Hi guys. I'm still looking for good trades! Trying to trade away my reckoners for some good things. I need to get a brimaz, maybe the new ajani, I'm mainly looking for naya EDH cards, especially cool foils. I don't have too much on my list right now, but hopefully we can work something out. Hit me up for any trades! If you want me to send first, I have no issues with that.

Opened a trade!

Just looking for cool cards. I could sorta use an akroma, an avengar of zendikar, mostly just like getting new cards to use. I could use a thundermaw hellkite, and that dragonmaster outcast from your inventory.

Still looking for trades! I also need to get a Godsend.

Whoops, apparently I'm not able to sell like you used to be able to. Sorry! Still looking for more trades. I also have several zendikar  extended mountains (243 242) that I can't figure out how to add to deckbox for trades.

Hi. So I cracked a god pack today, which was a pretty good birthday present, since I'm 21 tomorrow. So that's cool. Looking to sell or trade for some sweet EDH cards. I'd like to pick up the new Ajani, as well as some other stuff. Hit me up with some trades! I'd be willing to send first on card trades, prices negotiable on sales.

Still accepting trades!

Hi, there. I'm looking for some cards, specifically Vigor, and From the Vaults: Rith, the Awakener. I'm looking for other good edh stuff, shocklands, bonfire of the damned, green sun's zenith and mirari's wake, also accepting paypal. I'm willing to send first if you want me to. Here's my tradelist: http://deckbox.org/sets/518950

Really wanting that rith so my EDH deck can have a sweet looking commander. Also looking for stuff like bonfire of the damned, green sun's zenith, etc.

Still looking for trades!

Hi, there. I'm looking for some cards, specifically Vigor, and From the Vaults: Rith, the Awakener. I'm also looking for other good edh stuff, shocklands and mirari's wake, also accepting paypal. I'm willing to send first if you want me to. Here's my tradelist: http://deckbox.org/sets/518950

Added a few new cards today, big one being a temple of enlightenment. Still looking for trades!

Hey guys I'm looking to get more trades in. I have a lot of RDW staples since I w as running that as my standard deck, but now I'm moving out of standard and into EDH. I'm willing to accept paypal for cards if you're so inclined, we can talk about prices. Really looking to pick up an From the Vaults: Rith, the Awakener as she's my commander. Also looking for some of the swords, especially feast and famine. I can send first if you want. http://deckbox.org/sets/518950

Still looking. I also got some nykthoses and other things.

Hi guys, looking for a From the Vaults version of Rith, my EDH commander, among other goodstuff for the deck. I'm wailling to send first, or show quality of cards over skype/pics, whatever you want.

Still need that rith!

Still looking for trades and such, hit me up.

Hey guys. I'm looking to pick up a sweet copy of my commander, Rith, the awakener in all the ftv glory, as well as vigor and some other commander stuff that's good for naya. Feel free to open trade, I'll look over your inventory. I don't mind sending first or showing card quality on skype.

Notables are sword of war and peace, promo scavenging ooze, garruk relentless, reckoners, purphoros.

Rocc wrote:

I've got a couple of stormbreaths laying around, ill see if you have anything I want


Still looking for some trades. I  can send cards first if that's an issue, they're in good condition. I  can always send pics or show them over webcam if required.

Hey guys, I got a few cards gathering dust I want to be rid of. Needing some more cards for my mono-red devotion deck, namely stormbreath/nytkthos, one scourge of valkas, and a boros reckoner.

Still looking for some trades.

aznman375 wrote:

Is the elspeth in your inventory up for trade? I'd trade stormbreath dragon and some extra value in your favor for that.

Hey, unfortunately I traded it away. Sorry, should've updated that.

Hey guys. I know my trade list is rather limited, but I need some choice cards for my standard and edh decks. I've got a foil hammer, anger, tibalt (From duels, yes), as well as some other cards, as well as a lot of uncommons/ some rares from dgm, gatecrash, scars of mirrodin and new phyrexia, with loads of commons.

I'll change that, I'm fine with mailing inside US.