Mostly need mana sources, mainly Mox Opal x4, Blinkmoth Nexus x3, Glimmervoid x2. Also need an additional Arcbound Ravager and 2x Master of Etherium. Also interested in commons needed for the deck lying around.

Everything in inventory is open to trade short of the Huntmasters

Howes wrote:

Would you trade one for a snapcaster?

Send me a trade and well talk.

Seriously, is no one trading their huntmasters?


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)



(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Everything in my inventory is up for discussion, looking to get at minimum 2. Send me an offer, i'll entertain any semblance of fair trades for huntmasters.

Sent you an offer

Sent you an offer


Anything in inventory is open to trade for high priority wants like what's in the title.

Velocizachtor wrote:

i've got a foil aristocrat. are you interested?

Not unless you're gonna trade it at non-foil value lol.

Title says it all. Inventory always open to trade with discussion.


Title says it all. Inventory also open to trade with discussion.


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Title says it, as always inventory totally open to trade.


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Just like the title says, looking for Sorin and Liliana, anything in my inventory is open to trade, go ahead and send me a trade!

Also very much need a steam vents!



darius240 wrote:

I'm interested in your Sorin, Lord of Innistrad.  Can you take a look at my inventory and see if anything matches up? Thanks!

You don't have too much I want, sorry!


AgainstOne wrote:

I have playsets of Innistrad through Return to Ravnica commons available. I should have complete sets of uncommons also, if not playsets

Go ahead and send me a trade please.


Title says it all. As always, inventory open to trade with discussion. Also interested in playsets of Inn/M13 Commons and Uncommons and an Izzet pre-release sticker.


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

