Now i just need the nykthos lands. just 2.
51 2014-06-04 03:30:07
Re: W:Nykthos,Stormbreath, Eidolon of great revel (2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
52 2014-06-02 23:09:13
Re: W:Nykthos,Stormbreath, Eidolon of great revel (2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Don't need the eidolons. still need x3 stormbreath and x3 nykthos land
53 2014-06-02 20:31:23
Topic: W:Nykthos,Stormbreath, Eidolon of great revel (2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Have a lot of little stuff. trying to trade standard for standard. unless youre willing to trade down a bit. see my list
54 2013-04-04 21:34:20
Topic: H: 2 Liliana of the Veil W:EDH/Modern stuff (2 replies, posted in Trading Post)
I have a huge want list for modern stuff. Not trying to trade down though.
55 2013-04-04 04:36:57
Topic: H: Death rite shaman foil W: D.shaman not foil, innistrad/shock lands (2 replies, posted in Trading Post)
I'm looking primarily for overgrown tombs, godless shrines and maybe temple gardens. woodland cemetery's, isolated chapel's, sunpetal groves.
overgrown tomb is primarly what i want.
56 2012-12-15 22:05:37
Re: I made up this card, wanna know what you guys think (4 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Thats what i thought... Is there a way to word to avoid that problem?
57 2012-12-15 18:47:39
Topic: I made up this card, wanna know what you guys think (4 replies, posted in General Discussion)
All it is.
{B} Sorcery
Draw 2 cards. Your life total becomes 5.
I realize card advantage is great, but the cost of this card makes it really scary to play early game. The cost late game can turn into gaining life, so many that may be broken. I don't know. What do you guys think of it? Kinda cool with fateful hour. You don't actually gain life, or lose life, your life total becomes, so no shenanigans with target opponent loses life you lost, you gain life you lost this turn. Unless, that would make it less broken?
There's a poll question too.
58 2012-10-11 18:44:57
Topic: W:Detentionsphere, sphinx revelation, supreme verdict, armada, ... (3 replies, posted in Trading Post)
angel of serentiy.
see my list for wants. i have snapcasters, lilianas, tamiyo, more
59 2012-10-04 05:48:12
Topic: Looking for thundermaws, geist of saint trafts, detention spheres (0 replies, posted in Trading Post)
supreme verdicts, mizzium mortars, cyclone rifts, azorius charm and izzet charm,
60 2012-09-28 05:39:39
Topic: 4 birthing pods willing to trade (0 replies, posted in Trading Post)
see my list
61 2012-09-28 04:41:50
Topic: H:Foil tamiyo,hinterlnd harbor,cathedral of war/w:thundrmaw,of theveil (0 replies, posted in Trading Post)
thundermaw and liliana of the veil are my main wants. see my list for more cards tho.
62 2012-09-26 04:51:26
Topic: H:Misty Rainforest, Arid Mesa, Sensei divining top, snapcaster (9 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
im looking for gravecrawlers, but i realize they will drop in price once the rotate standard. i do want a lot of cards tho, mostly for edh/standard.
check my inventory alls for trade.