this is fucking godlike
(fix ultimele secunde)
26 2016-04-27 14:09:21
Re: nu stiu voi, dar (535 replies, posted in Taverna)
27 2016-04-07 09:06:44
Re: nu stiu voi, dar (535 replies, posted in Taverna)
Aici sunt o parte din spoilere pt povestea din SoI.
28 2016-03-12 22:55:01
Re: Carti imprumut :) (1,473 replies, posted in GameFlux)
Pot cere si eu pe maine 2 crackling doom si 2 hallowed moonlight?
Preferabil pe maine si weekendul urm
29 2016-02-25 15:27:01
Re: [For Sale/Trade] Playmats (19 replies, posted in GameFlux)
fistyke wrote:Silviu wrote:'Sunt mare, mare, mare, mare faraooooon
Mare faraoooon, ca Tutankhamooon'
Palma peste fata cine stie de unde-s versurileJees, that's a big U-turn from Pink Floyd
Moldova, ce te astepti, nici Dumnezeu nu cere mai mult
Your life would be more boring without me, you're just afraid to admit it
30 2016-02-25 13:26:39
Re: [For Sale/Trade] Playmats (19 replies, posted in GameFlux)
'Sunt mare, mare, mare, mare faraooooon
Mare faraoooon, ca Tutankhamooon'
Palma peste fata cine stie de unde-s versurile
31 2016-02-09 10:09:58
Re: Legacy? (31 replies, posted in GameFlux)
parerea mea e sa scoti unhinged lands cum e in cube.
32 2016-02-08 15:40:07
Re: nu stiu voi, dar (535 replies, posted in Taverna)
Speaking of the ban: eu chiar nu am nimic impotriva (desi e evident cauza banului). Am citit undeva un comentariu la un articol, tipul zicea: "I would ban anything that enables infinite of anything. If you win a game of Magic, win it by actually doing it." Nu e o idee rea
Problema cu Twinul a fost ca lumea il juca pentru ca oferea deckurilor de control o metoda sa termine jocul instant, avand in vedere ca nu sunt destul de versatile raspunsurile in modern. In foarte multe matchupuri scoteai comboul pentru ca macar in punctul ala stiai ce carti sa aduci din side sa poti interactiona eficient cu adversarul.
33 2016-02-08 14:51:23
Re: nu stiu voi, dar (535 replies, posted in Taverna)
Oricat de nervos sunt pe Wizards pt bullshitul lor de ban ('for a more diverse format') si in ciuda faptului ca asta a fost o miscare sa vanda produse, as zice sa asteptam un pic pana ajungem la o concluzie. Poate formatul va evolua candva.
Urmatorul anunt de B&R va fi abia in aprilie si am mari dubii ca o sa se faca vreun emergency ban pana atunci( read as 'rake in $$$').
34 2016-02-07 20:46:43
Re: nu stiu voi, dar (535 replies, posted in Taverna)
How else do you expect them to sell cards?
35 2016-02-02 12:58:41
Re: nu stiu voi, dar (535 replies, posted in Taverna)
36 2016-02-01 11:38:52
Re: Legacy? (31 replies, posted in GameFlux)
Am adaugat listele. Va rog sa le consultati si sa le faceti pana pe 13 febr.(Desi am putea sa prelungim deadlineul).
Din punctul meu de vedere, daca vreti altered artwork nu e vreo problema, insa alterarea sa fie maxim
37 2016-01-29 13:40:56
Re: Legacy? (31 replies, posted in GameFlux)
Ok. Avand in vedere ca momentan suntem 6. Am facut cut la deckuri si le-am impartit randomly. Zilele astea o sa adaug niste linkuri la decklists.
38 2016-01-25 16:28:14
Re: Legacy? (31 replies, posted in GameFlux)
Silviu wrote:Va rog sa va adaugati aici pana miercuri, daca sunteti interesati
Daca ma adaug, care e termenul limita pt aducerea pachetului? This week, next week, a month?
Bonus: Y no goblins?
13 februarie?
Goblins a primit un singur vot.
39 2016-01-25 11:40:23
Re: Legacy? (31 replies, posted in GameFlux)
Am discutat cu Cosmin si am hotarat ca sa facem o lista cu oamenii ce se vor implica. Acestia vor primi cate un deck ce-l vor aduce la shop ( facut copii la xerox cu autocolant, taiat, lipit pe carti, cumparat sleevuri ).
Am stabilit urmatoarele reguli:
- Deckurile vor ramane la shop;
- Ca sa se joace Legacy, trebuie ca minim jumate din cei prezenti sa se afle pe lista;
- Ca sa fie adaugat cineva pe lista, trebuie sa aduca un deck nou in "pool"
Va rog sa va adaugati aici pana miercuri, daca sunteti interesati:
40 2016-01-25 10:01:13
Re: Legacy? (31 replies, posted in GameFlux)
Ok, results are in for 11 people:
Reanimator : 7
Lands : 6
UWr Miracles : 5
ANT : 5
Death and Taxes : 4
Aggro Loam : 4
Shardless Sultai : 3
Elves : 3
OmniTell : 2
Grixis Delver : 2
Jund : 2
UG Infect : 2
Sneak and Show : 2
Jeskai Stoneblade : 2
41 2016-01-22 11:39:32
Re: Legacy? (31 replies, posted in GameFlux)
Baieti, la Tg-Mures avem 28 de deck-uri, cam tot ce este in tier 1 si 2. Herman are decklist-urile si pdf-uri cu explicatiile ptr fiecare deck, cum se joaca, cum se face mulligan, cum se face side etc. Contactati-l pe el si va ajuta sigur.
I'll look into that. Mersi.
Intre timp am inceput sa lucrez la asta si o sa o editez in continuare:
UWr Miracles
Quite possibly the most 'control' deck in the format, Miracles actually combines 2 small combouri:
- Counterbalance + Sensei's Divining Top(soft lock)
- Mecanica 'Miracle' + Sensei's Divining Top
As you can see, Top is the glue that keeps the deck together. While it's a pretty slow deck, it is quite skill intensive since you have to judge your top decks and draws, since otherwise you'd been paying 5+ mana for the Miracle cards.
Grixis Delver
A tempo deck with cheap interaction and cheap, mana efficient threats. Not much to say here.
Sultai Delver
Similar to Grixis Delver, however much more focused on attacking the hand due to Hymn to Tourach. Additionally, you have access to Abrupt Decay and Goyf.
Temur Delver
Temur Delver may not have the same tools as other Delver decks, however what it does have is much more permission. While it may keep you ahead much easier, it does not let you catch up easily.
More of a combo deck than anything else, Elves tries to flood the board with small mana dorks while trying to keep their hands filled as much as possible with Glimpse of Nature. Usually you go off during one turn where you usually finish by cheating Craterhoof Behemoth into play(Natural Order, GSZ) or just hard casting it.
UG Infect
Very much similar to its Modern counterpart, the Legacy one uses permission cards from Delver decks to win its games.
An unsual Control deck that ultimately tries to endlessly chain the combo of Thespian Stage + Dark Depths until the opponent runs out of answers( killing with Punishing Fire+ Grove of the Burnwillows is not out of the question. Exploration+Life from the Loam are the engine of the deck.
Death and Taxes
DnT is primarily a hatebear deck meant to screw over counterspells and removal thanks to Cavern of Souls + Aether Vial and Mother of Runes, respectively.
Sneak and Show
A combo deck, SnS tries to cheat fatties like Griselbrand and Emrakul, the Aeons Torn into play with Show and Tell or Sneak Attack.
Another way of cheating huge fatties into play, Reanimator is a potential turn 1 win thanks to the combo of Entomb + Reanimate + Lotus Petal.
Jeskai Stoneblade
A pretty straightforward control deck. Stoneforge Mystic+Equipment is pretty much the most broken thing you can do.
Of note is the fact that you can remove the Red and play just straght UW or splash Black along with a bit of Green for Deathrite Shaman(Deathblade).
Ad Nauseam Tendrils
AKA Storm, ANT's strategy is to play as many spells as possible during one turn so as to immediately kill its opponents with Tendril of Agony. Cabal Therapy and Duresses allow you to chain cantrips and rituals unhindered until you find your finisher.
Shardless Sultai
Another control deck that tries to make most use out of Shardless Agent's Cascade ability to gain card advantage.
Aggro Loam
This deck is similar to Jund however it also uses Knught of the Reliquary as a finisher. The deck also contains small sinergies like Grove + Punishing Fire
Another deck that is very much like its Modern counterpart, Jund tries to force the opponent into topdecks while it is gaining card advantage through Dark Confidant and Bloodbraid Elf
3 to you, suspend, suspend, 3 to you, 3 to you, 4 to you, 4 to you, sac 2 mountains and 4 to you.
As the name suggests, Omnitell is deck that tries to cheat a fatty into play with Show and Tell. However, it can also put Omniscience into play which allows you to cast your fatties for free.
Surprisingly, if left unchecked, Goblins can amass a huge amount of card advantage for a Red deck. Cards like Goblin Ringleader allow you to flood the board and attack for lethal, while still having gas.
Grixis Law
A control deck that splashes Green for the 1 mana planeswalker. It's pretty close to what you'd expect ojt of 'control game till i drop fatty' in Legacy
Aici aveti introurile la deckuri impreuna cu exemple de lista. Mi se pare ca sunt un numar bun de inceput. Dacs treaba asta are succes as vrea sa mai adaugam. De asemenea, in sondajul post-cut voi adauga si deckurile sugerate.
42 2016-01-21 20:43:20
Re: Legacy? (31 replies, posted in GameFlux)
Sau vreti sa fac o scurta prezentare la ele?
43 2016-01-21 20:41:59
Re: Legacy? (31 replies, posted in GameFlux)
Si eu as vrea sa jucam, chiar cu proxy.
@Silviu, iti dai seama ca nu toti cunoastem deckurile de Legacy deci e irelenvant ce am vota acolo.
Pai da, dar in acelasi timp ma asteptam ca lumea sa citeasca un pic despre deckurile ce le-am sugerat.
44 2016-01-21 12:52:58
Re: Legacy? (31 replies, posted in GameFlux)
Momentan suntem la 7 voturi.
Voi tine pollul deschis pana duminica seara.
Eu sugerez sa incepem prin a face 8 deckuri(minim 6). Momentan Miracles, ANT, Reanimator si Lands sunt in the lead. Duminica seara voi face cut la 8. In cazul in care sunt deckuri cu un numar egal de voturi, voi face inca un poll pt tie-breakers.
Inca o chestie ce vreau sa va aduc la cunostinta: in cazul in care facem o intalnire a noastra de Legacy, deckurile se vor da randomly la cate un jucator( nu va alegeti ce veti juca). Momentan as vrea ca 'metagameul' sa fie cat mai variat.
45 2016-01-20 15:19:13
Re: Legacy? (31 replies, posted in GameFlux)
Am creat un survey. Am pus acolo deckurile cele mai importante + o optiune de other in cazul in care am uitat ceva.
46 2016-01-20 11:03:23
Re: Legacy? (31 replies, posted in GameFlux)
ce am inteles:
CRED ca putem sa jucam FARA prizpool, si evident fara sa fie sanctionat eventul, as long as catrille sunt clar "playtest cards" adica hartie printata, lipita peste basic land, etc, fara "reaslistic replica"
Aceeasi chestie am inteles si eu. De asemenea, for all I care, nu trebuie sanctionat.
47 2016-01-20 10:29:25
Topic: Legacy? (31 replies, posted in GameFlux)
Hey everyone,
Ma gandeam zilele astea daca nu vreti sa ne cream propriile deckuri de legacy(proxy ofc).
Putem incerca sa le lasam la shop, daca lumea si Cosmin sunt de acord. Eu zic sa incepem cu 8 deckuri ce au cele mai multe voturi intr-un poll si eventual vom mari treptat poolul.
Ce ziceti?
48 2015-11-10 23:10:58
Topic: Basic Lands Trade (1 replies, posted in GameFlux)
Hey kids.
Vreau sa fac rost de cateva landuri din BFZ.
Mai exact ma intereseaza:
De asemenea am variante foil:
Dau la schimb oricare alt basic BFZ de care dispun. normal-> normal, foil->foil
49 2015-11-02 19:12:16
Topic: Vand BFZ Box (1 replies, posted in GameFlux)
Vreau sa vand un box pentru 420lei, but I'm open to negociations.
50 2015-10-22 06:55:48
Re: Carti imprumut :) (1,473 replies, posted in GameFlux)
Am eu minim 2 Outpost Siege.