I know what you mean. Good luck sir.

So you got all the gobbo's you need sir?

Are the wastelands only for trade for duals? If not I have the stifles and the flusterstorms.

You've updated your wishlist! Now maybe I can get some of that reanimator stuff! I'll send an offer later smile

Ok I have the majority of the deck. I'll send a trade out in a bit.

Does your wishlist have all the Goblins you need? I have goblins built but would be willing to trade some of it for the FoW

Both are NM one is German the other is in English. I think there is like a $20 difference between the two so I would probably have to throw in some filler depending on the conditions. Thanks for looking.

Oh I also need two more Entombs and 2 more Reanimates. Any edition. Thanks.

I want a Kiki! Take a look at my list!

Both are NM one is German the other is in English. I think there is like a $20 difference between the two so I would probably have to throw in some filler depending on the conditions. Thanks for looking.

Oh I also need two more Entombs and 2 more Reanimates. Any edition. Thanks.

Like the title says!


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

It was pretty quick for me. I imagine a mod will come along shortly and help you out!


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Sending an offer!

I think a lot of those FNM promos are like 5$ right? I mean besides lingering souls and goblin guides.

I have a sp top and one counterbalance if you are interested? I am interested in a misty

Like the title says, yo! Maybe 4 FNM promo Goblin Guides too! Hit me upppppppppppppppppppppppppp

Would you mind looking at my list and inventory for the two advent wurms?


(1 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Is it all on your wishlist?


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Would love to get it all in one big trade! Thanks for looking!

What cards are you looking for?


(2 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Oh yeah I'll edit it to be more clear. I haven't really messed with a wishlist since I have so many wants that change every five minutes. One of the perks of being poor I guess haha. I'll start a trade shortly.


(2 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Like the title says smile Most of my tradeslist and inventory is for trade. I was able to clean it up a bit earlier but I may have missed a couple things. That being said feel free to ask about anything in my lists! Just looking to get a standard deck after being out a couple blocks!


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Ok so this blew up quicker than I thought. I got a ton of trades going now so give me awhile to figure out what will get me the most stuff. Also, the more value on my side the better smile ha Give me a bit here I got a lot to sort through.


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Got everything I needed. Thanks a ton you guys!

Haha yeah but if your list is anything like mine it may be off by a card or two. tongue

How many Hinterland Harbors do you have?