Id be interested in a goyf, have snaps, scalding tarns, entombs, etc.  Let me know if you want to work something out.

Need 2 more goyfs, 2 snapcasters left


(6 replies, posted in Buying & Selling Cards)


Old Cards For sale, I no longer play magic and have a bunch of eternal playable's I am looking to offload, my friend reccomended deck box before i go to ebay. Here's the very best of what i  have and price. Photos on re-guest and i  can send internationally. For anything specific pm me.

4x Snapcaster Mage - 122.21 US Dollar for set
4x Liliana of the Veil - 152.76 US Dollar for set
4x Scalding Tarn - 122.21 US Dollar for set

Considering the insanely low prices, I would err on the side of caution.

And its a brand new account.

Vincentarasin wrote:

Got a phyrexian elesh norn laying around?

I do not

Vincentarasin wrote:

Inventory is locked.

Namely because people would dig through it for things I wouldnt trade, never really kept it updated so it also had a lot of things I no longer owned, if people are interested in what I have laying in my value box (blood moons, engi explosives, other misc staples) I am more than willing to work out something based on their wishlist.

Need 3, willing to trade out of my inventory for them.

Looking for Polluted Delta, Flooded Strand foils,  Abrupt Decay and Steam Vent foils.  Might trade my 4th Snap for the right deal.

Only looking for NM English copies, no Italian, no premium deck versions.

Need a set.


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I've got a fulminantor for trade

I've still got one from NPH for trade

I have spellskites for trade.

Also looking for Foil Brainstorms and  Foil Preordains, my wants/haves are (mostly) up to date.  Foil Vengevines and Tezz AoB take priority.

ParanoidSarge wrote:

Did you see anything?

Not really


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Need 3 of the little buggers, tad short on standard cards at the moment though, willing to take other things on my list as filler if needed.

ParanoidSarge wrote:

Well what would you being willing to trade for it? Wanna take a look at my deck box?


ParanoidSarge wrote:

Pack foil

I could potentially be interested in one.

ParanoidSarge wrote:

Do you want a foil torrent elemental?

Pack or promo?

Looking for a few things, both wants/haves are fairly up to date.  Not extremely interested in foil Torrent Elementals and my prime interest are the promo Tasigurs along with two Thoughtseize.

I got numerous fetches for trade, lemme know if youre interested.

Need at least 2 Strands, will take a 3rd and only need a single RTR foil Steam Vents also looking for Thoughtseizes, not terribly interested in coursers as their reprint comes out soon, rest of list is fairly low priority if its not foil.

Updated my list with a bunch of stuff that I am looking to sell, first come first serve, everything ships with tracking.

Id be interested in the foil strand, feel free to take a look and pick somethin out.

D_Lillz89 wrote:
asrttyoxo wrote:

I don't believe you are allowed to sell sealed product here.

Do i need to post it in the marketplace forum?

Need to have an active seller account and post in marketplace.

Bump, still need more storm foils