(14 replies, posted in Commander Trading)

Wow I really like tortured existence! I need to grab me one of those!

Thanks for the ideas Helios.

Problem with all these suggestions is now I need to figure what to cut out.

Any ideas on that end? (lab manic can go I guess I get half way down sometimes but not much lower than that)


(14 replies, posted in Commander Trading)

I would love to use Debtors knell but the white mana is out of my reach.

Reanimate, Grime Return, Necromancy, Zombify, and Diabolic Servitude are all on my "to acquire" list now.


(14 replies, posted in Commander Trading)

Yup that looks useful, I'll add that to the list as well smile

Thanks all.


(14 replies, posted in Commander Trading)

Trying to keep the mana curve lower, I noticed all of those cards as well, especially Ride of the Dark Realms but my curve is already around 4 with what I have and I wanted it to be around 3. Exhume I can take a look at putting in, but sheoldred, grave betrayal, and rise are all seven or over and that is a little too rich for my aims. I'm looking for like 2 colorless 2 black put target creature from your graveyard back into play or something to that effect maybe for 5. Does that exist outside of what I already have?

Thanks for the thoughts so far.

Edit: looked up necromancy, that looks good too big_smile


(14 replies, posted in Commander Trading)

Hey all just a question for you.

I have a new Mimeoplasm deck (Shown Here) and so far it runs really well. It mills consistently to fill graveyards and it forces sacrifice, and I can get out win conditions pretty quickly; but I have little actually graveyard manipulation other than Living Death, Animate Dead, and my general himself. I want to change that.

Any suggestions on other cards to grab? Any suggestions on cards to drop?

Alrighty, no worries then

I have two sphinx's revelation if you are interested, I'm looking for shocks, swords, or things flagged in my wishlist in return.

Title says it all, I'm looking to trade in my current swords for foil ones. Even one trade is a success smile

I have a bunch of every sword of "insert effects here" so if you have a foil you are not using throw up a post and we can hash it out.

Note: Only looking for foil MM versions of Fire and Ice and Light and Shadow, sorry guys.

I did some searching and it looks like it is about 30-32, mostly seeing ebay sales.

That savvy for you?

I can trade you a darksteel version non foil and some value for it?

I have a sword of light and shadow I can trade towards the foil Sword...what is it valued at?


I am like Helios, I could fit twelve decks in my holiday box (theros FTW) but I cut myself off at 10 decks because holy hell that is some value! Either way all 100 cards are sleeved in identical Dragon Shield Sleeves. My LGS and group of guys all keep our commander in identical sleeves because we are all ass holes that love to oblate, hinder, and spell crumple the shit outta people's commanders so we don't want the guy cutting or you yourself to have an easy find of the commander (let them rot in Libraries!)

...of course I never let mine get shuffled =P

Just need a bit more

Like I said on Sunday, I bought the sucker for 30 on Ebay, I was like, just a smidge o edging and 15 off it's trade value, I can handle that.

Got ma guardian beast

Woman I told you if you give that loch ness monster anything he gonna come back next week askin fo moar!

Happy weekend gents, hope you all had excellent fridays

We are just about six cards away from victory, come on guys help a deck builder out!

Almost done here, just a few more trades and we are square

Got a couple thing yesterday, just a little more guys

Lets start a trade and hash it out in there. Thanks for the interest.

List updated


(6 replies, posted in Commander Trading)

I know you may not like it, but what about the rite of replication? I can see that being only moderately useful when you are board wiping and recurring from the graveyard

Got my crumple, keep them coming!


(9 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Got an ajani vengent for you if you can help a guy finish his esper deck
