Which art is your foil Zendikar swamp?

Which art is the foil mountain? I could be interested.

I need these foils:
Ashen Rider
Agent of the Fates
Thassa, God of the Sea
Meletis Charlatan
Bow of Nylea
Coordinated Assault
Horizon Chimera
Glare of Heresy
Hopeful Eidolon
Observant Alseid
Benthic Giant
Triton Shorethief
Akroan Crusader
Leonin Snarecaster
Plains 231
Island 237
Swamp 238
Swamp 239
Swamp 240
Mountain 245

I'll do any size trade to get these foils. I can find cards in your tradelist to balance out a trade. Let's make this happen.

Are you willing to trade from your inventory? I saw a few things in there I would trade a Mutavault for, but not much on tradelist.

What do you value the whole deck at? And do you mind posting a list?

also started a discussion.

BUMP. I am getting close to finishing the foils and I'm willing to dig through lists to find other trades. Start up a trade if you see anything you're interested in.

BasedJeleren wrote:

Interested in a Foil Elspeth?

I have that one taken care of. I'm really working on mostly bulk stuff now.

brightmatrix wrote:

The only one I have from your list is a Meletis Charlatan. If you don't mind a smaller trade, I'm happy to send it off. LMK

I think I've got the Charlatan worked out. Thanks for the offer.

Now, someone has to have these commons and uncommons. Start up some trades people.

I'm trying to finish a foil set of Theros and I need more trades to make it happen. So, here's my wishlist http://deckbox.org/sets/305877

Let's work something out.

And I'm also looking to do some trades that don't involve foils. Start up a trade if you see anything you're interested in.

dyzzy wrote:

Did you open anything else of note? I assume you would've already mentioned them, but I'd be interested in Russian copies of any these cards:
Infernal Tutor
Trygon Predator
Coiling Oracle
Ghost Quarter

i have ghost quarter, a couple oracles and a predator. open up a trade and i'll add those to my list.

I just opened these at a local shop that had a few Russian packs. I'm just looking to drum up some interest. Open a trade if you want to trade for them.

Mostly interested in getting 2 non-foil thoughtseizes, but will look at other offers. just start a trade if you're interested.

Not seeing anything for the fetch, sorry.

Title basically covers it. I have a beta sol ring that I used to play in my commander deck, but I no longer play commander, so I'd like to trade it a good home. Also looking for other trades (mostly modern stuff, but I'll always look at lists). Let's see if we can strike up a deal.

just updated my binder with some stuff I'm willing to trade, like full art mana leaks and ponders. check out my list and hit me up with some offers.


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Got a few trades last night, bump to see if I can get a couple more today.


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I've just updated my trade and wish lists, looking to get some trades done. Take a look at my list and let me know if we can work something out.


Still looking for trades on these. Take a look at my list, let's work something out.

Need 2 more flats and a playset of verdants to finish my set of modern fetches.

Even if you don't have the fetches, check out my list, I'm always willing to trade.


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Interested in pack foil remand? I've got a pair I could part with.

I've recently had a chance to get a lot of trading done and mixed up my tradelist a lot. Looking for specific foils to finish out my modern deck (all in my wishlist). Those foils take priority, but I also am interested in shocks, fetches, deathrite shamans, and snapcasters. I'd like to get foils of any of those as well.

Just start up a trade if you see anything you're interested in, I'm always willing to work something out.

Would you be interested in the blank filler cards? I have a foil and non-foil for trade.

Are you interested in original printings of the shocks or just the new ones?

Looking for fetches (mostly zendikar, onslaught secondarily). will trade up if needed. check my tradelist and propose a trade.