My Romanian is very poor, so can someone tell me why on RG site there is written "Entry fee: 20 lei/pers", and then "taxa participare 30 ron". Do I understand right, that after paying 30 RON only 1 booster/person is in pool? That's pretty weak.

Nevertheless, most of you is planning now to play on saturday? Or we can play a little bit on friday&then saturday?

I understand that we'll play at Red Goblin, yep? Maybe they will organise something like FNM? cool At what time should we start? 16.00 is for example good for me (of course if we'll speaking about vineri)

In joi I can play as well, if somebody wants ;-)

I can play on thursday (but not earlier than 18.00), I can play on friday (but not longer than till 19.00) . Doesn't matter for me.

Sorry Guys, but I forgot I have to attend at some evening activity for EILC course, so I can't play with U today ;/ If friday is not good for you, then we can probably meet in next week (maybe even on FNM ;-) ), Scuze one more time !

Thursday is fine for me, but after saisprezece de ora of course ;-)

By writing posts, I'm trying to know if there's anybody here that wants to play. That's all. If not, I'll just play drafts or something.

Yeah, do everything you want, I don't mind. I just would like to play constructed :-)

Someone wants to play little "FNM" in standard at Friday evening? We can buy one booster/person as an entrance fee, and then open those boosters and redraft, according to the place in tournament. It's probably the best way, cuz more serious players can win something interesting, and younger/casual players can also pick something good (like charm, or anything else).

Whay say U? :-)


(19 replies, posted in Evenimente)

Well, I'm in ;-)

Ok, so I'll be at 13.00 at Enigma Cafe. See you then ;-)

Thanks for information. To be honest, it's my first day here and I'm totally not aware about community.

You don't play any FNM's in standard? I know that a shop is opening in day of PRE, so maybe then there will be possibility to organise FNM's?

Well, I would likely meet you all, but I don't like watching while others play ;-) But if somebody wants to play standard on saturday morning, while the rest of you will have fun drafting, I could come. Just you (the somebody ;-) ) give a sign here.

If not , we'll meet at the PRE on 26th. Luckily I've done my registration in last year, so there's place for me to play :-)

See you then on this or next saturday then !

Hi there !

I've just arrived at Cluj, and I'm wondering - do you play standard in Cluj recently? I would gladly play with some group/somebody on this saturday maybe? If not standard, maybe Pauper Classic (but with small limit of proxies - still miss few cards to my UR Post)?