Trade sent

In addition to what is posted above me, wouldn't setting your profile to Vacation Mode also accomplish this?

Vincentarasin wrote:
valdor wrote:

Preferably Clique will only go towards other high end Modern stuff. I am highly, highly unlikely going to trade it for standard stuff.

I wasn't suggesting it. Just figured it was a goyf only thing smile

My apologize then smile. I misread the context of your question. Then to answer more specifically, I would like to trade it towards a MM15 Goyf, I am willing to trade if for Modern staple as well.

Vincentarasin wrote:

I have the entire mardu dragons deck + extra.

Is your clique only for goyfs?

Preferably Clique will only go towards other high end Modern stuff. I am highly, highly unlikely going to trade it for standard stuff.

Made a few great trades already. OP changed to reflect what I need still.

Cool. Sounds good smile

Hey, I am looking to get into Mardu Dragons. I am in need of:

x1 Kolaghan, the Storm's Fury
x2 Soulfire Grand Master
x1 Thunderbreak Regent

x1 Foul-Tongue Invocation
x2 Kolaghan's Command

x2 Haven of the Spirit Dragon

Pretty much everything on my TL is up for trades.  Anything that is Modern I would like a premium on. I also have a bant heroic deck up for trade (minus the Flooded Strands and Windswept Heaths).
x1 Dragonlord Kolaghan
x2 Anger of the Gods

Trade sent

I second Bistiquea's post. I have a few of the cards you need, but I want to look at what you have.

I might be interested in in your Splinter Twin or Bitterblossom if you can find value in my cards.

Except for the Ram, I would just scratch everything. They do no good. Lightning Strike is 1R for 3 damage, also a common. The problem is with dealing with board wipes and control, you want to still be proactive against them, and    Grim Haruspex isnt that proactive. Yes if you get him turn 3 and the opponent Angers or something on their turn 3, you are only maybe netting 1-2 cards. If you want to draw 2 cards, I would just say run Read the Bones.

If you are worried about control, then you might look into cards like Feat of Resistance to give your guys pro-color or run Ajani's Presence or Valorous Stance in the sideboard. Valorous Stance is better since it doubles as removal for Midrange decks. I say put 3 in your SB. Also against the control decks I would add in 3 Crackling Dooms to handle their big guys' especially Ojutai. Utter End is pretty good against Siege Rhino, and almost any whip deck.

Yes, I have a few of the cards that I am suggesting. I would be happy to trade them.

Dont do that. At 6 mana that spell is way too over the top for your deck.

I would say take out:
-4 Nyx-Fleece Ram
-4 Grim Haruspex
-4 War-Name Aspirant
-3 Eidolon of Countless Battles
-1 Mardu Ascendancy

+4 Butcher of the Horde
+4 Battle Brawler
+4 Lightning Strike
+4 Wild Slash

These are all good budget option to improve on the deck. It adds a bit more reach later game with the burn spells. If you ever get an extra $20 you should also replace the Ride Downs with Stoke the Flame.


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

By chance, do you know when the trade would be confirmed between you and your friend? Goyf is mainly what I am after but I will look through your list anyway. If anything we can just trade for the other cards.


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Bump- Still looking for a Goyf to trade for my foil Clique

Ok, So first piece of advise, is to get the Butcher of the Horde into the main deck. Remove the Nyx-Fleece Rams. The Rams should be in the SB for the mirror match. You also might have too many creatures at this point as sweepers are everywhere right now (Drown in Sorrow, Anger of the Gods. Crux of Fate, End Hostilities). Maybe think of taking some of the subpar ones and putting in burn spells. That way you have more late game action after you get more aggressive in the early game. They also act as removal for your opponents creatures.

See the actual awesome thing about Mardu Aggro is that it is not super expensive. So you might be able to trade for alot of the stuff easily. I'm on a phone now so when I can get to a computer I will totally hook up some advice. I used to have this deck so maybe I can even get you some cards.

Hi, so you say that you don't have much money for new cards. Is there a budget you are working with so I know where my advice should fall?


(1 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I am interested in the Goyf and Normal Cryptic. What are you looking for?

Well, I have a Foil V Clique that I pulled. I was hoping to trade for a Goyf lol Maybe we can work something out. Open a trade if you would like to talk


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Hey all, I just cracked my box of MM2. Looking to trade a bunch of the stuff. Specifically I want to trade the foil Cliqu towards a Goyf. I am also able open to just any offer in general. Notable haves are:

  • Foil Vendillion Clique

  • Daybreak Cornet

  • Elesh Norn

  • Splinter Twin

  • Eye of Ugin

  • Mirran Crusader

  • Hurkyls Recall

  • Creakwood Liege

  • Spellskite

  • Emrakul

  • Foil Etched Champion

I also have a full art foil Cryptic Command that I have up for grabs

My main wants are

  • Goyf

  • Karn Liberated

  • Kozilek

Feel free to shoot a trade. I usually try and make things work, but worse I can do is say no thanks. I will also trade towards another factory sealed MM2 box.


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I might be interested. Do you have a picture to prove it is still sealed?


(6 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

What site do you use to price them?

Edit: Are you selling or trying to trade?


(6 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I wish I could get those wasteland lol.


(5 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I am fairly certain that no damage will be dealt. When Blasphemous Act resolves, the Mark of Asylum's  effect will replace the Boros Reckoner's ability when the game tries to assign damage. Unless someone has a better way yo explain or a for sure ruling.

You can also go to for questions like this.

So do you have none of the cards for it it or is there specific cards you are missing?