26 2012-12-19 07:32:23
Re: Doubling Seasons are all gone :( (4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
27 2012-12-19 00:45:56
Re: EDH and Naya Humans (2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Other Tom Hanks cards...
You've Got Blackmail
Saving Private Research
Karplusan Forest Gump
Sleeper's Robe in Seattle
Turnabout & Hooch
Lord of the Money Pit
Squee's Toy Story
28 2012-12-19 00:28:25
Re: Doubling Seasons are all gone :( (4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
I want it! I have a ton of stuff you need, including Blood Crypts and Caverns...start me up a trade
29 2012-12-18 16:09:42
Re: EDH Thursday (15 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
Stick, are you opposed to a B/R Goblins deck instead of mono Red? Wort, Boggart Auntie makes a mean Goblin general and opens up a lot of options for you with black.
30 2012-12-18 05:20:35
Re: [EDH] Grand Arbiter Says Nope (2 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
Avacyn/Armageddon is a win-con in multi. Must people will scoop right off.
You can use Catastrophe if you want the flexibility of wiping creatures vs land as well.
Since you have Power Artifact/Basalt Monolith I can only assume the Blue Sun is to drawkill someone, so throw a Stroke of Genius in there as well, which will also be a bit easier to get off as it doesn't cost multiple blue.
Did you leave out an Idyllic Tutor so because you didn't have too many Enchantments?
I'd suggest a Kismet and/or Stasis as well. Kismet is errataed to apply to all of your opponents. Quite a powerful card for EDH!
31 2012-12-18 05:10:51
Re: [EDH] How easily can I swap generals here? (8 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
Bruna is my favorite general and the one I have the most fun with to this day. Like you, my deck has evolved over time.
Questions to answer with Bruna:
1. Stop Aggro decks from beating your face in
2. Keep Bruna alive for either a run around the table while she has summoning sickness or give her haste
3. Make her unblockable with enough damage that she is instant-kill
4. Control the board long enough after you do 100+ general damage to someone that you don't get your face beat in before you get to play again
So you can see, addressing all of these, it became a UW control deck with select enchantments vs a bunch, and lots of tutors and ways to get Bruna dressed up for the party.
Suggestions for any Bruna deck:
- Godhead of Awe (not to mention for hilarity) - even at a 1/1, with the right auras, Bruna will do more than 21 general
- Kismet, Stasis and Defense Grid control the board
- Mystic, Enlightened and Idyllic Tutors, along with Three Dreams
- Winds of Rath (as you mentioned), Austere Command and Catastrophe
- Avacyn and Armaggeddon for alternate win condition
- Gift of Estates, Land Tax, Knight of the White Orchid, Dreamscape Artist and Terrain Generator for mana
- Rhystic Study, Consecrated Sphinx for card draw
- Peacekeeper, Faith Healer and Magus of the Moat for more control
- If you can swing it, an Academy Rector is always handy
- Ashnod's Altar and Phyrexian Altar for sac outlets in case you are in a pinch or need to activate creature abilities
- Ulamog works better that Kozilek if you have to choose in this deck because of the permanent removal
- Swords, Path, Disenchant and Orim's Chant are musts. If you want to have some fun, throw in an Isochron Scepter. I locked a guy down just last Friday with using a mono-white deck Iso/Orims until I got the Avacyn/Armageddon out. Game Set Match.
- Don't be afraid to throw in some mana Myrs to get your deck rolling
- Whispersilk Cloak, Swiftfoot Boots, Lightning Greaves, etc to make her less of a target, hastey or both
- Soverigns of Lost Alara is not only a nice fatty, but also grabs you an enchantment that Bruna can steal later
Well, that's about what I can think of for the time being. If you want some more info on the Bruna deck build, let me know and I'll update the one I have posted here on deckbox to what I am currently running. Most of the cards should be the same though. Feel free to take a look!
32 2012-12-18 04:40:02
Re: EDH Thursday (15 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
just noticed dr posted right above me...he was there for that Warstorm Surge game
we won't speak of having Conspiracy out, naming Dragons, and then dropping Eldrazi...
33 2012-12-18 04:38:34
Re: EDH Thursday (15 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
also a short game, for you or opponents, is an aggressive Kaalia deck. Either you wreck all or have a giant target on you. I believe with Warstorm Surge out I managed to win by turn 9 last time. Acceptable and not overly douchey with combos.
If you want the game to be over VERY quickly I.E. no friends, your generals can always be Jhoira or Arcum Dagsson.
What's your style of play and favored colors?
34 2012-12-10 21:30:42
Re: Need a cheap (~$2-3) way to mail cards with tracking. (8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Pro tip on Bubble Mailers. Get the ones where the inside pouch is about twice as long as what you need, then fold it over / tape the ends together after sealing it up. Makes the envelope over 3/4" so USPS can't complain, and should still give you enough room for the paypal tracking label.
Saw this tip on a similar post about 6 mos ago on here. Thanks, person that told us then.
35 2012-12-06 23:45:48
Re: W: Geist of St. Traft, Snapcasters H: Shocks, Angel of Serenity (1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
big trade sent
36 2012-12-06 19:36:41
Re: H: Revised Trop Island W: Tarmogoyf/Godless Shrine (3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
let me know if this doesn't work out, I'll make that trade.
37 2012-12-06 19:35:07
Re: H: Boxed Set Stuff W: Format Staples (3 replies, posted in Trading Post)
thx DrG
I now have just the Jace v Chandra and Archenemy stuff remaining.
38 2012-12-06 16:50:32
Re: updated lists!! trade with me!! (3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
trade sent for your Restoration Angels because I must have them
39 2012-12-04 05:28:20
Re: H: Boxed Set Stuff W: Format Staples (3 replies, posted in Trading Post)
Sorry I am not trading these outside of the US due to additional package postage.
40 2012-12-04 05:27:01
Re: H: Boxed Set Stuff W: Format Staples (5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Sorry I am not trading these outside of the US due to additional package postage.
41 2012-12-01 06:41:04
Re: H: Boxed Set Stuff W: Format Staples (5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Shadey I can probably find enough to trade for one...if you have anything in your inventory that youd let go of, msg me and let me know that as well.
42 2012-12-01 01:19:07
Topic: H: Boxed Set Stuff W: Format Staples (3 replies, posted in Trading Post)
Looked in my drawer today and noticed the following sealed box stuff:
1x Duel Decks: Jace vs Chandra - $85
1x Commander: Devour for Power - $55
2x Commander: Heavenly Inferno - $68
and all four flavors of Archenemy - I'll get rid of the lot for $99.
I like Restoration Angels. I have a lot. I want more.
Also like format staples to turn around and trade. Since these are out of print, if no Restos, I would prefer out of print stuff, but I won't bust your crotch about it.
There's not a ton on my wishlist, but just shoot me a trade and I'll try to work something out. Values for box stuff are off from ebay BIN prices, including shipping (since these are not just a few cards).
43 2012-12-01 01:11:32
Topic: H: Boxed Set Stuff W: Format Staples (5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Looked in my drawer today and noticed the following sealed box stuff:
1x Duel Decks: Jace vs Chandra - $85
1x Commander: Devour for Power - $55
2x Commander: Heavenly Inferno - $68
and all four flavors of Archenemy - I'll get rid of the lot for $99.
I like Restoration Angels. I have a lot. I want more.
Also like format staples to turn around and trade. Since these are out of print, if no Restos, I would prefer out of print stuff, but I won't bust your crotch about it.
There's not a ton on my wishlist, but just shoot me a trade and I'll try to work something out. Values for boxed stuff are off from ebay BIN prices, including shipping (since these are not just a few cards).
44 2012-11-25 08:08:30
Topic: Good to be Back!!! (0 replies, posted in Trading Post)
Gang sorry to those of you that sent me trades the past couple of months and I didn't respond. Life happened. I'm back now, feel free to take a look over my tradelist. At the moment, it does not include anything in modern (still working on getting that stuff in, probably next weekend), but all Standard stuff is updated, along with Legacy stuff, too.
Not looking for much in the way of Standard at the moment, but I'll take a look at any trades if you have stuff I can turn around quickly like Snappys, Bonfires, Standard duals, etc. If you are hunting on Modern cards on top of a trade request, let me know, I have a bunch just haven't put into the system yet.
Happy trading!
- Rich
45 2012-11-25 04:58:16
Topic: Good to be Back!!! (0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Gang sorry to those of you that sent me trades the past couple of months and I didn't respond. Life happened. I'm back now, feel free to take a look over my tradelist. At the moment, it does not include anything in modern (still working on getting that stuff in, probably next weekend), but all Standard stuff is updated, along with Legacy stuff, too.
Not looking for much in the way of Standard at the moment, but I'll take a look at any trades if you have stuff I can turn around quickly like Snappys, Bonfires, Standard duals, etc.
Definitely hunting on a Vraska the Unseen for a new EDH deck though. Look up my current stuff!
- Rich
46 2012-06-27 06:28:05
Re: Looking to trade for a full set of Archenemy schemes (3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
I have all four of the boxed sets, unopened for trade. Let me know if you are interested and we'll work something out.
47 2012-06-15 05:58:56
Re: Looking for card too finish my deck (3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
shadey if you update what you need from this deck onto your wishlist, I can help you fill most if not all of it.
48 2012-06-13 21:20:43
Re: Cancelled (2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
echo Woolcock on that one
49 2012-06-13 05:41:47
Re: Looking for these cards: (13 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
cody is everything in your inventory for trade? didnt see anything on your tradelist...
50 2012-06-13 03:28:41
Re: Looking for Geist of Saint Trafts (1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
how many do you need, I am only seeing a wish for 1 on your list...