17 lei bucata. Easy math. Daca schimba in 20 lei - 0.75 sau 30 lei - 1 booster, renteaza mai mult.

True story, si noah i-a iesit matematica desi e avocat.

well friday at that hour the non kids are at work, so it's out of the question for us smile


(81 replies, posted in Taverna)

Bogdish wrote:
TehAuthor wrote:

Is Alpha Authority + Madcap Skills a division by 0 effect?

ASta incercam sa intreb si eu.DAr tu alegi care efect ia loc din cate se pare.

Omg. Elocinta ta e uimitoare


(81 replies, posted in Taverna)

Is Alpha Authority + Madcap Skills a division by 0 effect?

Greseala in termeni, imi cer scuze smile