(2 replies, posted in Set Collectors)

Hey, all

I've decided to rebuild my full set of 'The Dark', lost in a house fire about 10 years ago.
I had a ton of cards at the time, including 6 of the power nine, but this was my pride and joy, because it was the first set I really leaned into (other than revised, where I started, and for a 14 year old, legends was too pricey), and every card had come from a pack I'd purchased on my own - I was only missing Wormwood Treefolk, of all things, lol.

Obviously, the 'only from packs I opened' caveat is moot at this point in time, because they've quite surpassed the price of $2.99 I paid 'back in the day', lol...but I'm still nostalgic for the set.

So please, hit me up if I have anything you need, and you have Dark cards you're willing to spare. No trade is too small, and anything on my tradelist is up for grabs.

Thanks, be well, and stay amazing!



(18 replies, posted in Honorable Circle of Magi)

Hey, all.

My playgroup has 3 boxes coming between us, so let me know here if there's anything specific you're looking for from them.
Obviously no guarantees, but with trade options between us, I can look for whatever you'd like.

As a heads up, I am also 100% uninterested in the 'lil legends' secret lair that's included with the festival in a box I'll be receiving, so those will go on my tradelist as soon as I have them.

Stay amazing, mes amis!


Also missing the promotional Shark typhoon listed below:

https://www.tcgplayer.com/product/56209 … ge=English

Thank you!



(10 replies, posted in Honorable Circle of Magi)

AmarusCameron wrote:

I've done so many trades I've only had 4 issues out of my over 600 trades, but I am always up front about expectations. Sometimes people say 'nope' and they are out, and that is great; because if we can't agree on the principle then I don't want the trade to move forward anyway. I feel as long as the expectation is set before accepting no one is ever upset. And times where my side has messed up, I make them whole, I don't want anyone having a crappy experience, and I've had the same done for me.

Well said!

I don't get people who don't read profiles. It saves SO MUCH time and BS.


stevencuy wrote:

Also this Steve M guy egged my mailbox, and its hot here in Texas. So I ended up eating all my cards in the mail for breakfast in an omelette.

Priciest omelette in history, lol


Heya, Sebi!

Any chance you can add the WPN promo for Sakura-Tribe Elder on one of your next updates?

https://www.tcgplayer.com/product/55714 … ge=English

Thank you!


shadowsrose21 wrote:

ill start: This guy named Sightburner AKA Steven Mayotte. He bullied me, and stole my prized Exodia and threw them off a boat!

This guy....I swear, you steal his wife ONCE....SMH.

KnifeySkarekrow wrote:

Yeah that Sightburner guy kicked my wife and slapped my dog!

I would NEVER slap a dog. I know what I said. X-D

Joking aside, I can only think of one guy who I am 100% sure I was cammed by. Went by Micahel with a bunch of numbers after his name.
I blocked him, but I understand he was banned shortly after.



(10 replies, posted in Honorable Circle of Magi)

Veldwraith wrote:

I have had nothing but outstanding service and interactions with you good sir.  My post here was in the hopes that you can find in any way at all some support for you when something you did not deserve happened to you.  You might be surprised to find that I would even go so far as to just mail you random free cards as part of community effort to just help spread the loss to all of our shoulders.  But I suspect, like me, you would be too proud to accept such a thing ^_^

Love the game, and love the trade ^_^. Be well friend!

I didn't take it as being argumentative, and hope my reply didn't come off as such. Just clarifying my position despite listed DB rules smile
But same, and much appreciated!



(10 replies, posted in Honorable Circle of Magi)

Correct, @Veldwraith.
Deckbox policy states that if a tracked trade is lost by USPS, it is not at the fault of the sender, and does not require reimbursement. I just personally hate anyone walking away from a trade with a bad taste in their mouth, so I've been willing to work with them.

And while I'm sure a time or two, someone might have walked away with a second instance of my cards and kept mum about it, generally, it's been with traders I knew, liked, and trusted, so it's been less of a concern. I'm just being clear now to avoid any future issues with new trades, despite the fact that I'm sure SOMEONE won't read my bio, and get their panties in a knot when I enforce it. Ah, well.

I've considered the no tracking rule myself, as ironically, I've had fewer instances of PWE's getting lost than I have with tracked packages (Funny ol' world, ain't it?). I suppose I've resisted this concept BECAUSE of Deckbox's policy, and the tendencies of other traders to want high value trades tracked, though I've clearly been doing so anyway, so WTF is wrong with me, lol? It's definitely something to consider, @pygmydynamo, so thank you for the suggestion.

@Helios52: Very well said. I generally give a week or two past anticipated delivery date for things to have the chance to arrive before replacing, but all too often, they end up lost. I haven't done the insurance thing yet beyond a couple of trades that broke the $100 range, but that might end up being the forward caveat.

I appreciate all of the suggestions and commentary, and again, grateful to everyone in this group who has made it possible for me to go THIS route instead of just hanging up my profile and selling out my trade stock. Looking forward to trading again with anyone I haven't scared off witht his statement. Be well!



(10 replies, posted in Honorable Circle of Magi)

Hey, all. I've updated my bio with the following, but as I trade most with those within this group, wanted to make the 'announcement'.

Update 8/12/2024:
    Much as I hate to write this, as of today, I will assume no responsibility for packages with tracking lost by USPS. While I know DB doesn’t REQUIRE me to replace them, I’ve always done so regardless for the sake of good faith, but with hundreds of dollars in cards being lost and replaced in a matter of months, I can no longer keep this practice going. So as of today, if my TRACKED package shows delivered to the address you gave me, I will consider it a successful delivery, and will not replace it (Nor will I expect you to, if the roles are reversed). I will follow up any losses with USPS as usual, but I will not be replacing cards moving forward. Opening or accepting a new trade with me assumes you agree with this caveat, and will refrain from leaving me negative feedback for circumstances I cannot control.

   As a side note, I'd also state that if you are within 40 minutes or so of the tri-state border of MA, CT, & RI, I'm willing to meet up with you at your(or my, or any) LGS to trade in person. It sucks that we can't even rely on USPS to get our TRACKED packages reaching our trade partners, but I've literally replaced (actual post-trade value) $462 in trades recently, and it's just too much. So it was either this, or stop trading online altogether, which I'm not quite ready to do. Yet.

  That aside, I will also be purging much of my bulk (Which I consider any card of <$5) very shortly, so if anyone would like to flush out their want list with anything I have, I'll throw an additional 15% or so in your favor for anything on my wishlist.

Thank you all, and as always, be well, and stay amazing. Happy trading.



(9 replies, posted in Honorable Circle of Magi)

AmarusCameron wrote:

Thanks for the invite folks, I didn't even know I had one. Stumbled on the forum when I saw it on Veldwraiths profile, I was like ooooo whats that? Clicked it and saw a pending invite, sorry for the late add.

We forgive you ;-)




(8 replies, posted in Announcements)

Thanks, Sebi!



(4 replies, posted in Announcements)

FYI, Sebi: Prerelease promo for Flooded Strand is missing in MH3.



Followup, Sebi - Foils from the MH3 Commander CE's aren't pulling pricing.

EX here: https://imgur.com/a/tHvfMGv


cepragassen wrote:
Sightburner wrote:

Just a heads up, Sebi - MH3 #444 (Sorin of House Markov) lists as the foil bundle promo.

442-446 are the borderless flip walkers (can be foil or not). Bundle promo is Powerbalance

Appreciate the reply; I haven't actually picked up the bundle, so I wasn't sure.
Either way, this is what I was referencing:



Just a heads up, Sebi - MH3 #444 (Sorin of House Markov) lists as the foil bundle promo.
While that may be true, I pulled a nonfoil variant with this number from a CB this evening.
Might be confusing to have the 'foil' image without the foil tag.



Big fan of this update. Thank you, Sebi!



(14 replies, posted in Honorable Circle of Magi)

SengirHellLord wrote:

Test. Every time I try to post a new topic, I get an error message.

I was just able to do so without any issues - might have been a glitch.



(0 replies, posted in Honorable Circle of Magi)

Test due to SengirHelllord's post (https://deckbox.org/forum/viewtopic.php?id=32078. )

Please mention any issues you're having here so we can bring it to Mod's attentions.




(2 replies, posted in Honorable Circle of Magi)

SengirHellLord wrote:

Not sure why I was getting error messages before, but can anyone close the other broken forum topics?

Not sure what happened, but it seems to be across the board.
I'm following up with moderators now.


Thanks again, Sebi!

Only other thing I'm not seeing is the prerelease promos.
Appreciate all the work you do!


Thank you, Sebi!


  • No icon for OTC

  • Pricing isn't pulling.

  • OTC cards showing as not legal in Commander when added.

Just an FYI!



(6 replies, posted in Honorable Circle of Magi)

Heya, Chad

Any chance you have a venmo that could be used as a secondary option?
I don't use paypal after they screwed me out of a little over $800 a couple years ago, but would love your help with a few things while you're over there.




(9 replies, posted in Honorable Circle of Magi)

Marrober wrote:


Zanzz is a great trader as well.  He's my brother who finally convinced me to get back into Magic about 2 years ago after a 30 year hiatus.

Agreed (that he's a good trader - NOT my brother, lol).
I sent him an invite when we first started, but resending now.



(9 replies, posted in Honorable Circle of Magi)

Veldwraith wrote:

My only drawback is I'm an old player and most of my cards are old.  I seldom invest actual money in the game, instead I just squander the cards I have till I have whatever I'm looking for.  So I don't know I'll be much help with completing new sets.  I do however, have an extensive bulk stack in my room with commons / uncommons from lots of older sets, I just don't like spending time shipping large stacks of cards for small amounts so never posted them all. 

I love this site and will help support it as best I can. 
Thanks for the invite ^_^

We're more than happy to have you!

And FTR, I've been playing since Beta, so you're not alone ;-)
