who gets the box.
51 2013-01-02 19:45:10
Re: 1 RTR box still left to be won for ranking Canadian Traders as #2 (15 replies, posted in Canadian Traders)
52 2012-12-24 19:09:37
Topic: need cards (0 replies, posted in Canadian Traders)
want a jace beleren 4 archive traps 3 increasing confusion 1hedron crab
53 2012-12-22 16:55:59
Re: want all slivers (6 replies, posted in Canadian Traders)
i still dont understand what silvers are
54 2012-12-22 14:48:05
Re: want all slivers (6 replies, posted in Canadian Traders)
what are silvers
55 2012-12-15 15:59:53
Topic: lookin for some archive traps a jace beleren and some tome scour. (0 replies, posted in Canadian Traders)
everything in my inventory is up for trades
my name is mario92
58 2012-11-10 14:59:33
Re: W: Elf Warrior Tokens (3 replies, posted in Canadian Traders)
i might have some elf tokens i have to check. you can look through my tradelist i really want jace memmory adept.
my username is mario92
59 2012-11-09 21:14:58
Topic: need cards (2 replies, posted in Canadian Traders)
want 2 desecration demons 3 jarad gogari lich lord and 4 vigors. i have a ajani caller of the pride a vraska the unseen an elspeth tirel a niv-mizzet dracogenius a serra avatar and omniscience.
60 2012-11-07 22:05:07
Topic: looking for desecration jarad and vigor. (0 replies, posted in Canadian Traders)
hi im looking for 2 desecration demons 3 jarad golgari lich lords 4 vigors.
look at my inventory. my name is mario92.
by mario92