I'm looking to build Death and Taxes and just need some of the lands. I've pulled cards from other potential legacy decks and a few expensive EDH cards. I'm only looking to trade for these DnT pieces.

I should note that I only want English Legends version of Karakas.


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I'm in the process of finishing up UWR Delver and need a few of the smallish cards.

2x Grafdigger's Cage
1x Meddling Mage
2x True-name Nemesis
2x Arid Mesa

On the same note, I'm currently borrowing some of the dual lands. I'd be willing to discuss purchasing these. I need:

3x Tundra
1x Volcanic Island


As per the title, my focus is getting 2 Misty's to finish up Melira Pod. I'm also looking for a Wasteland, Windswept Heath and a Savannah but they take second seat to getting the Misty Rainforest x2.




Specifically, I need the following to finish out some decks:

2x Bayou
2x Misty Rainforest
1x Savannah
1x Windswept Heath
1x Wasteland

A lot of the lands I have in my Tradelist are only there to trade for the above cards. I'm always willing to trade for DRS and Abrupt Decay but only to fill out a trade, not the bulk of one. I'm willing to use money to close out trades too, to make up any ground as necessary.


I'm looking to try and finish up my Maverick deck as much as possible before I resort to buying cards (although that's an option if anyone's selling). Primary focus on the following from my Wishlist:

2x Bayou
1x Wasteland

Everything else on my Wishlist takes second fiddle to getting these. I realize that they're Legacy staples so I'm willing to compensate accordingly, including using Paypal.

I'm attempting to shore up a few of the expensive cards I'm tired of borrowing for Legacy Maverick (may be pushing Dark Maverick soon, hence the Bayous and Scrublands). Particular emphasis on getting a Wasteland. For Melira Pod, I just need Mistys and Voices. I may have a trade for the Chords in the works so hold off on those for now.

I realize I'm mostly hoping to trade up and I'm willing to trade accordingly to make that up. I'm also willing to use Cash to make up any differences.

I have a few filler cards on there to make up any differences (Abrupt Decay, DRS, etc).




I'm looking to trade for 3 Wasteland (strong preference to the Tempest ones) and a Windswept Heath. The only reason I'm pulling own expensive real estate out is to trade for the 3 Wasteland and Windswept Heath.

Edit: I'm also willing to use cash (paypal) to make up any differences if need be.


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)



(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I've recently acquired a few older cards (mainly Legends and Antiquities). Additionally, there's a City of Traitors, Sliver Queen and Goblin Piledriver.

I also have 4 opened Grixis 2013 Commander boxes lacking the 4 TNN and 2 of the Baleful Strix. Otherwise, they're untouched.

See the subject and signature.


(8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)



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(8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Updated with a few Theros cards.


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(8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

See the title and signature.

I have 4 Horizon Canopy I'd be willing to trade, if anyone's interested.


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I'm in the market for Shocklands (any) and some low price EDH cards.