Silviu wrote:Ba da nu opriti filmul lui Adi
276 2013-02-06 11:01:59
Re: [Standard] Deturnare de topic transformat in telenovela (182 replies, posted in Taverna)
277 2013-02-06 10:49:28
Re: [Standard] Deturnare de topic transformat in telenovela (182 replies, posted in Taverna)
Ba da nu opriti filmul lui Adi
278 2013-02-06 09:11:53
Re: [Standard] Deturnare de topic transformat in telenovela (182 replies, posted in Taverna)
Lol, de parca se apuca cineva de magic si nu stie ca-i scump.
Care 13 lei benczi?
Io serios, as vrea sa vad unde a zis cineva de la RG ca ramane 30 de lei taxa permanenta. Ca pana atunci pareti doar niste self-entitled brats care proiecteaza chestii de dragul de a fi victimele capitalismului.
Ce zice un noob cand afla ca trebuie sa aiba deck de 500lei+ ca sa si castige un meci
Tu chiar crezi ca o sa schimbe de la 30 de lei vreodata daca ramane in viitorul apropiat asa? Eventual o sa mai scumpeasca. In orice caz o sa fie acei 10 lei + acei cativa lei ca sa rotunjim because why not?
279 2013-02-06 08:12:49
Re: [Standard] Deturnare de topic transformat in telenovela (182 replies, posted in Taverna)
Silviu wrote:cred ca suntem toti dispusi sa negociem, dar ar fi ideal sa nu mergi singur. cu cat mai multi cu atat mai bine.
Maxim 2 persoane recomand. Prea multi nu e bine :-)
fair enough..s'ar simti incoltit...
280 2013-02-06 08:08:50
Re: [Standard] Deturnare de topic transformat in telenovela (182 replies, posted in Taverna)
no, nu pot sa dorm ca numa la discutia asta ma gandesc
vreau sa vorbesc eu cu rg din partea comunitatii (sau impreuna cu Tudor), cred ce e destul de clar ce vrem: nu vrem sa platim taxa de sala.
intrebarea mea: daca rg o sa fie de acord, sa scoata taxa de sala din evenimente, daca ne facem abonamente, toata lumea e ok cu asta?
eu de exemplu vreu sa particip si la liga si la standard, care ar veni 2 evenimente/saptamana, care ar veni 104 ron cum e acum, si ar fi mai bun 50 ron pt. abonament. acum daca ziceti ca nu vreti sa participati de atatea ori, si nu vreti optiunea de abonament, e ok si asa, scopul meu e sa scapam total de taxa de sala, dar vreau sa stiu cam cat/ce ati fi dispusi sa dam in negociere?
cred ca suntem toti dispusi sa negociem, dar ar fi ideal sa nu mergi singur. cu cat mai multi cu atat mai bine.
281 2013-02-05 21:20:14
Re: [Standard] Deturnare de topic transformat in telenovela (182 replies, posted in Taverna)
Silviu wrote:well Adi, do u at least have something to add?
mmm... toti aveti dreptate si niciunu nu stiti sa priviti din unghiul celorlalti ca sa vedeti de ce nu va intelegeti?
in plus, e ca un monolog chestia asta pe forum
nu e dialog gameflux - red goblin.
o fi monolog...dar nu asta e ideea...ideea e sa fim toti pe aceeasi lungime de unda si sa fie comunitatea unita. asa o sa putem merge toti la Tudor stiind ce sa'i spunem/comentam...btw se pare ca a fost "preluata" ideea de PotY si aplicata in Bucuresti
282 2013-02-05 21:04:26
Re: [Standard] Deturnare de topic transformat in telenovela (182 replies, posted in Taverna)
I love it how this is going nowhere, and yet people press reply
well Adi, do u at least have something to add?
283 2013-02-05 20:53:27
Re: [Standard] Deturnare de topic transformat in telenovela (182 replies, posted in Taverna)
vikirosen wrote:Sa zicem ca ei organizeaza acest eveniment sambata cu 30 de lei si vin 5 oameni. Nu le-ar fi fost mai bine sa organizeze cu 25 si sa fi venit 15 oameni?
Lol, 15 oameni. De unde? Erau macar 10 inscrisi?
Daca nu poti diferentia intre corect si fraier, imi pare rau.
si tu esti ok Ioana ca sa dai 30 de lei pe un booster prize pool, cand poti da 27 de lei pt aceeasi chestie?(chiar si asa mi se pare bullshit)
284 2013-02-05 16:19:14
Re: [Standard] Deturnare de topic transformat in telenovela (182 replies, posted in Taverna)
Thanks for the info Vlad.
Regarding the entry fees, that's basically our current problem.
Firstly, the shop owner is not an MTG player, therefore our community kind of comes in second or even third. RG is mainly for boardgames. Personally I can understand the 10lei entry for the shop if you go to play some boardgames, however since we are buying his MTG products I don't see its necessity(which seems to be taken anyway into account regardless of the event, whether it is an FNM or MSE).
Secondly, since it's not our shop, the owner decides the prices of everything which mean also means that it's your decision if you want to go play under those conditions. I honestly don't like the current prices, but if that means that we have a place to play and support a community, I'm willing to make certain sacrifices. However, considering the owner's disregard for our suggestions I cannot foresee this as being beneficial for the community( I doubt it will attract new players or help our current ones).
As Tudor said earlier, the GTC League seems nice and I will be participating in it, but right now I don't have any real incentive to invest in a Standard deck or go to any drafts, unless I really want to play. In the end, WE ARE BUYING his products. I guess the owner doesn't see us as a potential investment compared to boardgames so he's trying to get as much money from us as possible, yet the interest from his part has been less than favourable which will consequently affect the community.
285 2013-02-05 14:22:09
Re: [Standard] Deturnare de topic transformat in telenovela (182 replies, posted in Taverna)
Il apreciez enorm pe Lehel pt ceea ce face si chiar as fi interesat sa aud si parerea lui legats de situatia noastra. Este oare ok sa avem shop si sa fie conditiile asa cum sunt acum?
286 2013-02-05 11:53:54
Re: [Standard] Deturnare de topic transformat in telenovela (182 replies, posted in Taverna)
benczi wrote:adriann wrote:Tocmai la asta ma gandeam in ultimele stiu o locatie care ar putea fi interesata sa ne "gazduiasca". Pana la urma, sa fim sincer: cu ce ne ajuta faptul ca evenimentele sunt sanctioned Wizzards? Merge atat de multa lume din comunitatea noastra la campionate mondiale si alte concursuri unde sa fie nevoie de plainswalkers points? Nu cred. Pe mine unul chiar nu ma intereseaza sa joc neaparat evenimente oficiale. In situatia asta, putem oricand sa ne intalnim sa organizam noi orice tip de event fara prea mari probleme la preturi mult mai bune decat cele de acum.
Eu am 1 bye la 1 GP pana in 17 martie
Care ar fi aceasta locatie? S "ar putea fi interesata" nu e foarte reassuring.
nu am discutat cu trebui gandeam la un bistro chiar dragut pe calea turzii unde si acuma se joaca boardgame-uri.
felicitari pentru bye-ul respectiv, dar raportat la cata lume participa la evenimente cata lume se duce la GP-uri? eu la asta ma refeream. daca 90% sau mai multi nu sunt deloc interesati sa mearga la GP-uri eu nu vad nici o diferenta intre un eveniment sanctioned si unul normal. Competitivitate exista si la evenimente normale, aceasta este data de persoanele care participa.
calea turzii zici? might be worth taking a look? ai cumva numele sau adresa localului? ca poate dupa lucru ma duc pe aoclo
287 2013-02-05 09:56:36
Re: [Standard] Deturnare de topic transformat in telenovela (182 replies, posted in Taverna)
Silviu wrote:TudorGrigoroaia wrote:Daca stau bine sa ma gandesc, putem plati 10 lei fiecare sa jucam in local, luam fiecare cate un booster cu 17 lei pt prize pool si iesim la 27 lei in loc de 30. Deci iar platim mai mult decat ar trebui la 30 lei/1 booster de pers. Nu au niciun sens tarifele astea.
Daca e sa fie vreo reducere de orice fel, cred ca 25 lei/1 booster de participant sau 15 lei/0.5 e mult mai ok. Asa, parca ceva nu-i ok.p.s.: Ioana, banii care ii dam in plus la standard nu se duc la GF cup. Doar cei de la Liga.
Deci dupa cum ziceam, cu 27 lei iese aceeasi chestie si include si taxa de local de care ziceau cei de la red goblin (10 lei/pers). Am impresia ca la unele calcule suntem luati de fraieri
E weird ca pana si amicul nostru polonez spune ca's tarife mari. Sigur si la el exista un shop si tariful e mai convenabil.
Well no shit...ofc we're taken for retards. It's funny, now that prices are up people are somewhat more mind is so full of f--- right now...
oh..and all of a sudden playing in a bar has a huge appeal...The shop owner knows our previous problems and is taking us for granted because of it...this is bulls---Language young man! Let's go drink something sit on it, chill, talk to the man again and if that fails take our shit some place else. I bet there's plenty of bars/basements/parks/grottos/caverns or other crap we could go.
Let things settle for a while, he's going to realise that he's gonna' lose a part of the market if this goes on and magic will become something that won't be played at red goblin anymore.
The problem is that he came with the mentality that it's like Bucharest where only casuals play at RG, but the thing that has to be taken into consideration is that we're not casuals and make the necessary calculations for it to work both ways. We'll be there every friday/saturday/sunday(until the league is finished) and that's some dough we need to cough up and him cash, it has to be decent or some won't be able to come as much or not at all.
I got carried away back there, but I feel we should take a more active approach to this problem. It's been twice now that he's acted differently from what was agreed upon( both times acting towards his own benefit, disregarding us as a community); this gives me no reason to actually trust him, so from this point of view I don't see how this "partnership" is not doomed to failure unless we stick our foot in the door to figure things out. Hopefully before he actually sucks some money off of us. I just don't see how this is a period of adjustment for him, it certainly doesn't feel like it.
288 2013-02-05 09:21:59
Re: [Standard] Deturnare de topic transformat in telenovela (182 replies, posted in Taverna)
Daca stau bine sa ma gandesc, putem plati 10 lei fiecare sa jucam in local, luam fiecare cate un booster cu 17 lei pt prize pool si iesim la 27 lei in loc de 30. Deci iar platim mai mult decat ar trebui la 30 lei/1 booster de pers. Nu au niciun sens tarifele astea.
Daca e sa fie vreo reducere de orice fel, cred ca 25 lei/1 booster de participant sau 15 lei/0.5 e mult mai ok. Asa, parca ceva nu-i ok.p.s.: Ioana, banii care ii dam in plus la standard nu se duc la GF cup. Doar cei de la Liga.
Deci dupa cum ziceam, cu 27 lei iese aceeasi chestie si include si taxa de local de care ziceau cei de la red goblin (10 lei/pers). Am impresia ca la unele calcule suntem luati de fraieri
E weird ca pana si amicul nostru polonez spune ca's tarife mari. Sigur si la el exista un shop si tariful e mai convenabil.
Well no shit...ofc we're taken for retards. It's funny, now that prices are up people are somewhat more mind is so full of f--- right now...
oh..and all of a sudden playing in a bar has a huge appeal...The shop owner knows our previous problems and is taking us for granted because of it...this is bulls---
289 2013-02-04 15:10:55
Re: [Standard] Deturnare de topic transformat in telenovela (182 replies, posted in Taverna)
da aici cred ca intervine si faza ca "jucatori de magic nu consuma la fel de mult ca unul ce vine pt boardgames" ...
sincer sa fiu din ce am vazut sambata nu e tocmai adevarat( plus ca NOI cumparam boosterele) 20 de lei, 0.5 boostere? what the actual f? si limita de 16 oameni? why? just why? ocupam prea mult loc?
290 2013-02-03 22:49:05
Re: [Standard] Deturnare de topic transformat in telenovela (182 replies, posted in Taverna)
I suggest a poll.:)
291 2013-01-28 14:59:25
Re: [DGM] - Dragon's Maze (242 replies, posted in Noutăți)
ti'am trimis email cu nr lui
292 2013-01-28 10:56:23
Re: [DGM] - Dragon's Maze (242 replies, posted in Noutăți)
TudorGrigoroaia wrote:Ce sanse sunt pentru Maze of Ith? Nu e pe lista de reserved cards, deci un posibil reprint nu ar fi iesit din discutie.
Pe cat ar fi de nice sa vedem Maze of Ith, mai ales ca merge cu numele setului, avand in vedere ca actiunea va avea loc tot in Ravnica iar Ith era in Dominaria zic ca sansele unui repind sunt destul de mici. Cred ca ar fi sanse mai bune sa vedem Mystifying Maze din M11.
Poate vor face ceva land inspirat de plane-ul asta Izzet Steam Maze.
La cate creaturi cu "enters the battlefield" sunt momentan nu cred ca ar fi cea mai buna idee sa printeze asa ceva(Mystifying Maze) o.O.
Nu prea as vrea ca landul meu mitic sa exileze un Swagtusk.
Iar Maze of Ith-thing mi se pare mult prea bun sa fie reprintat. E asa de bun ca ma simt eu mizerabil cand il folosesc.
293 2013-01-25 18:03:09
Re: [GTC] Gatecrash - LIMITED REVIEW (81 replies, posted in Taverna)
Holy shit...acum am observat Armored Transport. Ce faina e cartea cel putin ca flavour. Si artworkul.
294 2013-01-24 09:51:21
Re: [GTC] Gatecrash - LIMITED REVIEW (81 replies, posted in Taverna)
Sacrifici enchantmentul. 100% sigur "Soul Ransom's controller sacrifices IT". Anyway...Sorcery, opp discards 2, you draw 2 la 4 mana(asta e cel mai prost mod) e foarte bun, e Divination+Mind Rot. E probabil sa nu aiba sa dea discard la 2 carti si trebuie sa stea 2 ture fara sa joace ceva. Ala e value all the way.
4.0 de la mine. Minim 3.5
295 2013-01-23 13:18:15
Re: [GTC] Gatecrash - LIMITED REVIEW (81 replies, posted in Taverna)
Silviu wrote:Spoook wrote:Corect.. si oricum nu vreau eu sa conving pe nimeni de ce zic eu. Dar eu asa simt ca Knightly Valor castiga mai multe meciuri prin simplu fapt ca puneai pe un flyer un +2/+2 decat din cauza ca are vigilance. Normal vigilance ajute... si token pt populate ajuta...normal.
@Silviu...nici nu iti trebuie hexproof.. doar vreo 3-4 ture ca sa nu aiba adversarul un raspuns
Asa felul cum am zis eu ii vezi suferinta si dupa aia incepe sa se enerveze ca e broken..cum mai fac eu uneori
Did anyone populate that token? asa de curiozitate, ca eu nu tin minte sa o fi facut vreodata
am vazut o data rest era prea ocupata lumea cu centaurii aia
296 2013-01-23 12:45:00
Re: [GTC] Gatecrash - LIMITED REVIEW (81 replies, posted in Taverna)
Corect.. si oricum nu vreau eu sa conving pe nimeni de ce zic eu. Dar eu asa simt ca Knightly Valor castiga mai multe meciuri prin simplu fapt ca puneai pe un flyer un +2/+2 decat din cauza ca are vigilance. Normal vigilance ajute... si token pt populate ajuta...normal.
@Silviu...nici nu iti trebuie hexproof.. doar vreo 3-4 ture ca sa nu aiba adversarul un raspuns
Asa felul cum am zis eu ii vezi suferinta si dupa aia incepe sa se enerveze ca e broken..cum mai fac eu uneori :
297 2013-01-23 12:37:02
Re: [GTC] Gatecrash - LIMITED REVIEW (81 replies, posted in Taverna)
Partea proasta e ca nu prea sunt multe creaturi cu hexproof in format. Am vazut o creatura negra la 5 mana, 3/4 care necesita U pentru activare. Plus, sa nu uitam ca trebuie minim un gate in play. Trebuie luate in calcul mai multe.
Este o carte buna si in anumite circumstante foarte buna insa luata in a vacuum nu e extraordinara.
Fair enough...probabil au stat cu morcov sa nu faca dimirul prea OP, dar mi se pare destul de buna cartea incat sa se renteze sa poti forta(cel putin sa incerc o data sa vada cum iese).
daca formatul e la fel de incet pe cat pare, atunci cred ca e legitim un asemenea combo.
EDIT: poate's eu prea mare fan de manafixing( == gates) si de'asta mi se pare fain
298 2013-01-23 12:21:06
Re: [GTC] Gatecrash - LIMITED REVIEW (81 replies, posted in Taverna)
Mi se pare ca este Knightly Valor all over again.. si este under-rated....again... intr-adevar nu da un 2/2...dar este mai ieftin. Daca pui pe o creatura cu evasion (si blue are destul) este excelent si adversarul are probleme....daca creatura nu are evasion dar ai un gate...gues what... oponentul probabil are probleme si mai mari (sa nu zic de o situatie frumoasa cand pui pe un flyer...dai damage in timp ce oponentul cauta disperat sa puna un flyer/reach sa te opreasca si tu joci un Eu personal as da 2.5 fara ezitare.
Asta cu orice hexproof si e cam GG.
299 2013-01-22 13:30:35
Re: [GTC] Gatecrash - LIMITED REVIEW (81 replies, posted in Taverna)
4.0 – You will play this card in every Orzhov/Esper deck that you will have in limited because it does something very relevant to the board. It clears out Boros guys, Simic evolvers, Gruul beasts and Dimir rogues. It is such a good card that the fact that it costs 6 mana is not such a big drawback. It is actually pretty splashable when compared to Planar Cleansing which had a huge downside in its triple WHITE cost. The fact that it clears your guys too is relevant but if you can play your game accordingly to it being in the deck you can blow your opponent for so many cards it ain’t even funny.
I prefer to get my cards by other means. Thank you.
Sorry couldn't rezist
Holy fuck ce am ras=)) acum am obs
TehAuthor wrote:benczi wrote:Immortal Servitude - it is limited to creatures only, however, in limited, creatures rule. and getting back several creatures late-game can be game-breaking.
High Priest of Penance - I just don't see it. why is this considered strong?
Sunt de acord cu immortal servitude dar doar in aggro cu 1 2 3 drops iti revii dupa un doj and you come out in force la doar 6 mana
High Priest of Penance e bun ca il forteaza sa nu atace decat cu creatures cu evasion care pot sa treaca de el si nici nu poate sa arunce burn in el sa scape de blocker sa intre, practic tu blochezi cu el ceva avantajos, opresti un thragtusk fara sa ii faci token-ul si dupa scapi de Garuk-ul lui sau de angel of serenity si daca nu are trample nu e un trade avantajos pentru el, cu vreo 2 din astia iti maresti timer-ul de numa.
vorbim de limited aici. fara doj, thrag si chestii.
Silviu wrote:benczi wrote:Immortal Servitude - it is limited to creatures only, however, in limited, creatures rule. and getting back several creatures late-game can be game-breaking.
High Priest of Penance - I just don't see it. why is this considered strong?
IS mi se pare cam overcosted... daca avea costul X.W/B.W/B sunt sigur ca era mult mai ok.
HPoP e removal with a twist. It's like a really sweet 1-shot-wall. + Nu uita ca Orzhov e grindy as e deloc overcosted ... pt. limited. e un spell pe care vrei sa-l castezi numai late game, cand ai deja 9-10 landuri pe teren, si nu ai creaturi numai pana la 7 manna, daca ai primodrialul, 6 in rest. chestia e ca te comite la alb/negru daca il iei la draft ca first pick, dar daca este deja in culorile tale, atunci e chiar tare. 9 landuri statistic ai tras mai bine de jumate din deck. Mi se pare ca putine meciuri de limited ajung chiar pana acolo...
Ce'i drept cand isi face efectul ala o sa fie blow out pt adversar, insa problema mea e "de cate ori o sa se intample asta?"
300 2013-01-22 12:47:28
Re: [GTC] Gatecrash - LIMITED REVIEW (81 replies, posted in Taverna)
Immortal Servitude - it is limited to creatures only, however, in limited, creatures rule. and getting back several creatures late-game can be game-breaking.
High Priest of Penance - I just don't see it. why is this considered strong?
IS mi se pare cam overcosted... daca avea costul X.W/B.W/B sunt sigur ca era mult mai ok.
HPoP e removal with a twist. It's like a really sweet 1-shot-wall. + Nu uita ca Orzhov e grindy as hell.