Makes me want a copy even more.
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Deckbox Forum » Posts by Ixithra
Makes me want a copy even more.
Dupa cum zice titlul, am nevoie de 2x Dragonlord Ojutai. Prefer trade cu stuff de prin lista mea.
Thinking of getting one of these...
Silviu wrote:Nu-s cu de-astea, dar 'Fie ca..' boyz...
Jesus casts Unburial Rites targeting self, with yearly flashback.
De la ce ora? Vin cu Jeskai Tokens daca am timp.
Ixithra wrote: - ultra-budget deck, scopul pricipal e exasperarea adversarului "trisand" around end of turn triggers cu Sundial of the Infinite.
Problema deckului e ca te bazezi ca adversarul sa joace tot removalul pe tura ta. O sa se prinda intr'un punct.
Tocmai de-aia as strecura un truc gen Cloudshiftpe undeva Dar overall, deckul mi se pare chiar solid pentru ce price tag are. - ultra-budget deck, scopul pricipal e exasperarea adversarului "trisand" around end of turn triggers cu Sundial of the Infinite.
Pai make a topic on it, good sir. Si eu am niste idei funky - m-a inspirat deckul de standard pe care l-am jucat sambata
Ma gandeam zilele astea sa facem un topic despre deckuri. Sa discutam.
Maybe someone has an idea for a deck. Or has questions regarding certain card choices?
Why not? Dar ar trebui propusa si o tema to kick off the talk I guess. Standard, Modern, Casual, Legacy, silly stupid funny brews etc.
I gotta share this with you, boys! iew-white/
aparent Snoop Dogg/Lion joaca MtG.
Dat Anafenza be bangin' yo! Ain't seen dat role in Kitchen Finks combo be4! Dat shiet be 4realz - whip it to da glass, nigga!
full spoilers are out, boys
Cei doi gologani ai mei: I'm totally up for the idea in principiu, insa pe termen scurt n-am nicio motivatie sa particip la eventuri de modern - n-am deck, iar la fondurile de care dispun mi-ar lua pana in iarna sa construiesc ceva cat de cat competitiv in contextul comunitatii de aici (unde stiu ca exista "Tier 1.5" decks). Cum se zicea si mai sus - e fun sa vii cu un homebrew care-i fun de jucat pentru tine dar daca iei cateva stomp-uri de la Abzan/ Twin/UWR Ctrl ti se cam taie cheful.
Acum ca sa intram totusi in paine: Are cineva Urza's Mine/Tower/Power Plant de dat la trade sau de vanzare?
En Taro... holy fucking shit! I wanna play this stuff!
Ixithra wrote:Mi-ar trebui pentru vineri:
4xSquelching Leeches
4xSign in Blood
2xBile Blight
2xWhip of Erebos
2xPalace SiegeTi-oi aduce ce sa fac cu tine
Tons of heterosexual hugs!
Mi-ar trebui pentru vineri:
4xSquelching Leeches
4xSign in Blood
2xBile Blight
2xWhip of Erebos
2xPalace Siege
flavor si mechanic-wise e blue-black all over the place ~ Narset Transcendent's worst nightmare
dar pentru mine mi se pare ca costul e FIX acolo sa NU fie on par cu Ojutai's Commandsi RG Command e 2CMC...
Din punctul meu de vedere, costul e perfect. Counterspell + Bile Blight -> 5 mana, si astea-s probabil cele mai frecvente moduri. Ca sa nu mai zic de versatilitate... kill a Nissa and return the 4/4 land to hand with a single spell? Don't mind if I do.
"So, she's frickin' amazing. Full stop.
Another strength she possesses is that her typeline doesn't include the name "Jace.""
sick combo:
- attack cu Narset, Enlightened Master
- exile Narset Transcendent + Treasure Cruise + Boradwipe/counterspell/etc.
- cast PW Narset for free + protect cu counter sau boardwipe
- -2 + cast->rebound cruise
- ???
daca Treasure Cruise e exilat cu KtK Narset si castat for free, atunci nu poate fi rebounded cu PW Narset fiindca nu a fost jucat from your hand.
Ojutai/Jeskai/Azorius/UW pentru mine.
Noah amu daca s-au schimbat numele, cum christos ii zici la RUG, Atarka sau Temur. FUUUUUU wizards!!!
Tare am eu impresia ca n-o sa printeze multicolore pe wedge colors ca-n khans si ca o sa fie exact ghildele de allied colors de genul Atarka = Gruul, Silumgar = Dimir, Kolaghan = Rakdos, Dromoka = Selesnya si Ojutai = Azorius.
Prerelease pack boosters (sursa - The Mana Source -
*4 DTK boosters
*1 FRF rare... ahem... booster
*1 seeded booster pack
Spolier season is on, boys!
... and we already have some bonkers stuff on the radar. Like a 4/6 deathtouch tutor for 5
fistyke wrote:juzer wrote:full set spoiled
and again, no UU hard counter..........Nu cred ca vor face un UU hard counter, daca ceva contreaza pt 2 mana, va avea ceva drawback. Always!
de ce?
Counterspell is too good, that's why.
I'll probably hate myself for this, dar muta-ma te rog la Temur. I've been feeling this strange urge to wrestle bears recently...
Deckbox Forum » Posts by Ixithra