(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Looking to trade for all of these.  Hit me up!

4x deadshot minotaur
3x monstrous carabid
1x twisted abomination
2x pale recluse
2x fulminator mage
1x avalanche riders
3x living end
4x violent outburst
4x demonic dread
1x beast within
2x ancient stirrings
2x chromatic sphere
1x Karn liberated
3x Silvergill adept
4x lord of atlantis
2x cursecatcher
3x mutavault

Yep, she is valued at $35 dollars.  I could let her go for $30 though if the cards are right!

Hey there, thanks for looking at my post tongue

I recently acquired a foil Jenara as a throw in and found out she was worth a lot more than I thought.  I have no need for her, and would much rather trade her into something I can use.

If you would like to give this lovely NM foil Jenara a loving home I would be more than happy to take a look at your list!

Thanks again!


I'm building legacy merfolk and Modern Zoo.  Send me a trade if you have any of these for trade:
Silvergill Adept
Lord of Atlantis
Force of Will
Merrow Reejerey
Coralhelm COmmander
Aether Vial
Ajani Vengeant
Lotus Cobra
Grim Lavamancer
Lightning Helix
Ranger of Eos
Naya Shocklands
Naya Fetchlands
Sword of X and Y
Anything else that would be good in the decks

Thanks for looking!



Hello!  I've got all sorts of various edh and modern cards I am trying to trade into stuff I need.  If you see something in my tradelist that you want don't hesitate to hit me up!  My wishlist doesn't even begin to cover everything I am looking for so don't worry about not having something I want. 

Here's a list of notable haves:
Chain Lightning
Goryo's vengeance
avacyn, angel of hope
woodfall primus
privileged position
sterling grove
ethersworn cannonist
glimpse of nature
nicol bolas, planeswalker
proclamation of rebirth
life from the loam
Many, many more!

If you have a marsh flats for trade I will also trade of of inventory.  Thanks for looking!

Hey!  Got a bunch of stuff in my tradelist that I would love to turn into other stuff.  If you see something you want hit me up.  Even if you don't have something on my wishlist feel free to start a trade, I don't update my wishlist anyway tongue
