Actually, Hallowed Moonlight is a general "fuck you" to combo overall. Hits Twin, Living End, CoCo and Reanimator while also messing with the likes of Young Pyromancer and Mentor. Mizzium Meddler feels like a firecracker compared to Spellskite.
27 2015-06-29 08:17:51
Re: [ORI] spoilers (18 replies, posted in Noutăți)
juzer wrote:
hehNo more grisledaddy goryo combo
Faerie Macabre takes better care of that
28 2015-06-26 15:18:17
Re: [ORI] spoilers (18 replies, posted in Noutăți)
Goblin Piledriver - Rares, rejoice. )
29 2015-06-23 15:37:30
Re: [ORI] spoilers (18 replies, posted in Noutăți)
Timetwister with a clause that makes it bad. Lol.
30 2015-06-12 10:21:03
Re: Looking for: (3 replies, posted in Taverna)
Ma uit si-ti aduc tot ce am foil non-Swamp basic.
31 2015-06-02 10:21:10
Re: nu stiu voi, dar (535 replies, posted in Taverna)
Mda, disproportionate reactiile unora (Huey, Turtenwald, Reid Duke). Intr-adevar, daca nu esti platinum-pro cu o droaie de sponsorizari si cartea aia iti plateste pentru un GP (la care altfel nu te-ai fi putut duce) e perfect normal sa optezi pentru value. It's not like Maynard threw a match for money or something.
32 2015-06-02 07:44:25
Re: nu stiu voi, dar (535 replies, posted in Taverna)
I don't blame the guy. Singura chestie buna din pack era Burst Lightning.
De asemenea, ala e un foil Goyf cu stampul de T8 (singurul in existenta). Batem pariu ca in 3-4 luni o sa fie minim 700$?
I don't blame him either, but still - if I were a pro player in his seat I would have taken the Burst Lightning - As fi preferat sa am o carte care sa-mi dea cele mai bune sanse sa castig top8-ul in loc sa iau the sweet value. In schimb, intr-un draft necompetitiv as fi luat goyf-ul fara ezitare.
33 2015-05-29 10:50:47
Re: Carti imprumut :) (1,473 replies, posted in GameFlux)
C'mon boys - n-are cineva 4 Young Pyromancer de "inchiriat" pt. sambata? I'll take good care of them - I promise.
34 2015-05-24 08:07:33
Re: Carti imprumut :) (1,473 replies, posted in GameFlux)
Ma poate imprumuta cineva cu 4x Young Pyromancer pt. weekendul viitor?
As aprecia si donatii de Dispel sau Spell Pierce
35 2015-05-19 09:18:32
Re: Origins Pre (30 replies, posted in Evenimente)
main : blue
midnite: black
2HG: blue
36 2015-05-14 13:36:47
Re: Carti imprumut :) (1,473 replies, posted in GameFlux)
Ce pishet? We LoL now?
Antimage laughs at your LoL reference. Now seriously, playing against RDW is fun... once you've stabilized and the opponent can't do shit
37 2015-05-13 11:59:22
Re: Practice night (16 replies, posted in GameFlux)
Shit- n-am cum azi. OT beckons.
38 2015-05-13 07:06:34
Re: Practice night (16 replies, posted in GameFlux)
Eu unul m-as baga la un playtest in seara asta. La ce ora si cine mai vine?:D
39 2015-05-13 04:25:32
Re: august fnm promo... (10 replies, posted in Noutăți)
Nu ma surprinde... no MM reprint + au anuntat ca vor oferi mai multe Modern staples ca promo si chiar ma asteptam la ceva in acelasi value range ca Path.
40 2015-05-12 09:27:54
Re: Carti imprumut :) (1,473 replies, posted in GameFlux)
Boys, are cineva de imprumutat pentru sambata
2x Silumgar's Scorn
2x Encase in Ice
1x Haven of the Spirit Dragon ?
2x Stormbreath Dragon
Sincere multumiri donatorilor!
41 2015-05-11 15:19:35
Re: Modern cards contra Elf deck (4 replies, posted in GameFlux)
There are matchups and matchups, my friend.
Ce au zis baietii e destul legitim. Eu personal as merge pe varianta cu zealous persecution, ca abzanul are destul spot removal pt lorzi.
Da, zealous persecution or chalice of the void are probably your best bet. Celelalte raspunsuri sunt ori prea slow, ori pot fi scoase de pe masa after side. Ca sa nu mai zic ca in mid-late game ii poti omori aparent out of nowhere cu persecution + gavony pe o masa cu cateveva tokens de lingering souls.
42 2015-05-11 14:22:23
Re: Modern cards contra Elf deck (4 replies, posted in GameFlux)
Elves ia bataie de la Burn, Splinter Twin, Melira Combo (cam orice combo deck bun in general fiindca are 0 interactiune cu adversarul).
Ce poti sa incerci tu e Curse of Death's Hold, Orzhov Pontiff si, bineinteles, Zealous Persecution (ultima is a must oricum in sideboard IMHO).
43 2015-05-05 15:41:33
Re: [MMB] Spoiler season (8 replies, posted in Noutăți)
APM wrote:
This is also a good thing
Uncommon? That is silly.
Just as silly as uncommon Doom Blade in M14.
44 2015-05-05 08:51:07
Re: Cards needed (8 replies, posted in GameFlux)
Am updatat trade-ul pe care il am cu tine cu vreo 2 dragonlorzi din DTK care par sa-ti lipseasca - vezi acolo pls si spune-mi ce parere ai. Din lista ta de modern am 3 Lingering Souls, in caz ca n-ai facut deja rost.
45 2015-05-04 09:15:03
Re: Carti imprumut :) (1,473 replies, posted in GameFlux)
Iti pot imprumuta un Lightning Bolt
yay thanks. please gdo keep 'em coming!
46 2015-05-04 05:42:54
Re: Carti imprumut :) (1,473 replies, posted in GameFlux)
Help please! My "Modern" deck needs:
4x Sacred Foundry
4x Hallowed Fountain
3x Steam Vents
3x Delver of Secrets
4x Lightning Helix
1x Lightning Bolt
2x Vapor Snag
3x Young Pyromancer
Remand sau Serum Visions would also be sweet, daca are cineva de imprumutat.
47 2015-05-02 08:05:49
Re: Carti imprumut :) (1,473 replies, posted in GameFlux)
Avem Anticipate si Anger, boss... 2 of each.
48 2015-04-30 08:26:46
Re: Carti imprumut :) (1,473 replies, posted in GameFlux)
Jeskai Tokens in unele matchupuri se transforma in control dupa sideboard. Contra monored, de exemplu, nu vad cum ai putea sa fii mai aggro. Uneori e bun si in mirror, daca reusesti sa navighezi jocul incat sa fie the shit.
He speaks the truth!
49 2015-04-30 08:03:05
Re: Carti imprumut :) (1,473 replies, posted in GameFlux)
Haha... very funny. Not counterproductive at all - se joaca in majoritatea SB-urilor de Jeskai Tokens si nu e neaparat silver bullet pentru Rares - merge poate chiar mai bine vs abzan aggro decat vs RDW (unde se descurca ok si Arc Lightning sau Twin Bolt, cum zicea Liviu). Lasand insa deoparte discutiile de metagame, are totusi cineva cartile astea? Ma multumesc si cu Seismic Rupture in loc de Anger
50 2015-04-30 05:05:12
Re: Carti imprumut :) (1,473 replies, posted in GameFlux)
Hey boys! Ma poate imprumuta cineva pentru sambata cu 2x Anger of the Gods si 2x Elspeth, Sun's Champion?