I'm interested in Overgrown Tomb, Geralf's Messenger and Gravecrawler.  Don't have anything for trade that's on your wishlist atm, but do you mean plain old Beleren by regular Jace?

Like the title says, I want

4x Sulfur Falls
2x Woodland Cemetery

Everything in my tradelist is available, and maybe some other things from my inventory.



(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

looking to trade for a playset of sulfur falls.

Check my tradelist and also peruse my inventory, a deal may be worked out from there too

oh wow yeah must have been looking at the wrong line or carrying too many ones!

so if I understand correctly, I could theoretically trade 3k U/C for ~3 Resto Angel?

send a trade and ill look over it big_smile im very interested in the Mirrodin duals now since I have a lot of the Core ones from trades now

Pending other trades, I no longer need:

Core Duals
Rafiq of the Many
Stoic Angel
Jace's Phantasm
Mind Sculpt

Tradelist has been updated to not include things that are pending in trades

I'm looking to get a bunch of the core set duals, and maybe some INN / SOM duals as well.  I also would like

1-2x Rancor
1x Rafiq of the Many
2x Knotvine Paladin
2x Stoic Angel
2x Aven Squire
3x Jace's Phantasm
2-4x Mind Sculpt
1x Path to Exile

but some of these are lower priority.

Here's my tradelist,  http://deckbox.org/sets/191202?s=i&o=d   please make any offers you think of and we'll figure out details!


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

It's not on your 'want' list here, but I'd trade Bloom Tender for Cathedral of War.  Or go ahead and look through my cards, stuff outside my tradelist may still be tradeable.   I'm also interested in the promo Cathedral, what value would you put on it?