Problem description:

I have set inventory columns options to minimum (it should show just columns with name and description). When entering inventory list it works as it should but when I try to edit details for any card in popup dialog box and click "apply" (even if no changes were made) columns setting is changed to show "name", "details", "type" and "cost". Columns setting drop-down list shows those last two options selected. Reentering inventory or changing inventory page resets this back to values set by me. Same problem occurs when columns visibility is set to different combinations.

Verified with browsers:
- chrome 36.0.1941.0 dev-m
- opera 12.16.1860

In case of problems with reproduction of buggy behavior I can provide some help.

Oooh, the missing editions are in. That's amazing. I can have proper wishlist now. Thanks.

I have found possible inconsistency in attributes/pricing data for those special editions - eg Damnation from MPRP have price only for "normal" while the card is "foil". For consistency sake it should relate to the physical state of the card or mispricing might occur like in case of Dungrove Elder from MGDC. That one has pricing for both foil and normal version, while only foil version exist. This may also cause trade opportunities to return incorrect results.

Also there is a small bug with Unhinged Alternate Foils - when editing inventory/tradelist/wishlist the list of available editions have UHAA listed twice, once just the symbol without any text and once the symbol with editions name.


(389 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Emrakul, the Aeons Torn PTC is priced 200$ should be 1/6 of this - error probably due to missing "prerelease", "player rewards" etc settable property (I use "promo", "foil" and/or "textless" appropriately to mark such cards, which may be incorect) and low number of sale offers for such cards.
Damnation MPRP, Wurmcoil Engine PTC, Vengevine WMCQ, Wrath of God MPRP, Scavenging Ooze MBP suffers from the same problem. From other reports in this thread I can see that the lack of correct identification of special cards is causing problems. Please add missing "editions" like Champs etc and collector numbers for basic lands.


(197 replies, posted in Announcements)

Well, prices are already much more stable. It is not a matter of "if" but "when" reasonably high percent of cards prices will achieve stability. It is nice that this is happening quite quickly. Prices are still not as precise as those from tcg but tcg aggregates data from multiple big stores. OTOH if people will be allowed to set prices by themselves pricing will be less prone to speculation that some stores attempts to pull.


(197 replies, posted in Announcements)

laura wrote:
HikingStick wrote:

Legal cease and desist letters are like that (assuming that was the mechanism used). They don't give you time for an orderly transition.

What he said smile

Overhauling pricing mechanism is not something one do during one lunch break. It would be nice to inform users about upcoming changes even if the information would be provided shortly before implementing them.

Also - what will happen in case amazon sends similar c&d?


(197 replies, posted in Announcements)

Mmmkay, the prices are really messed up now, so I hope you guys get everything together and provide working alternative in a reasonable amount of time because pricing in its current state is completely unusable.

What I really did not like is that there was no announcement with ETA to pricing mechanism change prior to its implementation. Or did I miss one?