I actually don't have the verdicts for trade anymore, sorry

Ajani is already gone, sorry

I, just like everyone else on this forum, have some neat M15 stuff that I wish to trade. I am looking to finish up my modern RDW for which I require a Vexing devil and some random commons and uncommons. I also have some altered oversized commander cards that are up for trade, and can be seen here: http://imgur.com/a/vkSzZ . Start up a trade and we can try to make something work. In addition to my wishlist, I am willing to pick up some temples and shocklands!




I have a few oversized commanders that I have altered to make them easier to carry around. Here are pics of the ones I have for trade: http://imgur.com/a/vkSzZ

I also have Prossh, Mayael, Thraximundar, Gahiji, and Marath that I have yet to alter, so if you are interested in one of these, start up a trade and I can prioritize whichever one you want and get that done in a timely manner.

I'm asking for about $10 in trade for each one. Start up a trade!



Looking to get into modern with Red Deck Wins. All the cards I need are flagged in my wishlist. Also want ZEN mountains to go with it. Start up a trade!


Like the title says, I wish to trade for the box from the new Modern Event Deck. The sleeves would be nice too. Willing to trade ~$5-10 worth of cards for the box alone, and up to $15 if the sleeves are included!

Need Slaughter Games (3x), Supreme Verdicts (3x), and Aegis of the Gods (2x)

Profile: http://deckbox.org/simeo97

Title says it all. Take a look at my list, and start up a trade if you are interested.

Profile: http://deckbox.org/simeo97



I am looking to get a few of the following:

Invasion, #350 http://magiccards.info/in/en/350.html
10th Edition, #381 http://magiccards.info/10e/en/381.html
Willing to give ~5 cents value/forest

Also looking to pick up some ZEN islands, Breaching Hippocamps, and Charging Badgers if you have 'em. Start up a trade!


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)


Looking for a couple of pieces for my elves edh deck, also want some Breaching Hippocamps and Charging badgers if you have 'em. Start up a trade smile


As the title says, I'm looking to trade for 4 Supreme Verdicts and 4 Maze's Ends. Start up a trade and make me an offer!


As ideas are brewing for decks to build, I find that I need staples! I'm mainly looking for mana fixing stuff i.e. Ravnica block Karoo lands and signets, but there's some other stuff I'm looking for too! Start up a trade if you see anything you want on my list, and we can try to make something happen!

Profile: http://deckbox.org/users/simeo97

As ideas are brewing for EDH decks to build, I find that I need staples! I'm mainly looking for mana fixing stuff i.e. Ravnica block Karoo lands and signets, but there's some other stuff I'm looking for too! Start up a trade if you see anything you want on my list, and we can try to make something happen!

Profile: http://deckbox.org/users/simeo97

dajaymann wrote:


Doesn't look as good as this: http://imgur.com/3yCjX5P tongue