Would definitely be interesting to see these statistics. Dunno how easy or likely it would be to implement
277 2015-08-07 12:58:29
Re: Auto-set Vacation (Inactive) Mode when last login over X days (3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
This would also make it really easy for Sebi (or anyone else if Sebi were to make it public) to know the exact number of actively trading and selling users on the site (since people can be "Inactive," but still build decks and such).
Also, 1 month would probably be the criteria I would pick.
278 2015-08-07 12:54:24
Re: Auto-set Vacation (Inactive) Mode when last login over X days (3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
Yes, but I think this setup would be better. In all the trades I've done I have not once touched the last login filter. Accounts in Vacation mode are already excluded from Trade Opportunities so if this auto-set Vacation mode trigger were to be added then the last login filter could be removed.
279 2015-08-07 03:14:14
Topic: Auto-set Vacation (Inactive) Mode when last login over X days (3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
Seems pretty reasonable to me. Automatically set accounts into Vacation (Inactive) Mode when last login hits a certain number of days ago. Something like 1 or 2 months would make sense.
280 2015-08-07 03:10:24
Topic: Rename Vacation mode to Inactive (0 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
See title. It makes more sense.
282 2015-08-03 20:56:05
Re: Select specifically non-foil for wants? (8 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
+1. This feature would only be relevant to the wishlist and trade opportunities. Inventory, tradelist, decks etc would not be affected.
285 2015-07-28 13:03:07
Re: Missing printings, card numbers, editions for specific cards (853 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
MPS promos, for Sebi.
286 2015-07-27 12:26:51
Re: closed (8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Just Flooded Strands left now.
289 2015-07-21 17:57:49
Re: database: Magic Origins imported, ready for deckbuilding and preorders (19 replies, posted in Announcements)
For Sebi: Magic Origins Clash Pack promos
291 2015-07-20 13:13:44
Re: What to do when someone LOOKS like a scammer? (2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
292 2015-07-19 19:59:20
Topic: What to do when someone LOOKS like a scammer? (2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
Someone proposed a trade a little bit ago. I didn't recognize the name so I took a look at their profile and trade list. I was very concerned. They haven't traded in over 6 months, their last trade was a negative with the text of "never received my cards," and now they've come back and proposed ~20 trades. I cancelled my trade immediately, but I'm worried that any of the 20 something other traders are getting scammed. What do?
293 2015-07-19 12:48:36
Re: Emblem Cards (1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
https://deckbox.org/mtg/Emblem:%20Jace?printing=28483 Emblems aren't played like regular cards. While they technically can be added to decks here on deckbox that's not how they are used in real life. They function the same was as tokens. They don't take up slots in your deck or sideboard or anything, just bring them with you when you're playing a deck that can produce them.
294 2015-07-17 12:46:42
Re: Price issues (389 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
Modern Event Deck Inquisition of Kozilek is back at ~$4, should be ~$14.
295 2015-07-16 12:54:27
Re: Dispute handling and new user limitations (10 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
Not sure if to limit the number of trades, or the value, or both. Suggestions appreciated!
I would vote for both. My suggestion would be 5 trades with a $30 limit, though those can certainly be tweaked if other people think otherwise.
296 2015-07-10 15:49:32
Re: SDCC Promo Planeswalker cards (3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
2013 are #s 72-76
2014 are #s 87-92
297 2015-07-10 15:40:45
Re: SDCC Promo Planeswalker cards (3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
If you're talking about the ones from this year, I'm sure they will be soon. If you're talking about previous years, they already are..in the Media Promos set.
298 2015-06-26 13:03:08
Re: Price issues (389 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
To be clear, it's the modern event deck printing that is off. The RoE price is accurate.
299 2015-06-25 14:28:46
Re: Banned Card List? (2 replies, posted in General Discussion)
300 2015-06-24 17:00:07
Topic: Slow emails? (1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
I have been receiving email notifications at least an hour late. Anyone else experiencing this?