You have deck lists for merfolk and UWR? Thanks!

See the title, I need this in my life.


(10 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)


Have 2 Tasigurs, interested in Kiora and a Confluence. Sent trade request

Trade proposed, let me know

Almundjoy wrote:
507293224 wrote:

Interested in your Inkmoth Nexi. Want to take a look at my list? Thanks~

I didn't see anything, thanks though.

No worries, thanks for looking

Interested in your Inkmoth Nexi. Want to take a look at my list? Thanks~

Man, I used to run shit Ryoken D and Puma C back in the day. Had a Davion deck also


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Take a look at my trade list. Would like to work something out.


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Interested in giving you some value.