


Proposed a Trade


Optimized tcgplayer price on this is $375.68, just for the record.



Up and up

Aaaaand... Bump

I've recently started going to Titan for fnm and its great for casual. $10.14 drafts, 2 packs to 1st and promo to second and extra promos are randomly given away. Very casual, nice people. The gaming pit is a very competitive place and I found the people there to be slight abrasive (no offense to anyone that goes there). They were just all super competitive and had the top tier net decks. They would also do thing like reach across and untap/tap my stuff and move my cards around if I, for example, drew before untapping and just seemed really impatient. It does have really good prize support and a lot of traders though if you want to go somewhere competitive.

I'm trading away Champs and Thalias, not going for em, sorry.


Bump Edit

Bump Edit

Prime Speaker Zegana
Godless Shrine
Stomping Grounds
4 Champion of the Parish
4 Invisible Stalker
2 Thalia
Some artifact stuff for a friend is high priority - 4x Etherium Sculptor, 4x Lodestone Golem, 4x Master of Etherium, 3x Darksteel Citadel, 1x Thoughtcast. As most of this is cheap, if you are trading it up for something expensive I do expect some value out of it.
I will trade the Godless Shrine and the Stomping Ground straight up for this set of cards

Gideon, Champion of Justice valued at ~$9. I would trade 4 Invisible Stalkers for one.
Restoration Angels
RTR Shocks


Vendillion Clique GONE
Ravager GONE
Pact of Negation (2) GONE
Maelstrom Pulse (2) GONE
Foil Bridge from Below
Foil Search for Tomorrow
Foil Manamorphose GONE
Lots more Modern Stuff, check my tradelist, please

2 Champion of the Parish
Prime Speaker
M13 Buddy Lands
Blind Obedience
Stromkirk Noble
Grand Abolisher
My standard collection is lacking compared to my modern but there is also a lot more on my tradelist.


For the EDH stuff check my wishlist (There is A LOT of it, I only put the $2+ stuff on my wishlist too).
Shocks (trying to get 4 of each)
Sensei's Diving Top (not a priority, but I still want one).


3 Electrolyze

2 Jace, AoT
4 Geist of Saint Traft
Restoration Angel (maybe)

Now, I don't like to trade my Modern stuff for Standard unless it's a very good trade, so if you want to trade your standard for my modern I'll expect a little bit of value.

I'm also trying to collect one (or more) of each maze runner and guild leader, but those aren't priority

Bump, edited. Traded away Zegana + Stuff for 2 Hallowed Fountains.

Grona wrote:

i be willing to trade your 1 deathrite shaman, 1 dustmantle seer, and 2 sunpetal grove for my 3 RTR hallowed fountains.


$41.34 for $31.35. No thanks.
I'll do it without the sunpetals and add a $1 bill to the package.
That would be $31.24 for $31.35.

So, the things I would like

A combination of the following, in order of priority.
3 Ancient Den
3 Darksteel Citadel
1 Great Furnace
1 Tree of Tales
4 Blind Obedience
2 Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord
3 Grafdigger's Cage

Rest of Wishlist/Let me look at your tradelist

So, the things I would like

A combination of the following, in order of priority.
3 Ancient Den
3 Darksteel Citadel
1 Great Furnace
1 Tree of Tales
4 Blind Obedience
2 Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord
3 Grafdigger's Cage

Rest of Wishlist/Let me look at your tradelist

Title. I have the Foil Liliana and I'm looking for two snapcasters.

How much are you selling Koth for? And which Koth is it (duel deck or regular)?

I'm interested in the Slagstorm, Phantasmal Image, and up to 4 Arc Trails (scar of mirrodin uncommon)

I'm building U/R Delver now, and the main money card I need is Snapcaster. Along with Snapcaster I need some other cards, so please check out my wishlist. I deconstructed my humans recently so I have a lot of that up for trade, from Mirrans to Angelic Destiny to Hero of Bladehold.

I am also trading a Griselbrand and a Vexing Devil for a friend for up to one Alchemist's Refuge plus M12/ISD duals, especially Hinterland Harbors, Drowned Catacombs, and Woodland Cemeteries.