mai vreau asta
1 Nameless Inversion
1 Leyline of the Void
1 Monomania
1 Jace's Archivist
1 Bazaar Trader
1 Cryptoplasm
1 Laboratory Maniac
251 2015-03-12 18:13:47
Re: [Vand] Tot ce am in inventar, big sale time (13 replies, posted in GameFlux)
252 2015-03-12 13:46:42
Re: Cluj & Modern (30 replies, posted in Administrativ)
incepand de cand?
ar fi ok sa asteptam macar sa apara modern masters 2015.
o gramada de staple-uri sunt acum pe aproape all-time-high:
(probabil sezonul de modern?)
sau facem pauper/budget modern?
anyway, i'm in, dar dureaza pana oamenii fac rost de carti pentru deckuri
254 2015-03-12 10:40:16
Re: Carti imprumut :) (1,473 replies, posted in GameFlux)
thx Sebi, dar ca sa nu complic o sa iau atunci de la Razvan
...only one more card for the dooomsday machine!
255 2015-03-12 09:19:01
Re: [Vand] Tot ce am in inventar, big sale time (13 replies, posted in GameFlux)
1 Drowned Catacomb
1 Seachrome Coast
1 Azami, Lady of Scrolls
1 Cancel PROMO
1 Day of Judgment PROMO
1 Infest PROMO
1 Plagiarize
1 Remove Soul PROMO
1 Rise from the Grave PROMO
1 Sphinx of Jwar Isle FOIL
1 Tidings PROMO
257 2015-03-12 06:40:50
Re: Carti imprumut :) (1,473 replies, posted in GameFlux)
caut (e cam urgent) - ieri seara am dat seama ca sambata pot sa ma duc la un event standard mai mare:
1x Ugin, the Spirit Dragon
1x Crux of Fate
1x Perilous Vault
trebuie azi seara ca dimineata ma duc
258 2015-03-11 15:18:52
Re: [DTK]: Dragons of Tarkir spoilers (34 replies, posted in Noutăți)
juzer wrote:THAT FLAVOR!!!
the first colorless non-eldrazi non-artifact colorless creature (Walking Atlas is a misprint)Gay, lasa ca sunt mai coool the mana stones care fac ceva later in the game!
oricum, in draft mana-stones sunt mai bun, cu exceptia de hate-cycle si artifact hate.
<- asta arata interesant, nu stiu cat de playable e in constructed
259 2015-03-11 15:09:45
Re: [DTK]: Dragons of Tarkir spoilers (34 replies, posted in Noutăți)
the first colorless non-eldrazi non-artifact colorless creature (Walking Atlas is a misprint)
260 2015-03-10 22:07:09
Re: nu stiu voi, dar (535 replies, posted in Taverna)
tocmai m-a gasit maicamia pe youtube, boys(i don't wanna fucking know how).
puteti sa va bateti joc de mine.
where's ashiok when you need it?
btw, cea mai buna parte:
261 2015-03-09 18:26:19
Re: [DTK]: Dragons of Tarkir spoilers (34 replies, posted in Noutăți)
Hedonist's Trove
When Hedonist's Trove enteres the battlefield, exile all cards in target opponent's graveyard.
You may play land cards exiled by Hedonist's Trove.
One per turn, you may cast a nonland card exiled by Hedonist's Trove.
F/U, i'm playing with your deck
practic pentru 7BB trage 10+ carti
nu nu stiu cat de playable va fi in standard dar in commander poate fi interesant
262 2015-03-09 16:14:08
Re: [DTK]: Dragons of Tarkir spoilers (34 replies, posted in Noutăți)
as close as we can get to Counterspell in modern/standard EVER?
263 2015-03-06 21:14:21
Re: [DTK]: Dragons of Tarkir spoilers (34 replies, posted in Noutăți)
shit hits the fan
264 2015-03-06 16:07:02
Re: [DTK]: Dragons of Tarkir spoilers (34 replies, posted in Noutăți)
flavor si mechanic-wise e blue-black all over the place ~ Narset Transcendent's worst nightmare
dar pentru mine mi se pare ca costul e FIX acolo sa NU fie on par cu Ojutai's Command
si RG Command e 2CMC...
266 2015-03-05 18:46:46
Re: Dragons of Tarkir - Pre-Releases - Clan Subscriptions (27 replies, posted in MTG Targu Mures)
3 - Ojutai
4 - Silumgar
267 2015-03-05 09:33:09
Re: Dragons of Tarkir - Pre-Releases - Clan Subscriptions (27 replies, posted in MTG Targu Mures)
3 - Jeskai
4 - Sultai
268 2015-03-04 18:05:48
Re: [DTK]: Dragons of Tarkir spoilers (34 replies, posted in Noutăți)
juzer wrote:sick combo:
- attack cu Narset, Enlightened Master
- exile Narset Transcendent + Treasure Cruise + Boradwipe/counterspell/etc.
- cast PW Narset for free + protect cu counter sau boardwipe
- -2 + cast->rebound cruise
- ???
- PROFIT!!!daca Treasure Cruise e exilat cu KtK Narset si castat for free, atunci nu poate fi rebounded cu PW Narset fiindca nu a fost jucat from your hand.
oops, am uitat asta
dar sunt curios daca o sa fie asa ceva:
1U sau UU
Draw a card.
269 2015-03-04 16:38:52
Re: [DTK]: Dragons of Tarkir spoilers (34 replies, posted in Noutăți)
sick combo:
- attack cu Narset, Enlightened Master
- exile Narset Transcendent + Treasure Cruise + Boradwipe/counterspell/etc.
- cast PW Narset for free + protect cu counter sau boardwipe
- -2 + cast->rebound cruise
- ???
272 2015-03-03 16:36:13
Re: [DTK]: Dragons of Tarkir spoilers (34 replies, posted in Noutăți)
fara counter-draw UB command nu o sa fie atat de bun ca si UW (vorbesc din punct de vedere control).
aparent daca ai mana (sa zicem 6+ sa fie relevant), poti sa castezi UW command, sa iei inapoi snapcaster si recastezi ce vrei (inclusiv command-ul care ai castat acuma)
273 2015-03-03 16:24:14
Re: [DTK]: Dragons of Tarkir spoilers (34 replies, posted in Noutăți)
mergand pe idea de Countersquall, ar fi tare asa ceva:
- Counter target noncreature spell, it's controller loses [] life (asta cred ca trebuie impreuna sa fie destul de puternic)
- Target player sacrifices a creature?
- Draw a card - altfel nu prea are sens...
- mandatory mill
274 2015-03-03 16:05:34
Re: [DTK]: Dragons of Tarkir spoilers (34 replies, posted in Noutăți)
come on wizards, don't screw up this cycle!
275 2015-02-09 20:14:27
Re: Monastery Mentor & Collateral Damage (4 replies, posted in GameFlux)
"11/24/2014 You must sacrifice exactly one creature to cast this spell; you can’t cast it without sacrificing a creature, and you can’t sacrifice additional creatures."
deci fara sa sacrifi o creatura nici nu poti sa castezi spellul -> no trigger