Hey everyone, I'm looking to finish up my Unglued collection and I'm in need of 1 card.

I need:

1x Ashnod's Coupon

If anyone has it please shoot me a trade request.  big_smile

Here is my tradelist: http://deckbox.org/sets/164090?s=i&o=d

I am also willing to trade for items directly from my inventory.

I need two more for next week's FNM!  I would also love to grab a rune-scarred demon if anyone has one.


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Never got a trade yet, so still looking for these!


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Coyote1023 wrote:

I should be able to scrounge 2 up. I'll let you know tonight. Would you do 2x dragonskull summits for a razorverge + strangleroot geist?

Sounds fine to me!


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Really need these.  Anyone?  D:


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I need two more Dragonskull Summits to complete my Battle of Wits deck for M13.  Trade me!

shifty4690 wrote:

After fnm I will "amass the component" that I have for you and send a trade offer

Sounds good shifty.  I have a few trades that are cleaing most of the cards out now, but feel free to send over what ya got later!

Nighthawk wrote:

I have a bunch of the lower-value cards, but you probably don't want to trade your Mox Lotus for a bunch of dollar-or-less cards.

Shoot me a trade with what you have, I don't really care as long as it's pretty equal value.

TheTorq wrote:

I have a few of these cards, but I'm not sure if I can send them in time, becasuse I'm leaving in for a trip tomorrow

Trade accepted.  Still looking for a bunch of stuff!

I've been making fun of Battle of Wits for so long, that after a reprint was announced today, I just need to make a deck out of it.  So, I've updated my wishlist with a bunch of new stuff.


Trade accepted.  Mods can close this thread if needed.

Title says it all.  Bonfire went straight from the pack to a toploader.

Title says it all.  I'm trying to finish up a few decks for FNM next week and I'm looking for a bunch of stuff!


Nildayan wrote:

Trade inc

Trade accepted.  Still looking!

Hey everyone, just updated my wishlist with a bunch of stuff I need, so go check it out!

Wishlist: http://deckbox.org/sets/164091

Shot you a trade offer.

Bumping this up.  Still looking for a bunch of stuff!

So I'm starting to put together a Legacy mill deck and recently threw a bunch of new stuff on my wishlist.  Willing to trade for whatever is on my tradelist including Bonfire of the Damned, Cavern of Souls, Gisela, etc.

Wishlist: http://deckbox.org/sets/164091
Tradelist: http://deckbox.org/sets/164090?s=i&o=d

Hey guys, Im looking to finish off my new deck by hopefully trading my cavern for 4 Sulfur Falls and 2 Malignus (Or one Malignus, doesnt really matter).  I

Alright, cleared out most of it with one trade, but still looking for the expensive stuff!

Hey guys, I just updated my wishlist and my tradelist after pulling a cavern, gisela, griselbrand, and more this weekend.  Feel free to send me offers if you see anything you need!

Wishlist: http://deckbox.org/sets/164091
Tradelist: http://deckbox.org/sets/164090?s=i&o=d

Griselbrand is gone, feel free to delete this thread mods.


(15 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

If you go to your wishlist and click View, then "Show Value," you can see the value of all the cards on your list.  He's excluding the two Vexing Devils, so you'd be getting about $60 in cards.  In other words, no, it's not a good trade.


(10 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Interested in a Japanese Archwing Dragon?


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Well, I don't have anything you're looking for, but that's a cool deck you're trying to make (I'm assuming you're making a legacy mill deck).  May I recommend a few Grindstones for a sideboard?