Sent trade.... Please reply/adjust if you have any other ideas.
276 2012-07-11 23:44:46
Re: I have a Foil Liliana of the Dark Realms (2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
277 2012-07-05 16:06:00
Re: Looking for: Sorin, Señor de Innistrad (2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
lol @ snñor de innistrad. very cool. i feel like i want one now.
278 2012-06-29 15:28:11
Re: Have 4 Bonfires for trade, looking for things for my cube! (8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Offer sent.
279 2012-06-28 02:03:01
Re: SCARS BLOCK FIRE SALE!!! Swords, Dual Lands, and more for trade/sale (3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
I'll buy the 4xSurgical Extraction and the Phyrexian Metamorph. Sent you a PM on Reddit. Let me know how you want the money.