Paypal Gift Payments only

Scalding Tarn - $25
Jace AoT (2) - $30
Tamiyo (2) - $25
Angel of Serenity (5) - $18
Gifts Ungiven FTV (4) - $10
Olivia Voldaren (4) - $16

Hoping to sell these to buy cards on my wishlist.  I'd be open for trade proposals as well for cards on my wishlist.


scottW wrote:

Do you still hacve Jace: AoT and Tamiyo? What price are you selling at?

Yea I have them.  TCG low for price sound good?

updated title/thread

Bump, I still have 4 scalding tarn for trade/sell

Bump also willing to sell cards (paypal)


Noble Hierarch x4
Verdant Catacombs x4
Misty Rainforest
Breeding Pool

Paypal gift


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Let me know if we can work something out

Send me an offer!

crapinabottle wrote:

See anything for the Lotleth?

I did not,, thanks tho

Thomasowns wrote:
Almundjoy wrote:
Thomasowns wrote:

I need 3 messengers and aristocrats as well.

Do you see anything in my tradelist you want?

From your tradelist no sad

From your inventory yes, let me know if you'd let go of a cavern or two

2 caverns for 2 aristocrats?

yea i can do that

Thomasowns wrote:

I need 3 messengers and aristocrats as well.

Do you see anything in my tradelist you want?

From your tradelist no sad

From your inventory yes, let me know if you'd let go of a cavern or two

Let me know if you're interested in anything, and I'll take a look at your tradelist

My profile link:


(12 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Trade sent

Looking to trades off these specific cards along with, Talrand, Cathedral of War, and Vampire Nocturnus!

starting up a trade to figure something out smile



Hit me up with a trade offer!

Unfortunately I don't have any extras


Updated my tradelist with all the new things I pulled.  Along with what's currently on there.

Hit me up with trades.

Link to tradelist


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Set something up and we can work out the deal today.  I will be on here a lot today.

trade proposed


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Check out my trade list!

I just need one