also have 4 loxodon smiters

3 Ash Zealots

Still need the thundermaws.

Still need 3 thundermaws.

Need 3 Thundermaw stills.

Still have 1 Temple Garden

3 Armada Wurm, one of which is foil.

4 Troostani's

I need 3 Thundermaw Hellkites

To trade I have the following:

1x Temple Garden

1x Steam Vents

1x Hallowed Fountain

5x Trostani

3x Armada Wurm(1 of which is foiled)

2x Supreme verdict

1x Niv mizzet

1x Jace aot

1x Steam vents

1x Underworld connections

1x Hallowed fountain

1x Angel of serenity

1x Abrupt decay

1x Chromatic lanterns

1x Pitching needle


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Bumpity bump


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I have other things, that is just the high dollar card.

I need a full playset of Blood crypts and also 2 mizzium mortars.

Take a gander at my inventory and make an offer.

Willing to part with 2 Blood crypts and a mizzium mortar and Skirsdag High Priest?

A lot of this has changed, foil Jace is gone. Still have a regular though. Step on up people!

crapinabottle wrote:

Hey, I have 4 BA, 1 foil BA and an extra diregraf ghoul- unfortunately I'm making a similar deck, haha, let me know if you'd be interested in any of these. I'm interested in your lotleth, I'd definitely throw in extra cards because you'd be trading down, let me know. Sorry I don't have more

Trade sent.

medicfourlife wrote:

So are cards from your inventory up as well? I have 2 falkenrath, but there isn't much I could use from your trade list.

I have the rest of the falkenraths I need onto messengers and crawlers now. I trade out of my inventory mostly besides a few things in there I won't trade. If you see something you want and have something I need make an offer and ill let you know if its up for grabs.


still need 4 Cravecrawlers, 4 Geralf's messengers, 4 tragic slips,

And 4 Dragonskull Summits and 4 Bloodcrypt (These are lower priority)

Almundjoy wrote:
Thomasowns wrote:

I need 3 messengers and aristocrats as well.

Do you see anything in my tradelist you want?

From your tradelist no sad

From your inventory yes, let me know if you'd let go of a cavern or two

2 caverns for 2 aristocrats?

I need 3 messengers and aristocrats as well.

Do you see anything in my tradelist you want?

Foil Jace is gonnnnne!!

Still have a regular jace, need some 4x bloodcrypts, 4x tragic slips 2x diregraf ghoul and 2x Skirsdag High Priest


Want everything on my Wishlist, hoping to get the best I can to build a new deck.

4x bloodcrypts,
4x tragic slips
2x diregraf ghoul
2x Skirsdag High Priest
These are the top needs ^^

Low needs:

2x Mizzium Mortars
2x Rakdos Charm
I also have sublime archangel, lotleth troll, lilianna of the dark realms, Detention sphere, etc.

Let's make a deaaaal!

You have the 4 way faring temple as well?

If so i'm up for a trade, see anything you need?

I have various other things.

I need 3 loxodon smiters and 4 wayfaring temples.

Check my deckbox to see what's up for trade

And avacyn's pilgrims..

Got the Trostani's I need.

H: Foil Bloodcrypt, Lotleth troll ETC. W: Trostani

Most of what is in my inventory is up for trade with a few exceptions.