Endless Horizons, Tithe, Wayfarer's Bauble, Kor Cartographer, and Gift of Estatesare all solid ramp options in white. Do you run a Belbe's Portal as a secondary Quicksilver Amulet?

Also, this thread (http://forums.mtgsalvation.com/showthread.php?t=400528) has a good discussion on what to include in an angel tribal deck.

Who is your general? Check out http://forums.mtgsalvation.com/showthread.php?t=442195 for a list of primers and general deck strategies. I'm considering dismantling my Drana EDH deck, so if you see anything inside that you could use, feel free to shoot me a trade. Link to deck here: http://deckbox.org/sets/449378

UnstableFlux wrote:
Asuran wrote:

You know staff of domination is banned in EDH

It was unbanned earlier this year

Edit: http://mtgcommander.net/Forum/viewtopic … mp;t=15735

And Krenko players the world over rejoiced big_smile

PhyrexianLibrarian wrote:

Canadian here.

Does a lot of this have to do with mistrust, not of your trading partner, but of the USPS? I drop my envelopes right at the post office to make sure all of the postage is correct, and to date I've never had an envelope go missing to anywhere in the world, including Europe and Australia. But in receiving envelopes, I've seen a huge variety of postages (between $1.10 and $6.50 for what appears to be the same thing), and from reading the forums here the belief that the package will be lost in transit is way higher.

Is this a "government can't do anything right" thing?

I think it's mostly a psychological thing, as there is more uncertainty and risk when you're trading across borders. USPS is a fine organization, but when you add more variables to the equation things become more complicated and generally not worth the effort.

Mattssacre wrote:

VampireArmy wrote:

in my opinion the minor appears to be handling it with more maturity than you are.  what does that say about the very argument you're making?

Perhaps you should address the person you're trying to communicate with. Since I'm the OP, I'll assume it's me.

The minor who's handling it more maturely than I am did nothing but lie for the first two weeks of our trade.  When you can't trade face to face, all you have is the other person's word to go on.  Perhaps you're some sucker who likes to be lied to, but that doesn't fly with me.  Liars are straight cowards, if he would have owned up to his mistakes early on, I wouldn't have even made a deal of it.  You might want to learn your facts before you come in here talking sh*t.  Did you even read my post?  You must have zero reading comprehension, since you completely missed the point of the post. (Pro tip: Legality)  I wouldn't be surprised if you're a minor too.

Reading through your responses in this thread and your last one has me thinking that the point of your posts is to complain about your poor trading experience under the guise of constructive discussion. You're expending a lot of energy on something (scams) that will probably never change in the future.

I would prefer a package include a DRS but feel free to make any and all offers. Thanks!

I'm confused, you first say that he didn't give you a tracking number then you say he did?

Mattssacre wrote:

I understand that people are busy,  but it only takes 30 seconds to tell me that.  Don't tell me after the fact that you've decided to go out of town or something instead of sending my cards (when they knew I mine were already in the mail) I think there's a bit of an issue.  At the very least I think people should tell you if they aren't going to send right away.  It's basically a business transaction, people should treat it as such.

It sounds like an unpleasant situation and you're clearly upset how the transaction was executed. Best thing to do is to make a mental note and never trade with that person again. I'm sure a lot of people here have had to deal with a difficult person every now and again, but unless it was something so heinous (not receiving cards, card came in pieces, etc.) it's not worth writing a negative review.