I actually want to play magic on Thursday, since friday is more of a going out night for me smile.


(81 replies, posted in Taverna)

It's Over 9000: http://i.imgur.com/EN2Fxoe.png


(81 replies, posted in Taverna)

TudorGrigoroaia wrote:

Consuming Aberration

4.0 – This thing is crazy good in the mill deck. You can have a 20/20 gigantic aberration out there that’s still growing everytime you play a spell. That just does not feel right. Since there is no “exile all cards in a graveyard” card in GTC, this will not ungrow unless you deal with it mano-a-mano. Blocking and trading with it seems impossible after a certain point so there remains kill spells. Be careful to actually kill it because if you just enchant it with something and stop its aggressiveness it will devour your deck with its triggered ability. This is no joke. It will consume you very fast if not dealt with it immediately.

Cartea asta e o aberatie!!! E cea mai buna carte promo, chiar cea mai buna carte din set pt. limited (chiar acolo cu aurelia si furia ei). Frist pick la draft all the time, hate draft it if it's the 3rd pack. E 5.0 minim, dar eu i-as da si 5.5 din 5!!!

TudorGrigoroaia wrote:

Ogre Slumlord

3.5 – It’s very powerful in a black deck. You’ve seen how many removal spells black holds and this one plays well with black deck strategies. You will slow the game so much that your opponent will  feel  it’s impossible for them to win. It’s that incremental advantage that counts for black decks and this a fantastic card for that. It needs support but it is also good on its own. 3/3 for 5 is good enough to be played and that fact that any creature that dies transforms into a token on your side of the field is great.

So true, so true...


(81 replies, posted in Taverna)

Ionut wrote:

I'm sorry to say but i think you undervalued a few cards. Allow me to make a few changes.

Soul Ransom

2.0– Soul Ransom is weaker than Mind Control in Limited because it gives your opponent the chance to get his creature back much more easier. Even if his hand is empty when you steal his creature, he will get to draw two cards (most of the time lands) and dump them in the grave as fast as lightning just to get his/her bomb back. I’m afraid this ain’t gonna be a good maindeck card. I requires a lot of discard and the opponent to play enough bombs to be relevant.

I think you didn't read this card. Read it again.... again..... and one more time. 4 Mana mind control. If opponent discards 2 cards, the creature dies BUT THE MIND CONTROL OWNER DRAWS 2.
4.0 Score. Easy.

From WIzards FAQ:

Soul Ransom

Enchantment — Aura
Enchant creature
You control enchanted creature.
Discard two cards: Soul Ransom's controller sacrifices it, then draws two cards. Only any opponent may activate this ability.

Only an opponent of Soul Ransom's controller can activate its last ability.

In most cases, you'll enchant a creature controlled by an opponent, which will cause you to gain control of that creature. Any of your opponents can activate the last ability of Soul Ransom by discarding two cards. When that ability resolves, you'll sacrifice Soul Ransom and draw two cards.

-- Still 3.5-4.0 easy! smile)


(81 replies, posted in Taverna)

Chiar nu inteleg de ii da la Treasury Thrull 4.5. acum serios, un 4/4 la 6 mana nu-i chiar atat de bun. mi se pare cea mai slaba carte de promo din cei 5 sad.

@Tudor: nu esti foarte consistent la evaluarea de removal.
1. Orzhov Charm - destroy target creature w/ minuscule drawback - 3.5
2. Smite - destroy target creature, but with a serious condition - 4.0
3. Angelic Edict - exil, mana cost mare - 3.5
4. Rapid Hybridization - destroy target creature w/ minuscule drawback - 1 manna - U - 2.0
5. Death's Approach - tricky to play, but recurrable w/ orzhov thrull - 1.0-2.0
6. Devour Flesh - sac, not targeted - 3.0
7. Grisly Spectacle - destroy target creature w/ huge upside - 3.0
8. Dimir Charm - destroy target creature, condition: power 2 or less - 2.0
9. Killing Glare - destroy target creature, but with a serious condition - 4.0 - best removal?


(81 replies, posted in Taverna)

Cred ca Alms Beast e defapt destul de usor de jucat. daca o joci tura 4, opponentul probabil ca nu o sa aiba cu ce so blockheze un 6/6, iar daca o joci mai tarziu o poti tine si in defense.
Ce=i mult mai greu de jucat as zice e: Treasury Thrull. e numai 4/4 dar aduce ceva inapoi din graveyard, dar mai mult ca sigur ca nu o sa supravietuieasca atacul, deci atack acum, sau atack mai tarziu, sau tin in spate ca are extort, sau etc.


(81 replies, posted in Taverna)

TehAuthor wrote:
benczi wrote:

Immortal Servitude - it is limited to creatures only, however, in limited, creatures rule. and getting back several creatures late-game can be game-breaking.

High Priest of Penance - I just don't see it. why is this considered strong?

Sunt de acord cu immortal servitude dar doar in aggro cu 1 2 3 drops iti revii dupa un doj and you come out in force la doar 6 mana

High Priest of Penance e bun ca il forteaza sa nu atace decat cu creatures cu evasion care pot sa treaca de el si nici nu poate sa arunce burn in el sa scape de blocker sa intre, practic tu blochezi cu el ceva avantajos, opresti un thragtusk fara sa ii faci token-ul si dupa scapi de Garuk-ul lui sau de angel of serenity si daca nu are trample nu e un trade avantajos pentru el, cu vreo 2 din astia iti maresti timer-ul de numa.

vorbim de limited aici. fara doj, thrag si chestii.

Silviu wrote:
benczi wrote:

Immortal Servitude - it is limited to creatures only, however, in limited, creatures rule. and getting back several creatures late-game can be game-breaking.

High Priest of Penance - I just don't see it. why is this considered strong?

IS mi se pare cam overcosted... daca avea costul X.W/B.W/B sunt sigur ca era mult mai ok.
HPoP e removal with a twist. It's like a really sweet 1-shot-wall. + Nu uita ca Orzhov e grindy as hell.

nu e deloc overcosted ... pt. limited. e un spell pe care vrei sa-l castezi numai late game, cand ai deja 9-10 landuri pe teren, si nu ai creaturi numai pana la 7 manna, daca ai primodrialul, 6 in rest. chestia e ca te comite la alb/negru daca il iei la draft ca first pick, dar daca este deja in culorile tale, atunci e chiar tare.


(81 replies, posted in Taverna)

Immortal Servitude - it is limited to creatures only, however, in limited, creatures rule. and getting back several creatures late-game can be game-breaking.

High Priest of Penance - I just don't see it. why is this considered strong?


(81 replies, posted in Taverna)

Nice, Good Job!

Imi place ca ai inceput cu Orzhov! big_smile


(11 replies, posted in Evenimente)

cred ca m-am exprimat gresit, vreu sa incerc cum se joaca vintage, cu power 9, cu cineva, 2-3 oameni, cine's interesati. nu vreau sa fie o chestie. (si nici eu nu vreau sa investesc in carti de vintage.)


(131 replies, posted in Evenimente)

nu nu nu, eu confirm ca nu au confirmat ca am confirmat, si nu sunt sigur ca am confirmat fara confirmarea lor.


(131 replies, posted in Evenimente)

eu am confirmat pe red-goblin, sau cel putin cred ca am confirmat, ca nu a confirmat ca am confirmat.


(11 replies, posted in Evenimente)

max: 74 at most.
min: we all know it will be around 70 anyway, kudos for those who have less then 60 (sideboard included).


(11 replies, posted in Evenimente)

http://www.reddit.com/r/magicTCG/commen … _a_primer/

the advantage of vintage is that pretty much every vintage tournament will allow some number of proxies, and when you remove all the moxen and black lotus from the cost of the deck, the decks drop into legacy price ranges.

E cineva interesat sa jucam intr-o zi vintage? sa zicem ca un side-event, nici nu tre sa fie turnament. si cum oricum avem voie cu proxiuri, sa zicem ca pana la 74 de proxiuri ar fi un numar ok pt. toti.

ata ete. de la 15:00 atunci.
pt data viitoare o sa pot face si eu un deck in +, dar acum inca nu-s la mine toate cartile mele sad

Flo, give us a sign!


(221 replies, posted in Noutăți)

e instanta aia albastra, care e in fiecare set, stii, aia care o urasti din suflet, si speri ca oponentul niciodata sa nu-l traga. not much to talk about.


(1,473 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Same si eu.


(5 replies, posted in Taverna)

Mai demult am postat rich kid's draft, unde luai un display, deschideai boosterele, luai 1 carte din booster, si aruncai restu. That's soo old fashioned.
Acum va aduc verziunea mai moderna:


I want to play standard, but not on saturday.

Yello all,
duminica asta vreti edh?


(221 replies, posted in Noutăți)

OK, someones watching waay too much reddit!


(221 replies, posted in Noutăți)

Silviu wrote:
singerete wrote:

Si mie mi se pare tare vampiroiul asta. Sigur se vor face ceva deck-uri in jurul lui.

Am o impresie ca deckurile alea o sa faca asa un FAIL!
Serios? Chiar e mitica asta? Trebuie sa mai apara niste discarduri sau w/e ca sa aiba potential asta..

E mitica pt. ca in limited e coool, il vad jucat in EDH, si poate ceva mai vechi. In standard e ca si stab wound.

dar grulul asta chiar ca ar trebui sa fie mitica!


(5 replies, posted in Taverna)



(131 replies, posted in Evenimente)

1. Mere destul de rapid chestia cu dci no.
2. Din cate stiu, pre-release kiturile nu se pot cumpara.

alta intrebare: Chestie din asta, de release, noi nu o sa avem?