(3 replies, posted in General Discussion)

That card may part of the Renaissance set.

Those cards were strictly printed in Europe similar to Chronicles or Fourth Edition here. They were only available in Italian, German, and French.

See for yourself here:


Had conflicting views on value for cards printed in Renaissance with another trader. Since the DeckBox does NOT have them in its Db, it is troublesome to put value to them.
They are like Chronicles, but slightly more uncommon, because of their European language printing.

The only clue is the copyright printing of 1995.

Hope that helps. neutral


(3 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Lots of the older cards printed have the off-center defect.
Revised, The Dark, Antiquities, Legends, Ice Age block, even the Mirage block; stuff from that era.
Am guessing they were still trying to figure out how to mass produce them correctly.

In most cases, usually list it as NM.

Even if they are in immaculate condition, when choosing which to collect, the off-centered defects are traded out for centered ones.


As an experiment, sent a fourth (and possibly final) trade to Romania.

It was a single envelope.
Difference this time was the use of the USPS Registered Mail option. Since there is no tracking once the parcel has left the US, getting a signature from the other end seemed the only way to get proof of delivery.

It worked.

When mailing to Romania, spring for the extra fee to get registered mail. (Also, didn't know this before: The USPS can partially track an international parcel by using the customs form serial number. The request has to be made in person, though, since it cannot be tracked online. Some sort of internal agency thing.)

Lesson learned.    neutral

Hey DeckBox traders and sellers-

   Made three trades to Romania in the past year.
   One was successful.
   One, supposedly, never reached the trader.
   One never made it here.
   (Have no reason to doubt the traders of the failed trade(s). They seem honest.)

   Am posting this to ask if anyone else had a similar issue with that specific country.

   Completely understand there is an inherent risk with all international and domestic trades and sales.
   If there is a pattern forming, then maybe shipping DHL or FedEx would reduce the risk of a future failed trade or sale. It would cost more, but at least traders on both sides are better informed.


Thanks again for the continued improvements. smile

One thing became an issue today, though...
Cards listed in a pending trade alphabetized themselves.

While it may be a minor issue, it makes sifting through trade boxes much more time consuming. Especially when they are sorted by edition sets.

Would be possible to disable the alphabetizing or better yet, sort by edition instead?


(12 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Agreement with <djhp>.

When sorting through a collection, separating by color, it'd be a simpler to add a 'multi-color' choice to the color filter.

Adding more than one color to the color filter advanced search just adds mono-colored cards to the list. It is a bit of a nuisance.

What would be ideal is to generate a list of ONLY multi-colored cards, including those with dual mana costs.