(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Sorry about that, it was a bug I introduced last week. Thanks for reporting, fixed now.


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Thank you Matt, much appreciated!

Solseek wrote:

1340 SLD - Angel // 0002 CMR - Soldier

Added now, thanks. (It was not listed on the wizards official page describing the deck) https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/annou … kes-flight

I'm not seeing Tazri, Stalwart Survivor promo pack version available yet

Added the 3 March of the Machine The Aftermath promos now, thanks.

* imported the MKM Promo Pack and Prerelease Promos and The List cards
* imported the Angels: They're Just Like Us but Cooler and with Wings double-faced tokens
* renamed older Pick Your Poison to Playtest: Pick Your Poison
* fix to allow Slime Against Humanity to be used more than once in Commander decks
* changed the (mistakenly) default "Edition Printed In" filter in inventories to "Edition Owned"
* added the Double-Faced Card Placeholder for Lost Caverns of Ixalan


(4 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

The default edition filter that appeared in the inventory was by mistake "Edition Printed In" instead of "Edition Owned". I changed it now.

Should be this one:
https://deckbox.org/mtg/Mental%20Misste … ting=85240


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)


There is sadly currently no way to filter the per-edition listing... I will add this to the todo list, I have to think how this would be best done from a U.I. perspective. The filter you would actually only affect the strict inventory count and the row highlighting in this case, and everything else in the listing would stay the same.


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I think the red warning functions differently now and does not show when you have something in the wishlist to match to. If it matches to the wishlist, there should be a wish button next to the card details / edition symbol, to indicate it is linked to the wishlist entry.

For users that liked the previous "flexible" matching of card details in decks, where it just picked something from the inventory to match to, even when it was ambiguous (= when you have more than one printing for a card), now there is an option in the (new) "Match cards in deck to inventory" dialog: pick cheapest from inventory.

Using this option, all cards in a deck that have at least one printing in your inventory will be linked to the cheapest of those printings.

Also today:
* imported latest Secret Lair cards
* imported MKM Special Guests
* imported Seasonal Sequels 2023 Happy Holidays promo
* fixed legality information for modern, pioneer and pauper according to the changes announced by wizards on december 4
* imported a few missing 2023 media inserts (jp promos, and the stance socks collab promo for Winged Boots - I did have to do a double-take at this one)


(21 replies, posted in Announcements)

New edition imported today, still missing a bunch of double-sided tokens, will add soon.


(5 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Still on the list but have various higher priority stuff to do first sad

* imported some missing 2023 WPN promos
* in decks - added the dropdown back next to the card details, removing the "Matching" submenu. It seems the change has been confusing for many. I have tried to not have it as a simple caret icon but with a text & color showing what the card is matched to (inventory/wishlist/custom/default).
* I changed the column colors for inventory count and wishlist count back to just always be green and yellow, messing with that has been also confusing. Reverted.
* deck counts that are higher than (inventory_count + wishlist_count) now are correctly colored red as they were before latest update
* "in my decks" dialog, when opened by clicking on a deck count from inventory will separate on top the decks that contain that exact linked printing, showing all the other decks with the same card below
* From Inventory checkbox in deck quickadd is now sticky. It remains set to whatever you set it until you change it. (This is saved separately in built decks and idea decks)
* fixed some issues with incorrect "built/idea" deck icon being shown in some cases
* fixed deck export to text format to group cards with the same name
* removed some more marketplace-related features
* shortened page titles in own sets


(16 replies, posted in Announcements)

FrankJJV wrote:

Hi Sebi, could you please also add for the Lord of the Rings Tales of Middle earth Art series also 1/24 - 24/24 series next to the regular 1/81 - 81/81 series?

The art series 1/24 - 24/24 are included in the Magic: the Gathering - Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth Scene Box.

Hmm I'm not quite sure where to find the card list and pictures of these 24. Scryfall doesn't seem to list them, and I can't seem to find them at first glance on tcgplayer or big marketplaces.


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Davidy212 wrote:

Thank you for the reply. I plan to stick with it and see what improvements are made. I do like the site a lot.

Glad to hear.

Before this last update that messed things up a bit, did you find the "guessing printing from inventory" system in decks intuitive?


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

RustyNails123 wrote:

When looking at a specific deck, there used to be a drop down by the edition of the card so you could quickly swap out one edition for another. Now it's gone and it seems like the only way to change is to add the new card from inventory and then go delete the original.

This has been moved to the dropdown menu to the left of the card name, but it proved to be confusing, so I brought it back today, should be next to the edition.

Another glitch I've noticed. When looking at a specific card, there's a list of decks that you have containing that card and shows the editions. It's a great feature for quickly finding where cards are. However lately it stopped differentiating between deck ideas and built decks. Every deck shows with the little building block symbol for built decks.

Should be fixed now, thanks for reporting it.

Lastly and probably least important to me. When adding new cards to inventory, it no longer groups matching cards. Instead of showing 2 copies, it shows 1 copy twice. It used to automatically match them and just update the quantity.

On my todo list, I introduced this problem with the tags release, and it has been bothering other users too smile. Will fix soon(TM)

Thanks for looking into these for me. Deckbox is an awesome tool and I hope it keeps getting better.

Thank you for the kind words.

mwl wrote:

This is an interesting and complex change, wow! While I'm still getting used to it, some initial thoughts:

1. There should be a "Add a new row for this card" like feature that splits the row, i.e., subtract one from count of the existing row. That'd make it easier to associate cards in a deck with their respective collection copies when going from idea to built deck.
2. Exporting decklists should collapse multiple entries for a card into one. Judges don't care that some of my cards are EX, others are NM, it's not even reflected in the text export/decklist. This may have been a problem before but since I always use the same printing/language for a card in a deck, and didn't care about the selected condition (see also below), I may just never have noticed.
3. It is not possible to revert from a specific printing to the default one. It counts as a custom printing, including showing the yellow highlight. I have 17 Archaeomancers, and the row reverted to "default" claims that I don't have enough of the card in this specific printing, probably because all of them have set and language defined.
4. It would be nice to get back the red indicator for not owning enough of a card in any printing / all versions combined. That's different from having to improvise wrt printings to a significant enough degree to get a separate indicator IMO.
5. Language, set, version, all are more significant for deck building than condition, but it's still useful to track condition for cards when my expensive cards differ there. In particular for premodern or legacy decks I have old cards in multiple wildly different conditions, but otherwise (language, set) identical. Needing up to four rows to correctly reflect this in a built deck seems unnecessary, especially when I own exactly as many as I put in a deck. Perhaps the UI could be streamlined for this case, so internally it's still 4 entries/"rows", but it only shows as one, perhaps with a more complex Edition column?

Will think more about 1. and 5.. Waiting to see if any other users also mention similar wishes, before changing this.

2,3,4 should be fixed now.

I have added back the dropdown next to the card details, removing the "Matching" submenu. It seems the change has been confusing for many. I have tried to not have it as a simple caret icon but with a text & color showing what the card is matched to (inventory/wishlist/custom/default).

I changed the column colors for inventory count and wishlist count back to just always be green and yellow, messing with that has been also confusing. Reverted.

The deck count should be red again now when the count is larger than the sum of the card (over all printings) in inv + wish.


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Davidy212 wrote:

Hi, is there a way for the build deck feature to automatically select the latest version of the card I own so the rarity symbol is not greyed out?

I find this very frustrating as at first glance I am not sure I am missing the card or no.

I also find it frustrating that the box for the card count in the deck is yellow for both cards I am missing and cards I have not selected a version of.

Again, when looking at it, it looks like I am missing many cards when in fact I own them.

Since the update this site has been much harder to use.

Thanks for the feedback. The deck-inventory interaction is a very confusing and complex feature (for me personally). I have been thinking about it for (literally) a decade. I do understand this last attempt with this january release has upset users. The technical (data structures) underpinnings at least are now better than before I feel, although the U.I. looks like has been badly received and a step back.

Working on it, I will try to iterate on it until it is satisfactory for the majority of users.

I do enjoy many of the features here, but as a subscriber, I am wondering if this is something I want to continue.

No hard feelings, please cancel. Do not continue to subscribe to a product that is unsatisfactory for you.

Lefent wrote:

It's in a support ticket I opened a while back, but wanted to elevate the following promo printings as well:

Added now, thanks!

* imported Ravnica Remastered, single-faced and double-faced tokens
* imported 4 missing SLD cards
* imported 3 2022 Autumn PWCS japanese promos (into Pro Tour edition)
* imported 5 2023 PWFM japanese promos (into Pro Tour edition)

Dragonfyre_Games wrote:

trying to edit a deck but the drop down for picking what card from my collection it is is missing!!! is this going to be fixed?

It's on the left side of the card name, I consolidated everything into a single menu, but have received feedback that this is not intuitive nor as fast as when the "matching" dropdown was next to the printing.

I'm currently working to revert the color changes for the count columns (inv, wishlist etc), and to add that information and a dropdown menu back next to the printing.

RandomUser0137 wrote:

I noticed this wasn't working from my phone at all, but seemed to work fine from a PC...

Hmm, seems to work on my phone. Which browser are you using?

ZombieSleeve wrote:

When using the drop downs to add cards to deck or manage decks you can see the associated Tags for each card, however the display page is missing those tags.

Fixed now, thanks.


(34 replies, posted in Announcements)

FastTadpole wrote:

Card details page hasn't listed prices on the marketplace for awhile now. "Interesting cards for sale" are no longer an option on the home stream. /marketplace is gone. User Profile pages don't list cards for sale. ?mode=cards_for_sale shows only an inventory listing without an Add to Cart option. Are these features gone for good now? Is the shopping assistant the only way to buy cards on DeckBox now?

As the announcement says, the buying and selling features are being completely removed. I left the shopping assistant a bit more (if you already had cards in it) since people might have orders that were almost done.

Yaco wrote:

First of all, I can't "autofill" my decks with cards from my collection anymore, I tried the "match details to collection" button and it doesn't seem to work, it just completes some cards but most of my cards remain with unselected versions. All my decks are now "versionless" and it is a pain to get them manually card by card on almost 100 decks.

Yeah, the previous system just picked something in your inventory to match to, and the new system just picks something if it's the only thing in your inventory. I am thinking to make this more aggressively picking *something* from your inventory, even when you have multiple things it could match...

The shopping assistant button seems to be missing as well sad

The marketplace features are currently being removed, see also this post from a few months ago: https://deckbox.org/forum/viewtopic.php?id=32011

Having multiple prints/conditions on a playset also makes the "cards not owned" count to increase even if I have all of them.

Which page / column / count is this happening on?

Colors in general seems strange, I dont understand the logic behind colors in card counts on decks (white/green/yellow/red).

Yeah, this was perhaps a bad idea to change those. I am looking at changing them back. The idea was if a card is matched to the inventory, the inventory count is green, if to wishlist the wishlist count is green. Then the count of the card in that deck varies, depending if it's matched or not, if you have enough or not on the matched one. I'm thinking to change the colors back on the inv/wish counts and just add an indicator next to the printing details to show if it's matched to inv or wish or not matched.

JTK421 wrote:

@Sebi: I was matching my decks to inventory and came across a potential upgrade. The inventory could show how many of a particular edition is used. For example, Bloodfell Cave (the first land I happened to be working) I have 10 copies of. There are 50 decks I could put it in. Right now I've used all 10, but if I got any more, it'd be really useful to see which ones aren't showing as matched. In the attached image, I would replace the 14s with 9, 1, 2, 2, 1 (I use the Khans version in all of my EDH decks, which are my only decks allowed to share). Then if I got another MOM version, it would show 2 owned, 1 in decks, because I hadn't matched a second MOM version to any deck. This would greatly help in deck building, as right now if I had one unused I have no idea which version it is and where to look in my collection.

Ah, the issue here is that the "built decks" feature is premium-only. Setting details and inventory matching on deck cards was also premium-account only, but somehow I left it enabled for free accounts too on release.

For premium accounts there is a secondary column in the inventory called "Built Decks" that shows the correct exact matching numbers.

Admittedly now this is all confusing since I announced the feature but forgot to limit it to premium and now the interactions for free accounts are a bit weird. Will think about this...