Bump <3

Bump smile

Bump, updated main post with more information.

Bump smile

Bump, a ton of EDH cards just added to my wishlist.


Hey all, I'm back, lets do some trading? smile

Important needs:

1x Elesh Norn
3x Gifts Ungiven
2x Remand
1x Engineered Explosives
1x Mindbreak Trap
1x Relic of Progenitus
1x Suppression Field

Also needing to trade a DD Path to Exile into a normal one, if anyone has a spare.

Also getting into EDH and need a *bunch* of cards for that smile

Would *really* like to trade Promo Emrakul + value into regular Emrakul, Thanks smile





I've got extra Standard staples and such that I don't need anymore, willing to sell them via paypal, open trade offers.

Prices will be comparable to a reasonable TCG price, not just blanket low.



Bump, Control isn't for me, make me offers!

Got my Archangels, back for other cards smile

Bump, 1 more Archangel and a couple Brimaz smile

Bump! Need 3 more!

I doubt I have the trade value to get a foil and still get the other ones I need, but you can open a trade.

Post BNG bump, now with Xenagos and Phenax!


Help me get my Thunes!

Bump, really need Archangels

