I must not have seen it yet Pitch. Next time leave the trade up for at least a full day or two, all I saw was that a trade had been started then immediately cancelled, so I assumed you changed your mind.

Brendan, I've started a trade, AznMan I'll give your list a look tonight.

Thanks for the interest! Keep the trades coming! I will be updating my tradelist very soon with new additions.

Oh? You started a trade and then ended it. Was that because you didn't want to trade the Avenger?



Bump! Still looking for trades! Feel free to start one up and we'll see if we can work something out!

Unless you wanted to trade it for your Avenger, I'd probably pass. I have two EDH decks with B in them that are very keen on Phyrexian Arena. It probably shouldn't be on my tradelist. Thank you for your interest!


Hey all!

Looking to make some trades! If I have something you like, send me a trade or post here. I'll check out your tradelist and see if we can work something out!

EDIT: Also looking to trade an Ajani, Caller of the Pride for an Ajani Goldmane (and maybe a zendikar/foil land).

Have a good one, and happy trading!

can you send me pics of the mox diamond?


Let me know if we can work out a trade for Entomb or Toxic Deluge. Maybe throw a Rancor on if it works out.


Hey all,

I'm looking for the next high-price inclusion for my cube, this time - something colorless! I'd like to pick up a Mox Diamond, Crucible of Worlds, or Karn Liberated. Edition doesn't really matter to me, but condition MUST be NM.

I have a wishlist, but there isn't much on it. If you like something on my tradelist, send me a trade and I'll look over your list and see if we can work something out. I'm here to make trades! Not really interested in penny-pinching.

Thanks for looking! Have a good one.

Bump! Still looking for a Sorin and Elspeth!

Sweet, trade sent.

Hey there,

I'm trying to swap out my foil planeswalkers for original, non-foil art. I have Duel Decks versions of:

Sorin, Lord of Innistrad
Elspeth, Knight-Errant

I'd like the Dark Ascension Sorin, Scars Venser, and either MMA or Shards Elspeth. I'll happily trade a few bucks in value on top of the foils for the originals. Send me a trade or post here, thanks for looking!

I'm also always looking to make more trades if this doesn't apply to you but you still like things on my tradelist. My wishlist isn't really up to date, so just send me a trade with what you're interested in getting and I'll look to see if we can work something out.

Have a good one!

Sorry, nothing grabbed my attention hmm





Also looking to replace my DD Elspeth, Knight-Errant!


Hey all,

I'm currently trying to get the original printings of Sorin, Lord of Innistrad and Venser the Sojourner for my cube. If you have them and fancy a swap, I'd happily trade them + $1-2 in value for them.

Or, if you can find something fair on my tradelist to swap, I'd do that too. But preferably I want to swap Sorin for Sorin and Venser for Venser, as I don't really need extra copies.

Thanks, and have a good one! Also, if you want to do a completely unrelated trade, send me a request. I'll do trades of all sizes (most of the time).



(6 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)