If you are interested in any of the above or anything else on my tradelist, please feel free to start a trade with me smile

Still looking!

As stated above, my local Applebees is kinda awful so I would rather just trade out the giftcard for Magic cards. If interested, feel free to start up a trade and I can look at your tradelist!

Looking for the above, but also open to other trades. Feel free to check out my TL or WL. Start up a trade if you are interested in the Windswept Heath and I will see if I find anything in your list.


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)



(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Hey there! Looking to get a few Dark Confidants, preferably in MP condition. Feel free to start up a trade and we can try and work something out!

Still have mats for trade.

I just sold one on eBay for $50 (and others have been selling in this range), so I would be looking to get about $60 in trade.

Just multiple Orlando go mats

Have a few mats for trade, so if anyone is still interested you are not too late yet smile

Hello all! Figured I would see if there was any interest in the GP Orlando mat and pins set. I do not personally care too much for the mat, but the pins are actually pretty sweet (large painted metal as seen here http://www.magicgp.com/GPOrlando/). If you are interested, feel free to start a trade. Looking at both Paypal and trade offers smile


As the title mentions smile

Feel free to start up a trade, I am looking to trade all three cards at once if possible.


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

If you are interested in the scalding tarns, feel free to start a trade and I will take a look at your TL smile

Just need two more!

Just start a trade if interested!

Really depends on which land specifically. They vary quite a bit.


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)


Feel free to start a trade if you are interested! smile


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

If interested, feel free to start a trade and I will take a look at your WL smile

Feel free to start up a trade and I'll take a look at your list! smile


Start a trade if interested!

Please start up a trade if you have a foil Griselbrand! This is the last one I need for my playset and I am absolutely psyched since this is the last big foil piece I need for my modern deck. I am more than willing to work something out smile


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Hey there! Looking to get my hands on two more foil Griselbrands. Willing to do a combination of trading/paying for these. If you are looking for anything specific, please ask since my TL has not been updated in a bit. Would absolutely love to work something out smile