Interested in foil Korean Ashen Rider. How much do you value it at?

What's your asking price for selling?

I'm interested in the foil Thassa. Is your wishlist the only things you're trading for?

I'm interested in the Elspeth, do you have pics?

I'm interested. Do you see anything on my list?

I have:

1 Italian FoW
2 Baleful Strix
2 Maelstrom Pulse

What other hard to find foils do you have?

WarLordUSA wrote:

@dyzzy probably (can you post images on the forum I am new to deckbox/reddit trades)?

It's the one on the right:

Start up a trade with me if you're interested.

I can do this. How much extra value were you thinking of adding?

Would you be interested in trading for a signed Jitte (also slightly altered by the artist)? I can send you a pic if you want.

I have all the cards you need for Shardless (minus Theros Thoughtseizes of course), and am interested in foil Glen Elendra. Starting a trade.

I have a Blood Baron and I'm interested in FTV Gilded Lotus and Akroma's Vengeance. Starting a trade.

Would you be interested in a Japanese Damnation, or English only?

Interested in foil Xathrid Necromancer if you find anything you want from my list.

Are you only trading for English? I have a Japanese Absorb and Gilded Drake available.

Got 2 Geists for a Lili. Started a trade.

Started a trade.

Sent a trade offer.

Would you be interested in a Japanese Replenish?

Beagle wrote:
dyzzy wrote:

How much are you offering for Mesas? I have a friend who wants to sell his.

Start up a trade with me - might be willing to buy all 4

I may have spoken too soon, he is still on the fence. I'll start a trade, but I can't guarantee anything.

I have 2 Deathrites plus some random stuff on your wants. Trade started.

How much are you offering for Mesas? I have a friend who wants to sell his.

I have a Blood Baron. Trade started.


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I'm interested in one. Is there anything on my list you want?

Are you only buying a full set? I can sell you 1, maybe 2 copies.

Do you care which Natural Order? I have 1 Portal copy for trade.