which event deck had stoneforge mystics?

I unfortunately don't have elesh norn, but I'm interested in that playmat. Any chance you see stuff on my list for it? or is it only for tron pieces?

As the title says, I'm looking for a few cards right now:

Glen Elendra Archmage
Skyshroud Claim
Nature's Lore
Pact of Negation
Leyline of Anticipation

Any and all help is appreciated


(17 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Okay, thanks! I might be interested


(17 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Not too interested in the bulk lot, but I'm curious about prices for the MMA box and/or an Innistrad box

As the title says, I'm looking for a few cards right now:

Glen Elendra Archmage
Skyshroud Claim
Nature's Lore
Pact of Negation
Leyline of Anticipation

Any and all help is appreciated


Interesting that you're not running Craterhoof (just took a look out of curiosity)



Have a couple big ticket items like SoFaI and Geist, as well as numerous other odds and ends. Let me know if you see anything, as I'm completely flexible on pricing. Might be willing to sell out of inventory too, but that would require better offers. Also looking for deathblade pieces if you have some and want to sell/trade.

Have a couple things on your list that I'd be willing to sell. Open a trade and let me know what you're interested in.

Opened a trade.


(11 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Opened a trade!


(11 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Have sphinx's rev, interested in stoneforge. Let me know if you see something else to get there.

I recently picked up two Japanese Jace vs. Chandra Counterspells for Legacy, but I'd prefer to play with english copies. If someone wants to trade me 2 for 2, let me know!

Lists updated, slowly getting there smile


Bump. Lists updated


(14 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

hovercraft wrote:

Interested in the Jitte , I have a regular one I could trade towards it. Let me know if you wanna work something out

I'm quite interested in your jitte if you're looking to trade it and see enough on my list


(14 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I'll take a stoneforge, cash or trade, if you see stuff smile

Bop to the top


Have SoFaI, interested in stoneforge or deathrites
