(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I have most of the old slivers an a foil overlord from the slivers premium deck series. Let me know if you wanna make a deal.

I have a dourback, leaf crowned elder and timber protector, you wanna see if you can find more stuff from me for your sphinx revelation?


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)



(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)



(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)



(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

The cradle is right out of a pack and into a sleeve, I can send pics if you want. I'm open to all trades, whether for the cradle or not, as long as you have stuff on my wish list or just nifty stuff. Just open a trade or send me a message and I'll get back to ya. Thanks.






Pretty sure I have 3 gorges and 2 cliffs, 1 foil of each... Would you be willing to trade out of inventory for them cause I didn't really see anything I need or want on your trade list.

Yea and things are worth less when you pay actual money for them rather than trade, it's 150 on tcg medium an on scg

Well it's worth 151



Bought a random pack of saga, pulled a cradle and put it straight into a sleeve. Already have a foil one and an altered one so I don't need this and in looking to trade it for value.

Seems no one has any of the foils I'm looking for, so if you have some lets do some work


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Friend of mine referred me to deckbox to trade outside of my circle. Im loking to foil out my green edh deck and have decent stuff to trade for them.

W: genesis wave, dungrove elder, silvos, miren the moaning well, ftv maze of ith, vorinclex, seedborn muse, etc.

H: chord of calling, greater good, shocks, old shocks, etc.

I have duals and JTMS for trade that Im only really interested in putting in for a foil cradle or foil natural order.