See? All the more reason to just steal them all. Jerks lol.
27 2024-01-29 18:37:14
Re: Going to a Magic event? (14 replies, posted in Honorable Circle of Magi)
Right on, really appreciate it!
Oh, and feel free to take all of those lair singles they randomly pass out. Just steal every single one lol. For real, though, they just had to add that wrinkle into SL collecting...definitely some notable gaps in my binders
28 2024-01-27 21:41:27
Topic: Going to a Magic event? (14 replies, posted in Honorable Circle of Magi)
With the recent announcement of the new Burning Revelations! Secret Lair, I was left with the impression it would truly be a 2024 convention exclusive. WotC has offered convention Lairs in the past via their website, but I'm not sure this one will be (hope I'm wrong!)
If it is an exclusive, is anyone going to be at a convention sometime this year and willing to help me get a copy? I don't go myself due to travel restrictions, so any help would be appreciated. I just didn't like the thought of combating resellers.
29 2023-12-30 19:51:05
Re: Seeking Foil Completion (4 replies, posted in Honorable Circle of Magi)
Thanks for the plug haha!
I have external lists of my foil needs. I put up only a select few in the Wishlist since I primarily use that for my non-foil needs. Haven’t tried it yet, but let me see if I can upload any of these Word docs.
30 2023-12-30 15:55:28
Topic: Seeking Foil Completion (4 replies, posted in Honorable Circle of Magi)
In order to preserve my sanity for collecting MtG, I've decided on an unorthodox campaign to select sets at random to collect. At this time, I'm primarily focused on non-foil versions. That being said, I would like to one day foil out all the sets (good lord). I figured I'd post here all the sets I now just needs foils for, in case someone can lend any assistance. I will warn that I am very, very picky and am really only looking for copies that appear as close to pack fresh as possible. That doesn't mean they have to be, just that I don't want cards with scratches, dings/dents, noticeable whiting (manufacturer cutting is unavoidable), creasing, etc. I'm most likely to stick to buying these foils but we can certainly talk about a trade, should you see something you want. Even if it's only a single card, every bit helps! I'll be editing this as I slowly start to acquire sets.
Current sets I need:
Alara Reborn
Champions of Kamigawa
Conspiracy: Take the Crown
Eighth Edition
Eternal Masters
Future Sight
Iconic Masters
Magic Origins
March of the Machine
Masters 25
Modern Horizons
Modern Masters 2013
Modern Masters 2015
Modern Masters 2017
New Phyrexia
Scars of Mirrodin
Ultimate Masters
31 2023-12-27 14:18:12
Re: A whole new collection plan... (6 replies, posted in Honorable Circle of Magi)
I strictly collect, and trying to keep up with the release schedule is just not feasible, so I stopped trying to. What I ended up doing was creating an Excel of all the sets I want to complete, then choosing one at random and just have fun going after that single target. Not only is the random nature kind of fun, but it allowed me to inject some much needed joy back into collecting. The best part is releasing myself from any sort of pressure to try and keep up. Everything is cratering these days, nothing’s safe, so I just needed to prioritize other aspects of why I love Magic. I hope everyone can find a pathway that allows them to keep moving forward.
32 2018-04-01 05:03:39
Topic: H: Unstable commons, W: Unhinged commons (0 replies, posted in Trading Post)
Have 1x of almost all the commons in pack fresh condition, except for:
Beast in Show
Extremely Slow Zombie
Target Minotaur
+ all variants of Amateur Auteur & Secret Base (only have 1 for both)
Looking for 1x of each Unhinged common, unplayed condition. Start a trade with me, if interested.
33 2018-02-14 03:47:21
Topic: Bulk Common/Uncommon Swap (0 replies, posted in Trading Post)
I'm currently trying to fill out my collection and need a bunch of commons and uncommons from back sets. I've listed everything I need going back to the original Mirrodin block. I've started collecting Magic again from original Innistrad and forward, so looking for someone interested in filling out their own collections. Sitting on a ton of stuff, all of which is updated in my tradelist.
If interested, please initiate a trade offer! Only want NM or better copies, so please check the condition ahead of time. No whiting, scratches, dents, etc. You'd be getting near pack fresh cards from me, so looking to acquire about the same.
Obviously anything over $1 is also appreciated and I would definitely match as best I can. But please don't ask me to break down expensive cards for a bunch of bulk. Bulk for bulk -- that is the main purpose of this request!
34 2018-02-08 05:29:32
Topic: W: Walkers H: Tradelist (0 replies, posted in Trading Post)
Looking for the following walkers for my collection, in order of priority:
Sorin Markov (M12)
Elspeth, Knight-Errant (Shards)
Dack Fayden (EMA)
Venser, the Sojourner (Scars)
These are for collection purposes only, so need as minty as possible. Have a few other things up for trade beyond my list. Please initiate a trade if you’re able to help!
35 2017-03-01 13:35:10
Re: Misc. Items Trade (2 replies, posted in Trading Post)
I am trying to trade these, if possible. But please note these are all empty boxes, nothing inside. For anyone who would like a display box for a collection or something.
Happy to trade for the Grove, though, if that's what you want to do.
36 2017-03-01 01:15:45
Topic: Misc. Items Trade (2 replies, posted in Trading Post)
I currently have a number of miscellaneous EMPTY items for trade. Rather than toss them in the garbage, figured I'd see if anyone was interested. For the Duel Deck boxes, I've re-glued the bottoms so they appear sealed.
1x Modern Masters 2013 booster box
2x Modern Masters 2015 booster box
2x Eternal Masters booster box
1x Conspiracy: Take the Crown booster box
1x Avacyn Restored booster box
1x Oath of the Gatewatch
2x Oath of the Gatewatch prerelease box
1x Shadows over Innistrad booster box
1x Shadows over Innistrad Fat Pack box (complete with card guide and outer sleeve)
2x Shadows over Innistrad prerelease box
1x Eldritch Moon prerelease box
1x Kaladesh prerelease box
3x Aether Revolt prerelease box
1x Aether Revolt - Ajani planeswalker box
1x Aether Revolt - Tezzeret planeswalker box
1x Venser vs Koth Duel Deck box
1x Izzet vs Golgari Duel Deck box
1x Jace vs Vraska Duel Deck box
1x Elspeth vs Kiora Duel Deck box
1x Zendikar vs Eldrazi Duel Deck box
1x Nissa vs Ob Nixilis Duel Deck box
1x Blessed vs Cursed Duel Deck box
1x Magic 2015 Player's Guide
1x Dragon's Maze Player's Guide
1x Born of the Gods Player's Guide
1x Fate Reforged Player's Guide
37 2017-02-18 16:17:11
Topic: Card Upgrades (0 replies, posted in Trading Post)
I am a collector looking to get cards in as minty a condition as possible. Through several trades, I have acquired a number of cards that don't meet my requirements. I have several higher profile and lower profile cards I'm looking to trade up to NM+ condition -- no scratches, whiting, dents, etc. Most of what I have is in LP condition, a few with a little more wear. Will provide pics upon request. Please message if you can help. Willing to work out a deal in whichever way works best for both parties.
Here's what I need upgraded:
Wrath of God (Revised)
Honor of the Pure (M10)
Chandra, the Firebrand (M12)
Adarkar Wastes (Ice Age)
Wasteland (Tempest)
Mogg Infestation (Stronghold)
Smokestack (Urza's Saga)
Thran Dynamo (Urza's Destiny)
Crackdown (Mercadian Masques)
Food Chain (Mercadian Masques)
Magistrate's Scepter (Mercadian Masques)
Sword of Kaldra (Mirrodin)
Glimmervoid (Mirrodin)
Arcbound Ravager (Darksteel)
Seshiro the Anointed (Champions of Kamigawa)
Sensei's Divining Top (Champions of Kamigawa)
Forbidden Orchard (Champions of Kamigawa)
Wheel of Fate (Time Spiral)
Mayael's Aria (Alara Reborn)
Mimic Vat (Scars of Mirrodin)
Norn's Annex (New Phyrexia)
Grimoire of the Dead (Innistrad)
Vraska the Unseen (Duel Deck)
Nightveil Specter (Gatecrash Buy-a-Box)
Shaman of Forgotten Ways (Dragons of Tarkir)