(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

No one at my LGS want my foils/promos! How about you guys?

foils + their TCG median price:

Angel of Serenity            $25.21
Advent of the Wurm        $12.00
Valoroz                             $9.76
Blood Baron                     $25.62
thragtusk                           $20.48
spellstutter sprite (MM)   $2.88
putrefy                                $4.53
manamorphose (MM)     $6.40
meloku  (MM)                    $7.49
lava spike (MM)               $5.17
Gravecrawler (p)             $6.50
Gitaxian probe (p)           $3.25
Chromatic Lantern         $8.10
Bloodgift Demon            $2.89

Prices are copy-pasted from tcgplayer.com, they're negotiable

Hey, topic says it, the value of a foil tarmogoyf on ebay jumps around a bit... anyone trade a foil for a playset? I have a foil and I would trade it for a playset, trying to figure out how feasible that is.

trade proposed

Looking for LotV, hoping to get it by friday so if we could work something out by monday morning I can ship priority express if you're willing to as well ( 2 day delivery for most cases, about 3 dollars ish)

I have 2 sphinx's, 2 arid mesas, foils, and other stuff for trade... check out my list. I'm also looking for some cheaper rare cards (cheaper than LotV) in case we need to even out a deal... Dreadbore, Mizzium Mortars, Drowned Catacomb.


trade proposed

you interested in a foil blood baron?

I also have 2 sphinx's for trade, i'm interested in the lilianas. Start a trade if you're interested

link to tradelist:  http://deckbox.org/sets/383340

notable foils are angel of serenity, blood baron

Here is my list:


Highlights are some MM pulls, 2 Arid Mesa, 2 Sphinx's Revelation, Foil angel of serenity

I'm mainly interested in trading for fetches with fetches, but other deals could be worked out.

I have some nice foils, advent of the wurm, angle of serenity, blood baron. I also have Arid Mesas. I'm looking for Liliana of the veils or other fetch lands.

I'm working on two different scapeshift builds, a ramp one with prime-time and a control one with cryptic command.

In either (primarily the ramp one) i was thinking that maybe glittering wish might be useful. Addnig temple gardens in place of some forests, glittering wish can help provide some utility form the sideboard.


Looking to score fetch lands (misty rainforest and scalding tarn). Check out my tradelist. I'm new to deckbox so i'll be more inclined to trade with people that have high reputation.