Have 2x beat underground sea's and an Unlimited decent Volcanic Island, few other things I need to update my trades.

bump a dump

Haha, it was a bit late when i wrote that. Thanks for the catch!


I need 3 Volcanics, MP or higher. I have other duals including an unlimited scrubland.

Got 2 of 3 so far
Whats left (all revised):
Plateau (MP)
Savannah (NM)
Scrubland (NM)
Badlands (MP)
Taiga (MP)
Just need one more!


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)


a complete foil affinity deck? everything? very interested

I need to do a complete overhaul of my trade/invatory list since im completely rethinking my Magic decks/everything. I would love a modern affinity list. Stuff thats big includes a Mint Foil Jace the Mind Sculptor from Worldwake, Most of the stuff in a modern american list, like foil helix's path to exiles etc, and lots of standard stuff. If anyone wants to part with an Affinity List id love to work out a trade/update my list for you. Im just seeing if i can get a bite, and id like to do a trade for the complete list.

id like to get $60 for it.

Preferred Method is paypal

Check out my trades, i dont have anything for the charbelcher deck, but looking for Lion's eye's the most right now.


(40 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

markst3ph3n wrote:

Also if you're trying to sell to fellow players at least make it a win-win situation for both parties. Sell for 70-80% of retail or something like that. Because the best you can probably get from buylist prices would be 50-60%.  No player would buy close to retail when they can go to their LGS, support it, and get the cards right away (less risk).

I see your point, your right I should just give them away to someone at my LGS it's the right thing to do and will make someone really happy. Thank you. ^^


(40 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

These fourms are a complete joke for selling things, they might be fine for trading,  but are full of suspicious assholes that constantly spam bullshit and bash people because they don't have dozens of trades and feedback, instead of asking real questions or possibly proposing a good solution all most assholes do is take time to call someone A dirty scammer with next to no evidence than " this kinda looks shady" you people make this group look like shit to anyone atempting to get decent value from their stuff, most of you are just sharks and complete rude assholes. I've tried to be nice, tried explaining thing, none of you read none of do anything but skim posts and make rude remarks. The thread is done, I learned my lesson I won't try to sell on this group again, if I have good stuff for sale I sure as hell won't be bringing it here.


(40 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Vincentarasin wrote:

I'd prefer to get free money too, but if I have to come by it honestly I guess I'll settle as well.

Point is, you've been hawking these for a while with this bullshit $300 bid. Take it and be done with it.

FYI, If you do decide to post some screenshot or another, I'll post one of Jessica Alba sexting me via facebook. Or insert any other scenario that can be faked with very little knowledge and effort.

I could email it it won't seem to let me post it on this forum, and you don't need to be a jackass about it, and your missing the point completely, I don't think $300 is near enough for what I have, it's something that's just going to keep going up over time so I think it's not to crazy to ask closer to full retail for something like this. I'm getting sick of people just trying to discredit me, I can understand why it might look a little shady but there is no reason to be disrespectful and constantly try to hammer someone who is just trying to sell something in this way, I've even said multiple times i can do normal paypal. If you aren't going to contribute in a constructive way then you need to just pass over the thread and say nothing, or provide a good criticism, people like you make these fourms, if what I ask is to crazy no one will bite and I just won't sell it online. It's as simple as that, I don't need people like you commenting.


(40 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

mrturk1001 wrote:
Lakaen wrote:

I think everyone is missing the point, I don't think $300 is such a good offer I want to get more that's why im trying so hard, and obviously I'd set the buy it now well above $300 so even with fees I get about what I want, but I realize that it's likely not going to sell very quickly doing that so I want to see if I can find someone else willing to give me above $300 with paypal gift, that would be the best situation. Although I think I'm just better off listing these on tcgplayer and just hope people buy more than 1-2 lands at a time.

Actually I think you are missing the point. You are NOT paying attention to what others here are trying to say to you. You are admitting that you are WANTING more for your value (we don't blame you) but unless you are local to any of us, we are not going to make this type of deal with you online with your level of feedback AND no way for us to be protected (paypal gift).

Yes... the unhinged basic lands can go for about $5 each on TCG player. Yes... we ALL want MAX value for our cards. But NO... this isn't going to be happening on DB because WE have no ways of being protected. I will NOT send a paypal gift of over $200 again. It didn't work out for me. I am sure most of the people in here feel the same way.

We are suggesting that you take the "confirmed" $300 deal if you are looking to sell them as a lot. Otherwise, you are going to be holding on to them for a long time trying to piece it out.

I mean I said I would take normal paypal, I just prefer gift, everyone seems to be overlooking this


(40 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Bmil wrote:
Lakaen wrote:

Honestly just wanted a clean post, so people are not dissuaded. These are very particular items and I think I just might be better off posting what I want on ebay and just waiting however long it takes to get it.

The main issue is that nobody wants to pay $300 for 70 lands, that and you supposedly have an offer yet here we are in thread #2, not to mention if you had an offer for $300 why would you go to eBay and incur fees as well as most likely not get $300?  If you have such a good offer just take it.  And the whole wanting payment via paypal gift isnt helping you at all.

I think everyone is missing the point, I don't think $300 is such a good offer I want to get more that's why im trying so hard, and obviously I'd set the buy it now well above $300 so even with fees I get about what I want, but I realize that it's likely not going to sell very quickly doing that so I want to see if I can find someone else willing to give me above $300 with paypal gift, that would be the best situation. Although I think I'm just better off listing these on tcgplayer and just hope people buy more than 1-2 lands at a time.


(40 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Honestly just wanted a clean post, so people are not dissuaded. These are very particular items and I think I just might be better off posting what I want on ebay and just waiting however long it takes to get it.


(40 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Ah that's fair, yeah one of my buddies is considering buying them, so If I could get starcity value id sell um to someone, but since no one pays full retake unless they need them right on the spot, ill likely just sell them
To him. Thanks for the defense though xD


(40 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

morph66 wrote:


The only sketchy thing about you is asking for 60+ on cards that are worth 45$, i mean that's your perogative, but it's pretty weak...

I'm a little confused by that comment. Do you mean to say that the lands aren't worth more than $45? O.O


(40 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

fairportmagic wrote:

Yeah this guy is sketchy

Bro I made a new thread because your spamming my posts with crap, and literally just hurting my posts because you have this unsupported theory that I'm sketchy.  Are you seariously going to follow all of my posts and post negitive crap on it? I'm just trying to get a better price on something that I think is worth something. You need to spend your time on something better than finding and atempting to discredit me.

I'll give screenshots of the $300 bid on the Facebook group that I'm in.


(4 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Already did thanks ^^


(40 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

70 Unhinged Lands for Sale, Mostly Near Mint some Lightly Played.
17 Forests
16 Plains
13 Islands
13 Swamps
11 Mountains

Current bid on other sites is at $300 looking to see if anyone can beat it.

Accepting Paypal Gift and ill send as soon as I am paid, will accept normal paypal but id like to try and get around the fee's.

Any questions anyone has ill get back to them asap!


(4 replies, posted in General Discussion)



(4 replies, posted in General Discussion)


70 Unhinged Lands for Sale, Mostly Near Mint some Lightly Played.
17 Forests
16 Plains
13 Islands
13 Swamps
11 Mountains

Current bid on other sites is at $300 looking to see if anyone can beat it.

Accepting Paypal Gift and ill send as soon as I am paid, will accept normal paypal but id like to try and get around the fee's.

Any questions anyone has ill get back to them asap!