si eo ma joc Heartstone mi se pare foarte tare mai ales grafica si atomsfera gen Blizzard.Cartile mi se par si mie cam putine dar i hope for better EO pe heartstone sunt Greenweaver.
Atmosfera gen Blizzard? It is Blizzard...
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Deckbox Forum » Posts by TripleXMan
si eo ma joc Heartstone mi se pare foarte tare mai ales grafica si atomsfera gen Blizzard.Cartile mi se par si mie cam putine dar i hope for better EO pe heartstone sunt Greenweaver.
Atmosfera gen Blizzard? It is Blizzard...
Casual crap
Si eu il joc din cand in cand... Liviule, nu-ti place?
+2 si la mine
wow... this will be massive... care investiţi 10k$? )))
Hahaha... aşa a sunat ca şi celebra poză:
m0nstersnatch wrote:..mi se pare cam lame ca printeaza Sliveri in M14
Sadly nu le reprinteza, sunt new names
Si nu prea arata ca Slivers... desi sunt aparent...
It's up but it does not show any prices for these cards yet...
Grow up kids, it's fake!
You must be real fun at parties...
Cine are noroc, are ... : ouse_ever/
WOW... cu toate ca imi vine greu sa cred ca cineva le-ar fi lasat acolo dupa ce a plecat... that's some serious collector value right there!
Scurta intrebare: Cu Red Goblin in the house in Cluj, precomanda mai e valabila sau pot/trebuie sa-l achizitionez din alta parte? Multumesc.
But Think Twice ... That's my only advice...
La FNM va fi ca si pana acum sau se incadreaza la Constructed?
Mie-mi merge...
Pregatiti-va de acum pentru PRE-RELEASE, toti participantii vor primii un premiu SPECIAL ...
Lumea se pregateste de PreRelease la DGM din-ainte de Releasul la GTG!
3 Stomping Ground
1 Sacred Foundry
1 Boros Charm
1 Aurelia's Fury
2 Bonfire of the Dammned
1 Sunpetal Grove
2 Loxodon SmiterTrade sau imprumut
Ce Naya brew-uiesti?
oscarv221 wrote:nightride wrote:IT'S OVER 9000!!!!!
Pe putin sous am asteptat in seara asta 2 ore ca sa ma pot loga
eu am renuntat dupa vreo doua ture de 40 de minute
Asta e pe Vest?
Nu conteaza cati suntem, conteaza ca noi cei care suntem sa ne simtim bine! Restul vine de la sine.
Chiar ca ne vom simti bine... din zori si pana-n seara... cu 2 PreReleasuri...
Silviu wrote:benczi wrote:Immortal Servitude - it is limited to creatures only, however, in limited, creatures rule. and getting back several creatures late-game can be game-breaking.
High Priest of Penance - I just don't see it. why is this considered strong?
IS mi se pare cam overcosted... daca avea costul X.W/B.W/B sunt sigur ca era mult mai ok.
HPoP e removal with a twist. It's like a really sweet 1-shot-wall. + Nu uita ca Orzhov e grindy as e deloc overcosted ... pt. limited. e un spell pe care vrei sa-l castezi numai late game, cand ai deja 9-10 landuri pe teren, si nu ai creaturi numai pana la 7 manna, daca ai primodrialul, 6 in rest. chestia e ca te comite la alb/negru daca il iei la draft ca first pick, dar daca este deja in culorile tale, atunci e chiar tare.
Scoate toate creaturile cu costul X nu pana in costul X... deci toate de 2 mana sau 3 mana... degeaba ai 10 landuri pe teren daca ai cate o creatura din fiecare ca ajunge sa fie un overpriced Rise from the Grave LE: Fara a fi black zombies in addition si doar din graveyardul tau...
Don't hate me
Guardian of the Gateless
3 – This one, I feel it is quite an interesting design since it introduces the Gateless storywise, which will have a greater impact in DGM and as a card itself is nothing to scoff at. A 3/3 Flying for 6 at uncommon is good, but when you read its other abilities you realize that it is intended to be used especially in Orzhov decks and can block 4/4’s and trade with them. The fact that it can block any number of creatures can net you a turn till you find that Sweeper (I know there aren’t many but it is possible)
Sunt sigur ca ai vrut sa scrii 5, btw, un articol de nota 12!
Noticed that and a few grammar mistakes but... ain't nobody got time for that!
Super review! Eagerly waiting for the next one!
@ Silviu
Jace 0... Toad 1... "Eh, Needs more toad."
Mai demult am postat rich kid's draft, unde luai un display, deschideai boosterele, luai 1 carte din booster, si aruncai restu. That's soo old fashioned.
Acum va aduc verziunea mai moderna:
Deckbox Forum » Posts by TripleXMan